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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1306198
Will one man beable to destroy the evil of the world by becoming the worst evil of all?
#534537 added December 8, 2007 at 11:18pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 3: Yama-Tendou
Author's Note:
Alex has arrived! He is now in Japan and the adventure is now beginning. A few things of mention have to be said so as not to confuse any of you.
1. A 'soft-tail' is a style of motorcycle inwhich the frame is broken into two sections, the main chassis, and the rear frame, which houses the rear tire. It gets it's name as the rear frame his hinged so has to move up and down and has a spring and shock absorber that soften the ride. The opposite of a soft-tail motorcycle is a rigid motorcycle.
2. All the names that appear in this chapter, and all later chapters, are all real Japanese names taken from a internet sourced lists of Japanese names. The only name that isn't real that I'm aware of is Feilos. It used to be Phalos, like a Pheonix, but was changed later on.
3. In this chapter, two Japanese honourifics appear. They are:
A. Chan: This is used to express endearment, mostly towards girls. It is also used for little boys, pets and even among lovers. It gives a sence of childish cuteness.
B. Sensei: Literally meaning "one who has come before", it is most commonly associated with teachers, though doctors, bosses, and master of any profession are also addressed as Sensei. I'll be using this one for the teachers. *thanks to "Negima" for the honourific meanings by the way*
As the story progresses, more honourifics will be introduced and dropped accordingly.
Every Japanese word present in this chapter are real, and while some have several english translations, they were used with a specific english equivilant word when I wrote them.
After this chapter, more and more charecters will be introduced and the city will begin to flourish in detail as Alex ventures out.
And for those who like action...yes, there will be much more action to come.
I recently modified this one, mainly the second half, to make it easier to write. I was not happy with the origanul version at all.
As usual, pretty sure I got all the spelling and grammar mistakes.
So sit back and enjoy the latest chapter of Reaper. I know you will.

Chapter 3: Yama-Tendou

"Flight 318, Vancouver to Nagoya, non-stop is disembarking. Please claim you bags at baggage carousel number fifteen."

The airplane that Alex had ridden in was quite large, being a Rowing 747 jumbo jet. Every seat of it’s seven rows, two rows on either side of the airplane and three in the center, were full of happy, laughing people. Many of the people were Japanese family or business men returning home from a trip to Canada and the United States. The flight attendants, which were dressed in white and blue dress tops, were bustling around the cabin of the aircraft, helping the passengers reach their baggage from the overhead compartments aswell as directing traffic to those who were ready, showing them through the front door and into the Nagoya airport terminal.

Twenty minutes previously, Alex had been resting soundly in his some what comfortable chair, preferring to sleep the duration of the trip away then be bored out of his mind. But now he was up, and as expected, he was a tad cranky after being woken up.

Staring blearily out the window, yet unable to make out what he saw, Alex groaned irritably as he rolled his head back and forth, stretching the cramp that had built up in his neck. Grasping the handles of his seat, Alex heaved himself upwards out of his seat and onto his slightly tingling feet, his feet having fallen asleep in the last hour or so of his flight.

Scratching his head slightly, messing up his hair worse then it already was, Alex stared blearily around the cabin and watched as many people hurriedly retrieved their bags from the over head compartment and from under their sweats, only to join the slowly moving queue of flustered looking passengers slowly moving towards the exit.

Shaking his head in a slightly annoyed way, Alex reached above him and withdrew his own carry-on bag, a large orange and black single shoulder strap back-pack, and slowly joined the shoulder to shoulder jam of people, which was stretching all the way to the tail of the airplane.

It took Alex about a half hour to reach the front of the plane from where he was. In that time, which seemed longer due to the fact he was still a tad tired, he had time to think about the last week he spent in Canada with his friends.

In that time, the whole of The Orphan Family household was consumed with packing and selling. The four friends spent every waking moment packing up all their worldly possessions and selling the things they didn’t feel like bringing with them.

In Alex’s case, that had been everything in his room. He packed up all of his posters of his favorite band, a band by the name SmashFace, and his favorite cars and motorcycles, aswell as posters of his favorite TV shows and movies. He had to pack up his stereo and it’s five speakers and his CD collection, which in itself took up a bow the size of an average pillow. He had to pack up his gaming system and his collection of forty three video games and twenty seven inch TV to go with it. He packed up his books, DVD palyer and movie collection. All in all, it took Alex six of the seven days Death had given him, leaving him the last day to fix up any loose ends he had around Winnipeg, like saying good-bye to old high school friends, paying off bills, etc.

Having attained the most possessions out of all of his friends, Alex was constantly getting help from his friends to pack his things, and he was grateful for it. It gave the friends one last chance to laugh and spend time together before they were broken up and sent around the world.

Passing by one of the airplane windows, Alex saw a bustling airport full of dozens of silver, blue, red, orange, yellow, and white airplanes, each of them with long black docking tunnels suckling onto their bodies at the doors, escorting passengers to and from the airport terminal. In the distance, airplanes were taking off and landing every five or so minutes, flames shooting out the back of the jet engines like lava from a volcano. Without wasting a second, a plane would land only a minute after each take off, explosions of smoke erupted from the planes wheels as it’s enormous body landed heavily on their small tires.

At the front of the airplane, two flight attendants and the captain were smiling and bowing to the passengers as they exited the plane and started the long walk down the docking tunnel.

"Thank you for flying with us and enjoy your stay in Japan.", a stewardess with a round face, blue eyes and short black hair said with a smile as she bowed to Alex.

"I’ll certainly try.", Alex muttered as he walked past the stewardesses and captain and emerged into the long, carpeted docking tunnel.

The docking tunnel was lined with windows aswell, and as he passed by the occasional window, Alex saw many more passengers walking through the tunnels to and from the airport terminal, weighted down with their carry-on baggage and the such

After only a moment or so of walking through the oddly empty docking tunnel-given how many people were on the plane- Alex emerged in the very large, very impressive Nagoya Airport terminal.

The terminal was so large that it’s ends were barely visible on either side of Alex. Scattered through out the terminal, large circular information desks with several employees in the center and wide screen monitors above them were giving information to the citizens gathered around them, detailing arrival and departure times, delays and cancellations. The floor was paved in glistening black granite that looked to be made of one giant piece of stone and reflected Alex’s face and the roof above him.

The roof was probably the most impressive part of the whole airport terminal. Like a step pyramid, the roof was broken into four different sections, each one reaching further and further to the sky, topped off by five large bar lights, four of them glowing white and set on the corners of the top most section while the fifth glowed red and was set in the center, being the tallest of all. The metal frames, that would normally obscure and distract the awe inspiring affect of the roof, were thin and painted a light blue, which blended in with the windows behind them.

Through out the terminal, marble fountains shaped like dragons, lions, bulls and rabbits added a sense of traditional Japan to it’s large masses, water sprouting from their mouths and raining to the pools around them, the sound of gently tickling water mixing with the many other sounds the echoed around the impressive terminal. Intermingling with the fountains were large, live cherry trees that stretched to the roof of the terminal, surrounded by padded benches and a moat that were filled with actual fish. Through out the terminal, small stands were selling trinkets, fast food noodle bowls, magazines and drinks. Sprouting from the ground like bushes, small groups of computer terminals formed large circles and were being used by new arrivals to schedule hotel rooms or else calling for Taxi’s.

"Wow…not bad.", Alex said in a slightly awed voice, nodding in approval.

Hitching the strap of his back pack on his shoulder a tad tighter, Alex slowly started to make his way through the bustling crowd of Nagoya arrivals and departures.

As Alex bumped and bogged his way away from the docking tunnels, he was able to take in more of the impressive airport terminal.

Hanging from the ceiling from the metal frame, large colourful banners advertised Nagoya attractions for visitors to see, like temples, monuments and sky scrapers. Occasionally, under one of the large cherry trees, performers would be putting on small shows for the visitors, some of them juggling, while others did small acrobatic shows, and yet even more sang small ditties for the passers by. Directly under the highest point of the pyramid style roof, a round fountain five times wider then the others, sat like a center pieces to the airport. Shooting flat sheets of water into the air fifty feet high, bright lights around the brim of the fountain shone different coloured lights on the waters shimmering surface, forming moving shapes and pictures on the sparkling water as if it was movie screen.

Whistling his amazement, Alex weeded his way through the large crowd that was gazing at the fountain like it was a movie, and made his way towards a large sign that hung from the ceiling and read ‘Baggage Claim’, with a red arrow pointing downwards below it.

Under the sign, a large portion of the terminal floor was dedicated to the many baggage carousels. With their glistening, mirror finished cones, in which the luggage slid down to the black, rotating turn styles, it was like overlooking a large field of silver circus tents.

Finding baggage carousel number fifteen, it’s brightly glowing red numbers like a blazing fire, Alex couldn’t help but notice an unusually large crowd around the carousel, atleast four times larger then the other carousels. Admittedly, it looked like passengers of other airplanes were gathered around the carousel, as many of them were already holding pieces of luggage.

Joining the group of passengers at the back, Alex stood on his tip toes and stretched his neck to see what all the commotion was. He wasn’t able to see it however, as it appeared to be laying flat on the turn-style. What Alex was able to make out however, were the scattered conversations through out the crowd of people.

"What is that thing?", one man asked somewhere in the crowd.

"How did they get it on the airplane?", another man asked.

"What kind of person needs something that big?", a woman asked shocked.

"Has anyone tried lifting it?", another woman asked.

"Yeah, but they couldn’t pick it up. They said it was to heavy though.", a man replied.

"Uh-oh.", Alex breathed as he stopped stretching his neck, dropped from his toes back onto his feet and let out a low sigh, "Excuse me, coming through. I need to get my luggage!", Alex called over the tops of the heads of the bustling crowd, pushing his way into the tight crowd.

The crowd of people were shoulder to shoulder, pressing against one another like paving stones in a wall. Standing on their toes, many of the people were craning their necks over the people infront of them, trying to see what it was that had drawn such a large crowd.

Alex pushed himself through the muttering crowd, weeding his way through the many rows like an explorer making his way through the Amazon. Though Alex was rather strong, it was rather difficult to push his way through, as every member of the crowd seemed to be pressing together as tight as they could, as if that’d help them see the baggage carousel any better.

After several minutes of pushing, and after trodding on many pairs of feet and jostling shoves to angry muttering that sounded very much like ‘Darn Americans! So rude!’, Alex managed to push himself to the front of the crowd of people.

Like a mirror, Alex was reflected in the polished metal cone of the luggage carousel, though his image slightly distorted like in a fun house mirror. All around him, the faces of the passengers were turned towards to the revolving table below, their eyes and faces following the object of interest as it revolved around on the turn style.

Looking down, Alex couldn’t help but smile broadly ear to ear as Banyuo laid at the foot of the polished metal cone, slowly spinning around the luggage carousel, slowly disappearing to the side opposite only to emerge moments later.

It was rather comical seeing Banyuo lay there, helpless as he spun around slowly, not being able to move or do anything except draw a large crowd of gawking passengers.

"Always drawing a crowd where ever you go, eh Banyuo?", Alex muttered to himself as Banyuo disappeared around the opposite side and re-emerging a moment later.

Leaning forward slightly, Alex grasped the handle of Banyuo as he slowly spun past, and effortlessly lifted the six foot long sword off the turn style and into the air above his head

Letting the shoulder strap fall around his arm, Alex let go of Banyuo’s handle and he fell lightly down Alex’s arm and took his usual place on Alex’s back a second later, the strap falling snuggly across his chest.

There was a collective gasp of astonishment and shock from all around Alex as he hitched Banyuo on his shoulder, pulling the strap firmly to secure him on his back.

Turning around, Alex was a little surprised to see that every face was pointing towards him. Every passenger present was wearing an identical look of wide-eyed shock and surprise, their mouths hanging open slightly. If what Alex had heard was true, he could hardly blame the lookers on, as he had managed to effortlessly lift Banyuo off the turn style when no other person had been able to. Every person was looking at Alex as if he was some sort of monster, and if true be told, they were sort of right.

Everyone around Alex was silent. It seemed that they had been shocked into silence at the sight of Alex’s unusual strength. The only sounds to be heard were the gentle hum of the electric engines turning the baggage carousel turn style, the occasional announcement over the airport loud speaker, the gentle din of conversations of passengers far off in the terminal and the soft tinkle of water into the fountains through out the terminal.

"Hey everyone! How ya doing? Um…welcome to Japan!", Alex said, waving and smiling at the stunned Japanese on-lookers, though he was starting to feel a tad awkward with everyone staring at him, "If you’ll excuse me, I have to get going.", he finished, slowly pushing his way back through the crowd of stunned on lookers.

It was slightly easier getting to the back of the crowd, as the people seemed to part before him as if he was carrying some sort of disease, forming a large, empty alley between the two walls of people. Though the crowd still looked stunned that Alex had lifted the sword that no one else could, he couldn’t help but notice that many had started whispering and pointing to him as he passed by, like high schoolers do when a vicious rumor is spreading around about someone.

Feeling even more awkward now, Alex broke into a hurried walk, passing by the remaining rows of whispering and pointing citizens in a heartbeat and walking briskly into the field of baggage carousels.

Without so much as a retreating glance, Alex hurried through the field of baggage carousels and out into a large section of airport terminal dedicated to an array of small wooden kiosk stands selling colourful shirts, pants and shoes, small convenience stores selling different treats and goods, magazine stands selling celebrity paparazzi magazines with pictures of different famous people in different states of shabbiness and flabbiness.

As Alex retreated from the baggage claim, and hurried through the terminal to the terminal entrance in the near distance, he could feel the stares of the group crowd behind him on his back, aswell as the surprised and stunned looks of everyone he hurried through the the airport terminal, the sight of an enormous sword as long as he was tall strapped to his back an obvious draw.

Breaking into a strong jog, Alex dashed through the remaining yards of the terminal and burst through the entrance way, an explosion of light blinding him as he emerged in the fresh air of Nagoya.

For a moment, all Alex saw was a bright white and blue blast of light that consumed his whole vision. Slowly, the blur fade as Alex adjusted to the bright afternoon light he was now bathed in, his eyes aching slightly from the intensity.

After a minute or so of adjusting to the light, Alex could take in the breath-taking scenery before him.

Filling the whole of Alex’s sight was a large, round, man made lake two hundred feet across full of sparkling blue water. In the center was a statue of what looked like a dragon rising from the center, it’s horned,crocodile like head pointing straight up and it’s long jaws spread wide, water shooting high into the air from it’s mouth, forming a magnificent fountain. Running around the edge of the lake was a large, 4 lane highway that was full of buses, taxis and family vans parked along the curbs, hundred of passengers and passengers-to-be climbing in and out of the variety of vehicles with their large, colourful array of luggage. To Alex’s left, a large sign that stuck out over the sidewalk read ‘vehicle pick-up’, and had a red, glowing arrow pointing to a fenced in area that was attached to the terminal loop. To his right, the loop traveled away from the airport and turned into a retreating highway that disappeared into the horizon before Alex.

In the background of the magnificent fountain and man made lake, the city of Nagoya stretched beautifully to the sky.

Like a mid-evil village in a fairytale, the edges of the city were full of small houses and trees. Like the castle of a mid-evil village, a large group of tall skyscrapers stood tall in the middle of the houses, their many windowed faces glistening like crystal in the high noon sun. As if to add to the beauty of the city, the whole of the skyline was set against two, tall emerald green mountains that stretched high to the air.

All in all, Alex had to admit that the Nagoya skyline looked like a masterpiece painting, complete with clear, opalescent blue sky and a dazzling sun set high within it.

All around Alex, passengers were bustling to and from the airport terminal, paying little to no attention to him as they frantically dug in their purses or coat pockets for their plane tickets, or hurriedly flagged down a taxi while they dragged their large suit case behind them, looking irritable and flustered.

Taking a deep breath of the fresh Nagoya air, the smell of water strong with in it, Alex let out a long slow sigh, savoring the fresh air.

"Man…hasn’t anyone told these Japanese people it’s not polite to stare?", Alex muttered to himself as he set off down the sidewalk towards the vehicle pick-up center sign, "Okay Banyuo, it’s safe. You can talk now."

"About time!", Banyuo snarled, sounding quite annoyed and angry deep inside Alex’s mind, "Do you realize how long I was stuck in that cargo hold of that plane?", he asked furiously as Alex passed by idling taxis and frantically waving Nagoya citizens, flagging down family and friends who had just emerged from the terminal.

"Um…eight hours? That’s how long I was stuck in that airplane.", Alex replied casually, side stepping a bicyclist who sped by on the sidewalk, ringing his little bell.

"Exactly! Eight hours between two pot-bellied pigs, complete with slop and mud, and three cats who seemed to have a terrible case of fur-balls!", Banyuo ranted angrily as Alex rolled his eyes, "Do you know how bad that place stunk? It smelled like one of those gas station washrooms that no body cleans for like, three years! And what’s worse, I think my wrap absorbed some of that stink!", he finished indignantly as Alex turned up the sidewalk that lead to a small blue hut with a young looking attendant standing in it, the large parking lot behind it full of sparkling clean cars.

"Oh so that’s what that smell is.", Alex replied slyly with a smile as he stopped infront of the blue hut and dug inside his pocket, "For a moment, I thought that was me. I didn’t want to say anything, but if it’s you, that’s okay then.", he finished evilly, handing the the hut attendant a small pink claim ticket, who took a brief glance at it and dashed out of the hut and back into the large parking lot behind the hut that was full of many different types and styles of cars.

"Oh ha ha. Very funny Alex!", Banyuo said scathingly, "But you better hope that that smell hasn’t seeped it’s way into your bike’s seat. I’m sure if it has, you’ll destroy this entire city out of anger.", he finished coldly as the attendant returned from the parking lot, pushing Alex’s bike beside him as he obviously didn’t know how to ride it.

"Not funny Banyuo!", Alex replied warningly as the attendant returned the bike to him, bowing slightly and returning to his booth.

When it came to his bike, needless to say, Alex was all business.

Alex had been fifteen when his mom bought his father the bike for his birthday. A blue and chrome Hurley-Davidstein soft-tail, Alex had been impressed from the instant he had seen it unveiled to his dad.

With it’s low-slung frame only inches above the ground, it’s stretched front end that gave it a sports-car like look, it’s swept back handle bars that followed the elegant curve of the gas tank, it’s chrome v-twin engine and upswept exhaust pipes, it’s fat rear tire and frame sitting low to the ground, and it’s sparkling, five spoke rims, Alex had been in love with the motorcycle from the instant he saw it.

Alex could vividly remember the first time his dad had ever taken him for a ride on the bike. The way the bike shook slightly as the engine idled, the way the soft seat cushioned every little impact of the road, the way the engine’s snarl grew more and more intoxicating the faster it revved, the way the rear tire squealed loudly on hard launches. All of this added up to something that Alex knew he wanted to own one day.

And that very day came when Alex’s dad died. When Alex inherited the motorcycle, the death of his parents was still fresh and the pain still very loud, yet the bike lifted his spirits. When ever Alex gazed at the motorcycle and rode it, he remembered all the great times he had with his parents, and with those thoughts swimming in his mind, it helped ease the pain.

Flinging his leg over the back of the bike, Alex flopped down in the soft leather seat and reached underneath the seat. Grasping the cool, metal ignition key, Alex twisted it, and with a shuttering chug as it attempted to start, the powerful engine exploded to life a moment later with it’s usual concussive blast. With it’s deafening explosion of sound several passers-by and drivers of idling vehicles jumped in surprise and stared at Alex in shock as if they had never heard anything as loud.

Kicking the bike into gear and flipping the kick stand up, Alex twisted the throttle as hard as he could and held on. With a powerful baritone blast out the end of it’s chrome exhaust pipes, the bike surged forward, it’s rear tire squealing loudly as it pawed for grip on the cold concrete ground, leaving behind a wide, black smoldering patch of rubber.

In a flash of sparkling chrome, Alex and his bike roared over the sidewalk and between two cars waiting by the sidewalk, passengers walking along the sidewalk and the drivers of the cars parked along side looking on in shocked amazement with the mouths hanging wide open.

Slamming his foot on the ground below, Alex flicked the bike sideways, spinning it around his foot like it was a pivot, sliding it into one of the center lanes of the terminal loop and leaving a large black arc of rubber.

Behind Alex, a driver of a large red family van slammed on it’s brakes as hard as he could, the front tires locking up and squealing against the ground, drawing long black skid marks on the ground like they were crayons, it’s horn screaming as loud as it could.

For a moment, Alex remained idle on spot, the sound of the bikes engine and squealing tire absolutely deafening. Underneath him, the bikes rear end was slowly swaying back and forth as the tire tried in vain to regain what little grip it had moments ago. Like a dust storm, the cloud of smoke that used to be the bikes rear tire threatened to consume Alex and the bike whole within it’s thick, white confines.

As quickly as if he had rocket booster strapped to his backside, the tire suddenly bit the ground and Alex exploded forward in a blast of sound and smoke, the speedometer of his bike rising faster then a thermometer in boiling water. Faster and faster Alex hurtled down the open lane ahead of him, the scandalized faces of the Japanese citizens nothing more then mere blurs at the side of his vision and the honks of the mad drivers reduced to a mere murmur

As if they were an oil painting, the many cars of different shapes and sizes blurred together as Alex sped by, looking as if they had been smeared by a giant hand, their colours blurring into an endless sea of red, white, silver, blue, green and black. The staring passengers in the cars melded into streaks of pink held tightly with in the collage of colour shooting towards Alex.

In what felt like a mere heartbeat, Alex escaped the confinement of the airport terminal loop, and found himself riding along a gently curving, four lane avenue that to and from the airport. In the distance, a large six lane highway was quickly approaching, being born seemingly from the horizon itself. Behind Alex, the many shocked and awed passengers continued to stare as the roar of Alex’s bike grew quieter and quieter, shrinking to nothing but a distant growl.

"Quite the exit Alex.", Banyuo said casually as Alex steered his bike onto the merging ramp that sprouted from the side of the road. According to the green sign that Alex shot under, this would take him onto the perimeter highway of Nagoya.

"What can I say? I like making a flashy exit.", Alex replied with a smile as he followed the curve of the merging ramp and casually rode onto the glassy smooth perimeter highway of Nagoya.

Without a second thought, Alex twisted the throttle as hard as he could, and as fast as bullet, Alex and his bike were thrown into triple digit speeds. Though he was traveling faster then he could ever remember, Alex could fully appreciate the beauty of the Nagoya countryside.

All around him, emerald green fields of grass streaked by, their endless reaches kissing the horizon. Small forest of cherry and pine trees rose from the fields of green grass like statues, their trunks swaying gently in the breeze and the occasional leaf pulled from their entangled branches, blowing and spiraling serenely through the air.

The occasional farm would spring up from the vast fields of grass. Small, one story houses stood like a blotch infront of their crops of golden wheat, turning the countryside from an emerald green to a golden yellow that seemed to glow in the sun.

Some the farmer’s fields would be filled with a sea of black and white grazing cattle, their heads barely rising from ground as Alex roared by. Or else an endless sea of snow white, as fluffy white sheep in the thousands huddled together in the soothingly gentle breeze.

Onwards Alex rode, slowly circling the city as the sun progressed through the sky. The sun, which had gone from a bright canary yellow high in the sky to a glowing golden yellow, was now casting it’s gentle rays on the ground below, projecting long shadows that waved and wiggled with each minor imperfection on the smooth as glass pavement.

As Alex rode along the highway, it casually pressed closer and closer to the residential sector of the city of Nagoya. With the closer vantage point that it yielded, Alex could truly appreciate the beauty of the city.

The houses of the city were average, two story tall affairs, but their walls were lined with what looked golden brown bamboo shoots cut in half, creating a wooden rippling affect on the walls. The rooves of the houses were shingled with dark brown, half-pipe like tiles that over-lapped one another, looking like scales on a snakes body. In the yards, large banzai trees twisted and snaked from the lawn, their broad, umbrella tree tops casting long shadows on the shimmering Coi ponds beneath them.

Some of the tall buildings that rose above the residential houses in the center of the city resembled Japanese pagodas, their broad, slightly curved rooves stretching far over their narrow tower centers like an umbrella, who’s windows were bright with fluorescent light and filled with suited business men.

Many other buildings were just as impressive as the retro-styled ones.

Many of the buildings were square and made of white marble that glowed bright white in the sunlight like beacons. Others were made of red granite that blazed fiery red and seemed to out shine the other buildings around them.

The most impressive building was a large, round building that stretched forty stories above the ground, bands of red granite, black granite and white marble spiraling all the way to the top, which ended in a spectacular golden antenna.

Though modern in every sense of the word, the city of Nagoya managed to keep it’s magnificent ancient look none the less.

"Now that’s an impressive city.", Alex whistled as he casually cruised the smooth perimeter highway, passing only the occasional car speeding in the opposite direction.

"It sure is.", Banyuo agreed, sounding impressed, "It’s going to be great living in Nagoya."

"If only that were true Banyuo,", Alex sighed as he passed a green and silver highway sign indicating a turn off to ‘Mountain Highway One’.

"What do you mean Alex?", Banyuo asked, a little confused as to why Alex wouldn’t be sent to a large Japanese city where he could continuing his reaping duties.

"Well, Death told me where I was going.", Alex sighed again, tilting his bike sideways slightly and steering into the turning lane for Mountain Highway One, "And as it, we’re living in a place called Yama-Tendou."

"Never heard of it.",Banyuo replied simply as Alex pulled onto the laser straight, empty 2 lane highway, gaining speed in a brilliant crescendo of roaring engine note.

"Neither did I until Death told me about it.", Alex said casually, "But apparently it exists, so that’s where we’re going."

In the distance, the enormous mountain that had over looked Nagoya was slowly growing larger and larger as Alex sped towards it. Though it was still a great distance away, Alex could see a small path that was the highway, cut in it’s green forest face climbing the whole distance to the peak and disappearing over the top.

The miles flew by as Alex rode the unnaturally straight highway, his eyes firmly fixed on the mountain approaching. The sun was now behind him, blazing high in the sky and shining down on the forested mountain below, it’s many leaves shining a magnificent deep green.

Shooting by in a mesmerizing blur, the countryside of Japan began changing and warping.

At first, the countryside had been one of endless grass fields that swayed slightly in the breeze, disturbed only by the occasional clumping of trees and bushes and only the fewest of buildings.

Gone now were the grassy fields and farms, to be replaced by gently rolling hills that rose and fell like small waves in a pool. The fields were now tall and over-grown with weeds and wild crab grass, poison ivy and poison oak, large scraggly bramble bushes and cedar bushes.

Just as the countryside had become more and more wild, the life too became more and more wild. Large grasshoppers and butterflies flew through the air, whizzing by Alex’s head as he cut through the air. Small rabbits, mice and foxes scurried across the road at top speed, barely escaping the path of Alex’s front tire. Small flocks of birds would rise hurriedly into the air and circle around as Alex’s bike roared by, the sound of it’s engine clearly scaring them from their peaceful stints of lazing around.

The further Alex ventured, the more and more pronounced the country side became, most noticeably the hills going from gentle waves to large mounds as high as three story houses.

Like the way a fine painting melds colours together, the countryside slowly changed from wild grasslands, to forests that began rising slowly at first. In the beginning, the only trees to be seen were small pine trees and cherry trees, their trunks no larger then a babies wrist and standing no taller then a ten year old. As if watching the progression of growth amongst animals, the trees began growing larger and larger, their trunks becoming thicker and thicker, their span of branches growing broader and broader, casting dark shadows beneath them.

Like the tress, the forest began to grow and grow the further Alex traveled away from the fields. Small out-croppings at first, the trees once stood no more then ten to a group, looking like skinny animals huddling together for warmth. But with each passing mile, the trees growing larger and larger all the time, the forest of the Japanese mountain began to rise, the trees squeezing closer and closer together until the scene was that of nothing but squashing together tree trunks, intermingling branches and leaves, and a darkness on the ground as pure as that of the farthest reaches of the universe.

Gradually the rolling hills disappeared as the highway began tilting upwards, following the profile of the mountain perfectly.

"So we’re living up in the mountains huh?", Banyuo asked in a rather disapproving tone.

"I guess so.", Alex replied as glanced beside him into the utter darkness beneath the canopy of tree branches and seeing nothing, "Though Death did say this Yama-Tendou place was rather important."

"What kind of important?", Banyuo asked, still sounding disapproving yet curious aswell, "Because there are lots of kinds of important.", he finished as Alex flicked on the headlight of his motorcycle to illuminate the darkness that had spread over the road due to the extending canopy of branches.

"I guess it’s the ‘in the middle of the mountains, cut off from all outside communications and for some reason in need of a nineteen year old white Canadian male’ important.", Alex said with a shrug and a smile as he continued his steady ride up the mountain.

Like a roller coaster reaching it’s peak, Alex and Banyuo slowly reached the peak of the mountain, a break in the tree canopy opening to the now slightly reddish sky. With a twist of the throttle and a final push forward, Alex crested the mountain and rode over it’s rounded peak.

Alex was looking over a large range of tall mountains like the one he had just ridden up. Each was covered in a thick forest of trees, that stretched endlessly away from him. In the valley formed between the rolling mountains, a glistening river ran swiftly below, it’s clear blue surface glowing a cool reddish-gold in the now just setting sun infront of him.

Below, the highway Alex was riding on was snaking it’s way from mountain to mountain, passing over over the river several times. From his high vantage point, it seemed to Alex that the highway below was lit by street lamps, as it seemed to glow like molten steel as it worked it’s way through the mountains.

"Looks like we have a ways to go Banyuo.", Alex sighed as his bike tilted downwards and gravity began pulling him and the back down the mountain face.

"Looks like it Alex. Better get comfortable.", Banyuo replied, sounding a tad weary of the idea of the long journey.

Alex was unsure how long he had been riding the highway.

As the hours passed, the sky that poked through the gaps between the leaves began glowing redder and redder, orange and golden clouds streaking through it. The animals of the forest began coming to life, as Alex saw through the darkness, dear, raccoons and rabbits scurrying along the ground, rummaging for food. As Alex rode over one of the many bridges that the highway traveled over, he was sure he saw a large bear crouching at the shore-line, trying to find fish for it’s meal.

Far behind, Alex had lost track of how far he had traveled by the scenery around him, as everything melted together in a constant stream of tall trees around him. It gave Alex the impression of walking through a long, underground tunnel with no windows the way everything looked the same.

Alex had lost count of how many mountains he had ridden over, as the soft rising and falling sensation, aswell as the constant vibrations coming from his bikes engine had seemed to have numbed his body, every feeling melding together in a somewhat tickling tingle.

Though Alex’s favorite past time was riding his motorcycle, this seemed to really test him. He found himself yearning for the next mountain peak, as it would bring him one step closer to reaching his new home. And without really meaning too, he slowly found himself counting the minutes until he’d reach Yama-Tendou and be able to stretch his legs.

Finally, after what felt like a day of riding through the endless mountains of Japan, the image of blurring trees seemingly burned onto his retinas, Alex passed a glowing green highway sign as he was riding upwards on what felt like his fifth or sixth mountain.

In white, reflective letters that stood about a foot tall, the sign read ‘Yama-Tendou, 1km.’

"So what exactly is there in Yama-Tendou?", Banyuo asked as Alex roared past the sign, spurring his bike forward out of relief that he had finally reached his new home.

"Probably nothing worth mentioning.", Alex replied as he grew closer and closer to the peak, a bright red and gold sign just visible at the top of the mountain, imprinted against the red sky, "Maybe a large wood pile that’s the symbol of the town.".

With excitement washing over him like a wave, Alex twisted the throttle as hard as he could, and in a heartbeat, the bike roared forward, shaking off the shackles of gravity and propelling Alex up the mountain like a rocket.

With an explosion of blazing, ruby red light, Alex slammed on the brakes of his bike as hard as he could as he crested the mountain peak.

Thrown forward on his bike, Alex felt his backside lift off the seat and the rear end of the bike sway slightly as it skidded to a halt. For a moment, Alex was blinded by the bright red sky, his vision consumed with a burning red glow like an oven element. Flipping the kickstand down on his bike and tilting it sideways, Alex climbed off his bike and rubbed his eyes, trying to clear his vision.

It felt good to stretch his legs, Alex thought, as his feet seemed to have gone to sleep slightly. Like on the airplane, there was a slightly ticklish tingle in his feet that caused him to smile slightly. His legs seemed to have gone slightly weak from the long bike ride, as they bowed under his weight, feeling as if they were meant for a much lighter person.

After a moment, the red glow had vanished from his eyes, and pulling his hands away from his face, Alex looked up and saw instantly that his pre-formed ideas of Yama-Tendou were vastly incorrect.

Yama-Tendou, it appeared, was far from a little mountain village with nothing going for it. In reality, it appeared to be nothing short of a breath taking paradise.

The city of Yama-Tendou was surrounded on three sides by the green mountain range that Alex had spent the last few hours snaking his way through. On the fourth side, the city snuggled up to the sandy shore of a large, crystal blue lake in which stretched for miles towards the horizon and which more mountains were barely visible on the other shore, the river Alex had ridden over draining quietly into it’s crystal blue mass. In the distance, the sun was beginning to set behind a far ridge of mountains, looking as if it was about to drop into a large bowl shaped cut which seemed to have been cut out of the mountain it's self.

The city of Yama-Tendou was every bit as beautiful as the view from the mountain peak alone.

Stretching over a somewhat large distance, looking about the size of Winnipeg, it was easy to make out the many neighborhoods and streets that were twisted and intertwined through out the city. Some areas appeared to have apartments, as many buildings stood four or five stories tall. What looked like large shopping malls and market squares sprouted through out the city. In the distance, it was just possible to make out a small marina that hugged the shore line of the lake, small boats bobbing slightly in the waves. Set some two hundred feet into the lake and connected to the main land by a long floating bridge, a large, square multi-story building sat silently apart from the rest of the city like a monument. Unfortunately in the low light, it was impossible to make out what looked like the middle of the city in the dying sunlight, as there were no lights glowing in what could be thought of as the many buildings that crowded the downtown area.Two sets of railroad tracks snaked through out the whole of the city covering half the city each through their long, twisting routes, trollies made up of seven or eight cars looking like slow moving comets as the trains made their routes. In a far off corner, a large amusement park complete with roller coaster and ferris wheel rose merrily above the city. The most noticeable feature of the city was a towering tree that seemed to stand six hundred feet tall, which shadowed everything around it as it graced the edge of the mountain range that towered behind the city.

The city appeared to be coming alive for the night, as the windows of the buildings below, street lamps, lights in the amusement park, market square and shopping mall were all slowly glowing into life through the encroaching darkness, driving it back and bringing life to the city.

Beside Alex and Banyuo, the large red and gold sign was glowing brightly. In the top corners of the sign, cut-outs of shooting stars were shooting away from the sign and into the air above it. Scrawled across the sign itself in fancy writing, big gold letters proclaimed to all, ‘Welcome to Yama-Tendou! We Truly Live Up to Our Name!’.

"Wow…now that really makes the trip worth while, huh Alex?", Banyuo asked, soundly truly amazed at the sight before him.

"It sure does Banyuo. It sure does,", Alex replied, nodding in agreeance with a smile, "They have Jim’s here!", he finished, his face breaking into a wide, excited smile and his eyes twinkling.

"C-come again?", Banyuo asked, sounding very confused.

"They have a Jim’s here. You know, the coffee shops we have back in Canada that have like donuts and coffee and bagels. Jim’s!", Alex replied excitedly.

It turned out, that while the glowing city of Yama-Tendou was splayed across the earth like a magnificent painting, Alex was paying attention to a group of signs behind the Yama-Tendou welcome sign, specifically a brown and yellow striped sign advertising a place called "Jim’s", that was famous for it’s coffee and donuts back in Canada.

For a moment, Alex stared at the sign with wide eye wonderment, a wide smile stretching his face. It honestly looked as if this sign was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"Look at the town moron!", Banyuo said shortly, clearly annoyed that Alex hadn’t taken in the beauty of the city.

"City? Oh yeah!", Alex muttered, shaking his head slightly, and took a quick overlook of the city below without really appreciating it, "But man…they got a Jim’s here! That’s awesome!", he finished, going back to the sign and staring at it once more with a wide mouth smile, looking rather brain dead.

"Let’s get out of here Alex, and down to the city.", Banyuo sighed, sounding as if he was dealing with someone who was rather dumb.

"You got it Banyuo! Down to Yama-Tendou to find that Jim’s!", Alex cheered happily, throwing his arms into the air and leaping slightly off the ground.

"Yeah yeah yeah…hey, what does Yama-Tendou mean anyway?", Banyuo sighed again as Alex climbed back onto his motorcycle.

"Good question. I wonder what it does mean…", Alex replied,his face and voice breaking into ones of deep thought.

Glancing back at the welcome sign, something down in the far left corner caught Alex’s attention. It was written in small, reflective white letters, and appeared to be something like a small disclaimer.

Staring at it for a moment, Alex climbed back off his bike and walking close to the sign, bent over and stared closely at the small writing, reading it out loud.

"Note: To anyone who is reading this, who is wondering or their traveling companion is wondering, and speaks english, Yama-Tendou translate to Mountain-Paradise. Just so you know.", Alex read out loudly in a matter fact of tone, staring at the little smiling bunny face at the end of the note.

For a moment, Alex stared at the writing with a very confused look on his face. Slowly straightening up, Alex continued to stare at the writing, his mouth moving slightly as he spoke wordlessly.

"Th-that’s…really convenient Banyuo.", Alex said slowly, sounding slightly scared.

"Yeah…it’s very convenient. Freaky. But convenient.", Banyuo replied, sounding just as scared as Alex.

"I’m…I’m just gonna go now…", Alex said cautiously, gesturing towards his bike over his shoulder with his thumb and slowly backing away from the sign.

"G-good idea.", Banyuo agreed with Alex, sounding relieved as Alex climbed back on his bike, fired it up right quick, and ripped away from the sign in a shriek of screeching tires and blaring engine.

Roaring down the highway, Alex could see that the highway he had been traveling on ended at what appeared to be the entrance of Yama-Tendou. Spurring his bike faster and faster, Alex was strangely excited, partly because of the fact that he was looking forward to finding the Jim’s the sign had been advertising and get an iced cappuccino, and the fact that his long journey to his new home was now over.

As Alex roared down the mountain side, he couldn’t help but notice that it had been stripped of all trees, making a nice change in his opinion. Instead, the mountain was covered in long wispy grass. Set to a distant corner of the grassy field, nuzzling up against the base of the mountain, was a large dome shaped observatory with a enormouse silver telescope as wide as a sewer pipe rising high into the air from the depths within the dome.

"Very interesting.", Banyuo breathed, sounding interested in the telescope as Alex roared down the mountain face and leveled out on the small flat stretch before the city entrance way.

All around him, Alex couldn’t help but notice that there were people sitting around in the fields that surrounded the highway he was on, maybe two or so hundred, all of them sitting on colourful blankets with large baskets and a spread of food infront of them. Through out the grassy fields, small fires had been started and were burning brightly, shooting sparks and embers into the air, which glowed like fire flies. It seemed as if the people were on late night dates and dinners, enjoying the company of the others and the ruby red sunset. As the people watched Alex roar by, all of them looking a tad scandalized and curious by the noise he was making, he couldn’t help but notice that none of them looked any older then 18.

Gradually slowing the bike down to civilized speeds, Alex watched the now glowing city approaching, and for the first time, he could truly appreciate it.

Though Alex knew he was in Japan, it looked to him as if he was overlooking a large spanish village.

Each of the houses was two or three stories tall and a sandy yellow colour, their walls textured to look like they were made of clay. The windows were arched liked church windows, and closed with wooden window shutters, which were painted either red or blue. The doors had small, open porches attached to them, with barn style rounded rooves over them, providing shelter for the people under them. Their rooves were tiled with red, half pipe like shingles-similar to the ones in Nagoya-, and overlapped one another like scales of a reptile.

The occasional house would have a large flat patio set atop the roof, with umbrellaed tables and chairs sitting around their somewhat large area. Or else the house would have a veranda sticking out of the wall on the second or third floor, complete with chairs and small end table for hosting company. Each house had pots of different coloured flowers hanging from the corners of the roofs, or else in long flower beds hanging under the windows.

"Interesting houses for a Japanese city.", Alex commented as he rode closer and closer and silently as he could, "Looks more like a spanish village then anything."

"It does, but what about the archway ahead?", Banyuo replied, sounding curious.

Stretching the width of the highway Alex rode along, a large red and gold archway atop two dragon shaped pillars stood like the welcoming sign to the city. The archway seemed to be the sign itself, as the gold bars twisted and bent, forming the words, ‘Koutei-Shigai’

"That’s Japanese alright. Wonder what it means though.", Alex breathed as he passed underneath the archway and finally riding into the city depths.

Sprouting from the highway like branches from a tree, small cobblestone roads shot off in either directions, passing infront of the spanish-like houses and they’re small lawns and being lit by tall, petwer-black street lamps. Lining the highway, which had taken on the name Graduate Avenue, were many more houses and lawns, though much larger then the ones of the side streets, which were full of laughing and partying people. The scene reminded Alex of a large street party he, Monica, Max and Feilos had once gone to. Long tables of drinks, snacks, cakes and candy stood in the middle iof some lawns, while yet other lawns seemed to be something like dance floors, complete with red, green, blue and yellow flashing lights, and upbeat music that people were happily dancing to.

The side walk was crowded with happily laughing and joking people, many of them eating ice cream or what looked like snow cones while they walked down the street, carrying large bags of shopping with them, passing under the soft white light given off from the street lamps above. The occasional kiosk would dot the sidewalk, selling snacks and trinkets for the passing by citizens to enjoy.

Alex was sure that he was in the residential area of the city, as there were parks with play grounds and gently lit paths lined with tall cherry trees inwhich many people were holding hands as they casually strolled through.

Though the city appeared to be alive and happy, Alex couldn’t help but notice that everyone he passed looked no older then he was.

"So Alex, have any idea as to where we’re going?", Banyuo asked as Alex rumbled past a gaggle of girls ladened down with an evening’s shopping on the sidewalk who were all looking at Alex curiously.

"Not entirely,no,",Alex replied as he pulled up to a red light and reaching into his pocket, dug around deep inside, leaning over on his leg to support his bike, "But Death said I’m supposed to find a street called Cherry Wind Road, turn right and go all the way to the end until I find a place called Hinoiri-Taku…what ever that is.", he finished, checking the paper to make sure he was correct before sliding it back into his pocket.

"And you have no idea where that is right?", Banyuo asked as Alex slowly rumbled away from the now green light, passing more and more curiously watching citizens of Koutei-Shigai as he rumbled forward.

"Sure don’t Banyuo.", Alex chuckled, smiling as he rolled by a street called Lighthouse Crescent, "But Death said there is someone there who wants to see me. Whether that’s good or bad, I have no idea.", he finished, passing yet another road, this time called Raven Avenue.

Further and further Alex rode into the city, passing street after street lined with happily chatting citizens who were out enjoying the evening life, eating ice cream and laughing loudly. A few minutes into the city, Alex rode past a large square building with a pointed roof that appeared to be an arcade, as it was full of many different video games complete with loud sounds and flashing lights, and the smell of different Japanese cuisines filling the air that wafted from it’s open doors.

Slowly, the all cozy looking enighbourhood surrounding gave way to a mix og cozy looking coffee shops with small tables covered in checkered table cloths and counters at the far end of the building, the walls behind the counter holding dozens of shining coffee machines that were used to make the different beverages. Or else the buildings were bright ice scream stores full of round table and booth seating inwhich the customers were all sitting around, eating colourful and delicious looking ice cream sundaes. The occasional dance club would sprout up from the landscape of buildings, their dark stained windows flashing with a colourful dance of lights and their walls shaking with the lively beats coming from within.

The further and further Alex traveled into the city, the more and more attention he was starting to attract. At first, Alex thought the explanation for everyone he passed being so young was that it was date night and all the kids were out for the nights while their parents remained at home. Yet the further he traveled into the city, the more he noticed he had yet to see someone who looked to be older then him, save for the people working the booths at the game center or behind the counter at the many small shops he pass. It was as if this was a city entirely of kids.

At every stop light, Alex caught snippets of whispered conversations over the rumble of his motorcycle. Though he tried hard to pay no attention to them, he couldn’t help but be drawn into listening to the conversations.

"Who is that?", a girl with long, shiny brown asked her friend as they stood outside a brightly painted clothe store, pulling their attention away from the pink and green dresses they were admiring

"I dunno, but he’s kinda cute!", her friend, who had short black hair replied, biting her lower lip and giving Alex the once over with an indulgent smile.

"What’s that on his back?", a boy with black hair streaked with blonde asked his friend as they stood outside a dance club having a cigarette

"I dunno, but it’s massive!", his friend who had spiked brown hair replied, looking stunned at the size of Banyuo.

Finally, after some fifteen minutes of rumbling through the residential streets of the city and attracting as much attention as movie star, Alex spotted a green and silver street sign above the road ahead of him that read ‘Cherry Wind Road’.

"Looks like we’ve found it Banyuo.", Alex said happily as he steered his bike onto a two lane, cobblestone road.

Alex’s bike bucked and shook as the wheels bounced over each of the slightly rectangular stones, and he listened as the engine note wavered with each echo off the walls of the houses around him.

After traveling only half a block, Alex noticed that the houses began changing slowly from two story family houses to three and four story boarding style houses, though still with a spanish theme. Taller and taller, wider and wider, and due to this, fewer and fewer in between, the buildings grew to five, six, seven, eight, nine stories, becoming more and more like small hotels. Many of the building were set back of the road and opened onto large, grassy lawns full of trees and picnic tables, though tonight they seemed to be full of people having parties. Small one-way paths broke away from the cobblestone roads and looped towards the main entrance of the large hotel like buildings. Many of the buildings were a city block wide, lawn included, and stretched backwards from Cherry Wind Road for another block and a half.

"So who do you think lives in these buildings?", Alex asked, his voice quivering slightly as he rode over the cobblestone road.

"Couldn’t tell you Alex.", Banyuo replied, sounding slightly curious as Alex bumped and bounced over the railway tracks that circled the city.

The road seemed to dead end a short ways after the rail road tracks, as Alex could see another large, looming building a head of him, it’s windows lit brightly from inside and shouts of laughter and glee coming from the lawn infront of it

As Alex slowly trundled closer to the large building a head of him, a large sign carved from white marble slowly appeared to him through the now low dusk light. As Alex drew nearer, he slowly stopped his bike at the foot of the entrance loop and setting down his foot on the cobblestone road, stared at the sign.

There, carved into the white stone face and painted black, the words ‘Hinoiri-Taku’ seemed to glow on the white marble face, despite being as black as night.

"Well Banyuo. Looks like we’ve finally reached the place Death told us about.", Alex said unnecessarily as twisted the throttle of his bike and trundled up the cobblestone loop towards the front door.

On the lawn, a large group of twenty-five or thirty people were all having what seemed to be a summer celebration. The people, which Alex could tell even in the low dark were all girls about the age of sixteen, were all dancing on the lawn, inwhich a small bonfire had been lit. There were tables full of cakes, drinks, chips an ice cream and a large ice sculpture of a swan. There was a small electric generator providing power for a live band of four people set atop a small stage and a small movie projector and screen that several girls were sitting around, watching what looked like a very mushy movie. A large banner, stretched between two tall trees, close to the celebration read ‘Way to go 3-C for Graduating! Let’s all have a great summer!"

Though the party was loud and rambunctious, the moment Alex had rumbled onto the entrance loop, the music from the band slowly died away and the dancing began slowing aswell as every face began turning to face Alex as he rode up towards the large hotel-like building at the end, looking a tad confused.

The girls were to far away to hear, but Alex knew that they were all wondering who he was, as the band had put down their instruments and joined the rest of their party goers,joining in on the curious conversation about what he was doing there, several of them pointing as they whispered to their neighbor.

"It seems I have their attention.", Alex said with a smile as he trundled up the whole distance of the entrance loop and stopped infront of the front entrance of the building infront of him.

The building looked something like a college dorm building. It was nine stories tall and looked to be atleast thirty rooms long front to back. The roof was shingled with the now very common half pipe shingles that overlapped one another. Sitting atop the roof was a short, two stacked chimney that looked to be more for decoration then functional. The entrance way was covered by a large roof that stretched out some thirty feet, providing what looked like a small patio and deck, complete with chairs and benches, for people to sit and enjoy the summer weather.

Compared to the houses closer to the outskirts of town, the building wasn’t as impressive, yet it did hold itself quite well.

"Not bad.", Alex said as he flipped down the kickstand of the bike, killed the engine and leaned it over on it’s stand, "Kinda bland but it’s alright.", he said as he climbed off the bike and un-shouldered both Banyuo and his backpack and set them down beside his bike, stretching his arms and back with a groan of relief.

"Excuse me. But can I help you with something?", a voice asked behind Alex while he was stretching his back.

Turning around in mid-stretch-his chest still puffed out- Alex saw that three girls had broken away from the party and were now looking at him with a very mistrusting look on their faces, he himself looking a tad surprised.

The speaker was a girl who stood only a bit shorter then Alex. She had a thin face and pointed chin, amber eyes and a long brown ponytail that reached down to her waist. He arms were crossed infront of her, which brought attention to her rather well endowed chest, and she was looking at Alex very suspiciously.

She appeared to be wearing what appeared to be a school uniform, which had a blue blouse, white under shirt and a blue and white pleated dress that reached to just above her knee.

She was flanked on either side by two other girls who were looking to be something like body guards.

One of them was a girl who was as tall as Alex. She had a rounded face with a slightly pointed jaw, short black hair and deep brown eyes, and large hoop earings. Like the speaker, she too was rather well endowed, and Alex was trying very hard not to look.

The other girl was the shortest of the three, looking atleast five inches shorter then Alex and the other two. She had a slightly rounded, pretty face with emerald green eyes, shoulder length light red hair and pointed chin. Though she hadn’t said anything, the girl was looking at Alex with great mistrust, and almost something along the lines of loathing.

"Who? Me?" Alex asked, pointing to himself in the chest, "Nah, I’m just waiting for someone to meet me here.", he finished, waving an airy hand and flashing the girls a small smile.

"I see. And who is it that you’re meeting?", the girl with the long brown ponytail asked rather rudely, still looking at Alex in a very mistrusting sort of way.

"Not entirely sure.", Alex replied with a smile, crossing his arms and looking at the girls thoughtfully, "All I was told was that I was supposed to meet someone here.", he finished, giving a small shrug and looking slightly uncaring.

On the large lawn, the rest of the party goers had gathered into a tightly knit group infront of the burning bonfire, their shadow concealed faces all turned towards Alex as they whispered to one another and pointing in his direction.

"Well I’m afraid you’re going to have to leave sir. This is an all girls dormitory and only people with a teacher’s permission may visit.", the girl with light red hair said, her voice very cold and unforgiving, "And as you are obviously not from around here, I doubt very much any teacher would give you permission.", she finished, staring Alex in the eye with a steely glint.

Alex was a little taken back by the red headed girls attitude towards him. He thought that he’d atleast be greeted some what warmly, but he had never expected such a cold welcoming party. It seemed as if these girls had decided to despise Alex before they had even met him.

"Settle yourself Ms. Edagama, for this man does have a teacher’s permission to be here.", a cool voice called out from the darkness.

As one, the girls all turned their backs on Alex and stared into the darkness which was engulfing the entrance loop in it’s black depths. The girls of the muttering group on the lawn were also staring into the darkness, their necks slowly twisting as if they were following something that was approaching.

Quietly at first, Alex heard a gentle patter of what sounded like hard-souled shoes clattering on the cobblestone pavement in a constant clacking-rythme. As Alex stared into the darkness like the girls, a figure began to slowly emerge. At first, it was nothing more then a faint, indistinct shadowy blob, but with each passing clatter of shoe on stone, it became more and more defined, until it had taken on the unmistakable outline of a man. Several more clattering foot steps later, the figure had emerged into the light, looking quite happy as he stared at Alex.

"He has my permission Ms. Edagama.", the man said, smiling to the girls.

The man appeared to be in his mid-forties, yet his slightly pointed face was still very youthful looking as it was wrinkle free, and with rounded jawline. His eyes were ice blue, and yet despite having a fathomless look to them, they glowed with warmth, framed by small rectangular glasses. His nose was small and his ears were too, giving him the look of something like a male model. His head was topped with short, very light brown hair that, for one reason or another, was pulled into rows of small spikes. He was wearing a light grey business suit with white under shirt and red tie, his jacket being undone and fluttering slightly in the gentle breeze. From the instant the man had stepped into the light and fixed Alex with his warm stare, he was wearing a warm, comforting, welcoming smile.

The girls and Alex stared at the man. The girls had looks of shock and disbelief all over their faces. It was as if they had just been slapped in the face by this man. Alex on the other hand, was wearing a look of something like happiness, his blues eyes twinkling and a small smile slowly spreading across his face.

"This man has your permission Daisuke-Sensei?", the girl with the long ponytail asked.

"He does indeed have my permission Ms.Kurosawa.", the man replied, smiling and bowing to the girl he had addressed as ‘Kurosawa’

Turning his gaze to Alex, the man stared into his blue eyes, who’s eyes were now positively glowing with happiness, as if who Alex was seeing had just made his day.

"It’s good to see you again Alex. Sorry I didn’t write more often.", the man said, sounding slightly apologetic yet continuing to smile.

The girls all spun around on spot and stared at Alex with confusion and disbelief all over their pretty faces. Alex, paying the girls little attention, was now positive glowing with happiness.

"Man I should have known,", Alex chuckled stepping around his bike and the girls infront of him and striding towards the man, "It’s great to see you again Daisuke!", Alex yelled happily, throwing his arms around the man and embracing him like a brother.

The man named Daisuke threw his arms around Alex and returned his brotherly embrace, patting him on the back like old friends do when they see eachother again.

Breaking apart from eachother, Daisuke clasped his hands on Alex’s shoulder and held him at arms length, smiling broadly at him like an uncle greeting a nephew he is fond of. Daisuke had to look up slightly into Alex’s face, as he was a tad shorter then him.

"You sure have grown since I saw you last Alex. It seems you’ve lived quite the life since I saw you at the funeral.", Daisuke said quietly, gently squeezing Alex’s shoulders in a friendly way.

"A lot has happened since we saw eachother last.", Alex said, nodding to Daisuke with a smile, "It certainly has been quite the life I’ve been living Daisuke. Not always good, but still quite the life."

"Um Sensei…what’s going on? Who is this man?", the girl with short black hair asked from behind Alex and Daisuke, speaking for the first time in a very gentle voice.

Daisuke startled slightly as he suddenly realized that he had forgotten that there were people watching his and Alex’s somewhat touching reunion. Looking past Alex, Daisuke saw that the three girls, who had somewhat interrogated Alex a few minutes previous, were all looking somewhat shocked at him.

"Oh yes! How could I forget!", Daisuke said cheerily, turning Alex around so he was facing the girls like he was a show dog, "Aya-chan, Shiori-chan, Shonta-chan, this is my good friend, Alexander Reilly.", he said happily, gesturing with an up turned open hand towards Alex

"Hi. Nice to meet you.", Alex smiled, nodding and waving slightly at the girls.

"Alex, this is Aya Kurosawa, Shonta Edagama and Shirori Deshimaru.", Daisuke said, gesturing to the girl with the long brown ponytail, the girl with light red hair and the girl with short black hair in order.

Each of the girls smiled a bowed slightly, except the girl named Shonta, who merely nodded towards Alex, looking a tad angry

"So this man is your friend, Daisuke-Sensei?", the girl named Aya asked Daisuke, looking a tad apprehensive, looking as if she wanted to make sure she heard him correct.

"He is indeed Aya-chan. From the moment he was born, he has been a good friend.", Daisuke said, reaching up and ruffling Alex’s hair, making it more messy then it already was.

At this bit of news, Aya’s skin seemed to blanch slightly, and she choked a bit. Obviously she had not expected this bit of news and was, for one reason or another, looking slightly scared.

"Mr Alex Reilly sir!", Aya said, uncrossing her arms and pinning them at her side, "Please forgive my earlier rudeness. I didn’t mean to come off so meanly when we first met.", she finished bowing low in a sign of respect and apology towards Alex.

"O-oh, th-that’s quite alright!", Alex said, taken back by Aya’s sudden change of heart, giving Daisuke a quick look out the side of his eye, "It’s my fault really. I should have introduced myself.", he finished, bowing down and smiling at Aya awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

"Well, now that everything has been taken care of, shall I show you to your room Alex?", Daisuke said, clapping his hands and rubbing them together as Alex and Aya straightened, Aya looking a tad embarrassed.

"Sure I guess…but the Shonta girl said it was all girls building.", Alex said pointing slightly to Shonta, a little confused as to why he’d have a room in an all girls dormitory.

"Oh it is. That hasn’t changed. But we’ve made some… ‘special arrangements’, for you Alex.", Daisuke smiled, sliding a hand into the pocket of his pants and looking quite relaxed.

"Oh. Okay. Then…lead the way.", Alex said, looking a tad suspicious but accepting it none the less.

"Hold on Daisuke-Sensei!", the girl named Shonta blurted out before Alex and Daisuke could take a single step, "Are you telling us that this man, who just arrived and is a complete stranger, is staying in our dormitory because he’s your friend!", she asked rather rudely, pointing at Alex with a slightly shaking finger.

"It wasn’t just my decision Shonta-chan. It was the headmasters decision aswell.", Daisuke said, the smile sliding from his face slightly and his eyes turning cold, "It’s his decision to have Alex live here at Hinoiri-Taku for the duration of his stay in Japan. This is his decision, and his decision alone. It is not open for discussion.", he finished, his usually warm voice suddenly cold and commanding, reminding Alex forcibly of how Death had sounded one week ago when he appeared to the friends in their house.

Shonta didn’t reply, but instead glowered at Alex, looking very angry with him for some reason. Aya and Shiori on the other hand had accepted this news, as it appearntly came from someone calling himself the ‘headmaster’, and that seemed to be enough for them.

"Besides, he’s not a stranger either. You know his name afterall.", Daisuke said, recovering his usual warm smile in a heartbeat, "Come on Alex, I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.", he finished, gesturing to Alex to follow him as he strolled past the girls and headed towards the front doors of the hotel-like dormitory.

With a last smile and nod to the girls, Alex hurried past them, scooping up his back pack in one hand and grasping the shoulder strap of Banyuo with the other, throwing him over his shoulder and hurrying to catch up with Daisuke who was already opening the front door and strolling in.

Dashing under the entranceway roof and hurrying through the front door, Alex emerged into what looked like a large sitting room. The room square and as large a gymnasium, it’s floor covered with a light green carpet that had designs of flowers traced into it. It’s front wall was nothing but clear windows that stretched to the ceiling, opening the room to the lawn and street outside, on which the girls had resumed their celebration. The room was full of large, black leather sofas and chairs, all of them circling small round coffee tables. Spread through out the room, leafy green trees added an air of openness to the room, while the small chandelier styled light groups added a sense of classiness to the room.Sitting right in the middle of the room was a large, spiral, red-carpeted staircase that had brass coloured handrails, looking something like a center piece to a magnificent ball room. On the otherside of the stairway were more chairs and sofas, though there were pool tables, arcade games and several large screen televisions spread through out, forming something like a large entertainement center for the building

Alex looked around the room several times; taking in every detailbefore he slowly nodded his approval of the large room, looking very impressed.

"So Daisuke, those girls were calling you ‘Sensei’. Does that mean you’re their teacher?", Alex asked as he and Daisuke crossed the lobby entrance together and started their way up the spiral stairs.

"I was Alex. Back in their grade eight year. But then I switched to their guidance councilor, no extra money but it’s a whole lot easier. Their teaching position has since been taken over by another, but they still call me Sensei.", Daisuke replied as they continued their way to the top of the staircase.

"And why is it that everyone in this city looks to younger then me?", Alex asked, asking the question which had been tingling at the back of his mind since he first laid eyes on the city.

"Most likely because everyone in the city is younger then you. Save for the college students and the teachers.", Daisuke said with a smile, looking over his shoulder and smiling at Alex, "You see Koutei-Shigai is a ‘Campus City’. Infact, Koutei-Shigai means ‘Campus-City’. The idea is that parents from all over Japan can send their kids here and have them taught and raised in a place that is custom tailored for education. It’s so the students can focus on their studies in an environment meant solely for studying.", he finished as he emerged at the top of the stairs, followed a few steps later by Alex, who was panting slightly from carrying his bag and Banyuo up the stairs with him.

Alex and Daisuke had emerged in the middle of a somewhat wide and exceptionally long hall. Every twenty-five or so feet were doors of ruby red cherry wood, atleast fifteen of them each side of the stair, with brass door handles, knockers and silver plates on each one that looked as if they had names written on them. The floor was covered in bright orange and white carpeting, with a decoration of purple stars at the edges. The lights sticking off the wall were covered in glass covers that resembled sea shells. Above Alex, the stares continued spiraling upwards, the floors above as silent as a cemetery.

"So this whole city is one giant school?", Alex asked incredulously as he followed Daisuke down the hallway, the soft carpeting feeling very nice under his feet.

"It sure is.", Daisuke replied with a nod, "Well, grades seven and up anyway. We thought taking elementary school kids who were twelve and younger away from their parents for school was cruel.", he added with a small laugh as he continued walking down the startlingly long hallway.

"So then all the houses I saw, and those buildings I passed on the way down Cherry Wind Road, were student houses and dormitories?", Alex asked, sounded slightly amazed.

"They sure were Alex. Of the grades seven through twelve, and all the College and University, we have approximately ninety-two thousand students.", Daisuke replied to a stunned Alex, "Take into account the various teachers, professors, coaches and store owners, and the city has roughly one hundred and fifty thousand citizens.", he finished, stopping infront of the last door on the right-side of the hallway, the silver sign reading ‘Alexander Reilly’.

"That’s a lot of people for one school city.", Alex said with a whistle as Daisuke pushed open the door to his room and lead him in.

Alex’s room was quite large, about the size of the living in the Orphan Family house back in Winnipeg. It was covered in white fluffy carpeting and despite being square, was broken into three distinct parts. The kitchen was separated from the rest of the room by a small half wall, and was filled with a small stove, fridge and pantries with plates, forks, knives, spoons and glasses, it’s floor covered in white plastic tiling. Alex’s room wasn’t so much a room as a raised area of the room, as his bed, coat hooks and chest of drawers was set upon a small raised section of the room, rising about a foot over the rest of the floor. The rest of the room was filled with a TV Alex recognized as the one from his room back in Winnipeg, a squashy leather chair and sofa aswell, a large desk with computer, and all the boxes that Alex had packed his possessions into. The room had two large windows which opened to the city of Koutei-Shigai. As Alex was at the end of the building, one window opened to the front of the dormitory, over looking the lawn and the part going on and Cherry Wind Road below, while the second opened to the side of the building, overlooking a second large lawn full of trees, picnic tables and a large Coi pond complete with meditation garden.

"Wow…this room is really nice!", Alex breathed, walking through the door and past Daisuke into the center of the room, spinning slowly around and taking in ever inch of the room, "Is this really mine?", he asked Daisuke, who was as usual, smiling at Alex’s amazement.

"You bet it is Alex.", Daisuke replied as Alex un-shouldered Banyuo and tossed him and his back pack onto his soft looking bed, "We had a sudden vacancy, so we thought it’d be perfect for you."

"Oh yeah? What kind of vacancy?", Alex asked as he crossed the room, flopped down into the leather chair and spread out, looking quite comfortable.

"One of the teachers was fired for making unwanted moves on a female student.", Daisuke replied, flopping down onto the sofa and himself stretching out.

"I see. So with that mind, do you really think it’s a good idea to have a nineteen year old man sleeping on the same floor as a bunch of sixteen year old girls?", Alex asked, raising an eyebrow to Daisuke, "Cause who knows what those girls might try and do to me when the lights go out?"

"Well, for one, if you were anyone else, no. But since I’ve known you for so long, I know it’ll be fine.", Daisuke replied with a small chuckle, "And two, for that very reason that you’re a nineteen year old man in the prime of his life and sleeping in the same building as a bunch of sixteen year old girls, we’ve put you at the end of the teachers hall. The other rooms on this floor house some of the city’s teachers, myself included.", he finished with a sly smile towards Alex, who chuckled in amusement.

Smiling broadly, Alex fell silent for a moment, staring out the window that overlooked the city.

At that very moment, Alex’s spirits were high. He had arrived where Death had sent him, and had met up with his late parents best friend, Daisuke Hirata.

Alex had known Daisuke aslong as he could remember. He could vividly remember being little and learning to ride his tricycle with his parents and Daisuke applauding him as he rode around in small circles. In the time that Alex had known Daisuke, he had come to understand and truly appreciate what kind of person he was.

Kind, gentle, soft spoken, easy going and always smiling, Daisuke was the kind of person who seemed to embody all that was good with humanity. He never swore, never shouted, and was always full of nice and friendly things to say. He was very well liked and respected by the people who knew him. In the time that he had known Daisuke, Alex had come to see him more of a member of his family then just a friend.

"So this is Banyuo huh", Daisuke said from somewhere behind Alex, snapping him from his warm memories of days past to his senses in the present.

Twisting around in his seat, Alex saw that Daisuke was studying Banyuo as he lay on the bed. Daisuke was letting Banyuo’s silk shoulder strap slide through his fingers, feeling it’s light, smooth texture, and staring at Banyuo as if he was made of pure gold.

"That sure is. I don’t go anywhere without him.", Alex replied as Daisuke strolled back across the room and flopped back down on the sofa.

"I can imagine. The things I’ve been told about you and him, and everything you’ve done. I’d be surprised if you didn’t take him everywhere you went.", Daisuke said comfortably from the sofa.

"So Death has filled you in on what’s going on I take it?", Alex asked, leaning forward in his seat and resting his elbows on his knees, staring at Daisuke.

"He has indeed. And he’s also informed the headmaster,", Daisuke nodded, his voice still warm yet with a note of seriousness in it, "Since it’s a Campus-City, the Headmaster is sort of the mayor. He oversees the city and all the schools.", he added in reply to Alex’s quizzical look.

Alex had not expected this. Back in Canada, Alex being a Reaper was something like his secret identity. He’d be a normal man by day, but come night, he’d go out and kill the criminals of the world. And he had expected this when he moved to Japan, hiding what he did from the general public, yet letting them see the results of his work on the morning news.

Yet somehow, Alex could understand why this had to be done. It was better if Alex’s close friend and the leader of the city knew about him and his duty as a Reaper. It’d make it easier on Alex, knowing he could be a tad more relaxed around Daisuke while continuing his reaper duties.

"So Alex, tell me something.", Daisuke said, his voice suddenly void of all warmth and sounding nothing short of pure business.

"Sure, what do you need?", Alex replied casually, though sounding just a tad cautious.

"Is it under control?", Daisuke asked, leaning forward in his seat and clasping his hands infront of him, looking very serious.

"Is what under control?", Alex asked slowly, though deep down, he knew what Daisuke meant.

"Your curse Alex.", Daisuke replied simply.

For a moment, Alex stared at Daisuke, taken back by what he had asked. He had not expected Daisuke to know of Alex’s curse. Yet when he thought about it more, he should have realized that Death would tell Daisuke about it. Especially since his curse was one of unimaginable power and terror.

Gradually, a small smile spread across Alex’s face, and without really meaning to, he let out a loud snort of laughter, before his head dropped to his chest and he chuckled evilly to himself, his shoulders shuddering with each evil laugh.

"Is it under control Daisuke?", Alex asked after a half minute or so of chuckling to himself, "Is anything that we consider ‘tame’ really under control? Won’t dogs bite their masters if provoked? Won’t circus animals still attack the trainers who take care of them.", he asked Daisuke, looking up from the floor and staring at him with a small, evil glint in his eye.

"You do have a point there Alex.", Daisuke agreed, nodding towards Alex.

"My curse is not under control, no. Every now and then he will get out, there’s no stopping it, simply put. And when he does get out, sadly to say, nothing can stop him.", Alex breathed, looking away from Daisuke and gazing out through the dark window over looking the city with a smile, "I’ve tried as hard as I could to beat him down, break him utterly and bring him under my control, but it’s no use. He’s just to strong for me to handle. He really is a being all of his own, with his own thoughts, memories and strength. I’ve tried and I’ve tried, and yet that only seems to make him more vicious, more powerful and more terrifying. Sometimes I can feel him close to taking over, yet he never does for some reason. It’s as if he’s waiting for something, that certain moment of perfection when he’ll be able to take over my body permanently. If he does manage to get out…well, I don’t want to think about that.", he sighed, looking back at Daisuke, his eyes cold as ice.

"What happens if he does get out though?", Daisuke asked quietly, staring into Alex’s eyes with a cold glare.

Taking a deep breath, Alex turned his attention back to the window and contemplated his answer carefully before finally speaking, his voice very quiet, yet filling the whole room as if he had shouted it.

"We all die. That’s what happens Daisuke."

The two friends fell silent at Alex’s words. Daisuke had joined Alex in gazing out the window.

Both of them knew of Alex’s curse, Death made sure of that by telling Daisuke, but only Alex knew of it’s true terror. It’s true power. It’s true desire. The only other people alive who knew of it’s power were Max, Monica, and Feilos. They had witnessed Alex’s curse once before, and the events of that day were still fresh in their minds as if it had just happened.

Though he trusted him, Alex felt it was best not to tell Daisuke. Not for the fact that Alex felt Daisuke couldn’t handle it, but that Alex thought it was better not tell him the true horrors of his curse. Not yet anyway.

"Well Alex. I have a previous engagement that I need to keep. So if you’ll excuse me, I’ll leave you to settle in for the evening." Daisuke said, standing up and straightening his suit, his face wearing it’s usual gentle smile once more, "The city is big, and as it’s just the beginning of summer, I’m sure you’ll want to take a nice long look around tomorrow."

"Yeah, I’ll probably do just that Daisuke.", Alex said walking Daisuke to the door like a good host.

"I’ll see you later Alex. Oh, and incase you’re wondering, my room is only the second door down from yours.", Daisuke said, clapping Alex on the shoulder and opening the door.

"I’ll remember that if I ever I need to borrow a cup of sugar.", Alex chuckled as Daisuke walked out and down the hall, chuckling and waving to Alex as he walked away.

Closing the door with a gentle snap behind him, Alex crossed the room and flopped down on the couch.

Grabbing the remote control and turning on the TV, Alex settled himself in for some quality Japanese TV.

It was good that Daisuke knew that he was a Reaper, Alex thought, and that he knew of his curse. But as Alex thought before, he was going to keep the true nature of his curse a secret from Daisuke, just for now anyway.

He wasn’t about to ruin such a warm reunion by planting the seeds of fear and terror with the truth of what would happen when his curse escapes afterall…not when he could watch a Japanese game show with different people seeing how much of a twenty foot sushi roll they could eat before throwing up.

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