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#525922 added August 5, 2007 at 1:40am
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Immediate care sucked.ended up in the ER
Aug 5, 2007

Immediate care was no help. Mike got back and GGGGGRRRRR..they didn't do a darn thing for him! They just blew him off...said a fever isn't really a problem ....it was normal when they were in there....it's gone up to 103 twice since he brought him home. ....it was 103 at 3pm...I gave him ibuprofen...2 hours later it was  102.8...and I gave him tylenol..it wasn't even quite time with me rotating it...

I have to have authorization to take him to the ER...I did have authorization to take him to the immediate care ...and if I have to I'll call the dr back....he gets up and plays when his temp is down...by the time the ped is back in her office...it will have been 5 days running temps that high and rotating meds just to keep him comfortable...I'm so unhappy! I'm worried and he's so sick. Mike's in laying down iwth him now since the temp is back up. It'll go down..and it'll be ok for a while and hten we'll do this all again...pray I can keep it down.

Well...that was my start to an update...then the following happened....we ended up in the ER

What started the trip was a temp of 103.3 after having taken ibuprofen 3 hours before...a dose of tylenol hadn't brought it down and in fact it went up to 104.3 within about 30 min...called the dr and we had a rather long discussion and we decided to go to the ER...almost an hour away. She was thinking possibly pneumonia..but we also talked about all the antibiotics etc and I think I've finally found someone to listen and try to help...

The ER doc took one look at Jamie's throat (keeping in mind he's seen 2 other dr's in 3 days) and said he's got a raging case of strep...but he's on a strong antibiotic that should be taking care of it (for his sinus infection) and he's been on it 15 days..he wasn't sure what to do..so he contacted the ped...the long and short of it is, they ordered some lab work...and sent us home ...again trying to keep the temp down...they are checking for several different things....one of them being mono....we can only sit and wait (unless he gets worse and then back we go)

He was fine while we were there..temp was about 100....of course by the time we left and got half an hour away up it went....ibuprofen brought it down and basically it's just a waiting game until they get lab results...we will probably end up with a referral to Riley (children's hospital) trying to get answers..but at least I've got someone trying to get some answers and directing me somewhere....I'm scared, worried, fried, and very very tired. We will be heading to bed shortly....

I have a friend here helping me..and we got a decent amount of packing done...even with Jamie's being sick...She's been an awesome help and the kids have too.  I owe ya one Robyn

I'll try to update tomorrow......if I can focus.

Thanks to everyone praying and adding him to prayer chains and all that I really appreciate it!!

hugs and blessings

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