Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/537582-Eight-yrs-later
by Shyly
Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1202972
Am in the process of writing this story, but i'v ereached the writer's block
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#537582 added September 25, 2007 at 10:48am
Restrictions: None
Eight yrs later
“ He is the most handsome men ever, he has …”,Shontel began
         “  Brown curly hair, Blue eyes, soft full lips, light golden skin, we’ve heard before, get off it” Melanie a friend of Shontel snapped in exasperation
         “Fine” she sighed
         “ How can you do that?”  Demitra asked
         “ Do what?” Shontel asked
         “ Remember the same guy you were talking about when you were seven, that was so long ago, Mrs. Ken lets us have parties with boys and a lot of them flock around you and you act like you don’t care” Demitra said frowning
         “ I don’t, I mean there nice and all, and their attention toward me is very  nice, but I just can‘t forget Frank”  Shontel sighed in a dreamlike manner, she had learned that she was different from most of her friends, some had been living in this boarding school so long if it weren’t for the occasional visit of their family they wouldn’t even know their parents name, and some didn’t even know what their parents looked like, she had a longer memory than them, she could remember to a time in life when she had been but six months old when her mother had dropped her and started crying that she had killed her baby, Six months old Shontel had gotten up with a laugh making her mother faint.
Over the yrs Shontel had changed, her complexion had darkened to a light chocolate color, her eyes the color of a black panther in the dark was a light gold, she had big eyes with long lashes, small straight nose, full lips, she was tall and slender looking sixteen rather than thirteen, her breast full, her stomach flat, she was curvaceous enough to make other girls jealous of her. 
         “ Joshua asked me out for a date, but Miss. Banglehimer won’t let me go unless I take some girls with me, why can’t you guys go with me?”  Melanie asked frowning upside down at them from the top of her bunk bed where she lay.
         “ I don’t have a date” Demitra shrugged, “ I’ve done almost everything to get Michael to ask me out but he won’t”
         “What about you Shontel, I know you could get a date in a snap”
         “I don’t want to”  she said braiding her own hair back ward, It had passed her shoulder
         “ You mean you’re going to say no to me when I ask a favor of you?” Melanie’s blue eyes flashed in anger, Shontel frowned
         “ Ask someone else, any of the girls would be happy to be in your shadow for even a breath of time I do enough favors for you “,’ like letting you cheat of my paper and copying or taking my homework for yours, doing your assignment’ Shontel thought
         “ I want you to do… I mean, get yourself a date or I would destroy you in this school” Melanie said staring at Shontel as Shontel’s Golden eyes flashed with anger, she got up to her full 5’6 feet tall and 110 pounds to stare up at Melanie who suddenly looked scared
         “ You listen here princess, don’t nobody tell me what to do, ever, you betta get your shit straight” Shontel said and walked out of the room, Demitra Shontel’s best friend stared at Melanie’s surprised look
         “ Well now you’ve done it, what made you think you could wrap her around your little rich finger like you’ve done to the other girls? I told you to try to stay on her good side, you didn’t listen, it’s still not too late you know, she’s really nice” Demitra said smiling and got out after Shontel, she found Shontel sitting on a corner all by herself, her big t-shirt loose as her baggy pant, Demitra looked at her expansive black polo shirt with her tight snug jeans, she knew Shontel wasn’t rich, and most of the money her mother worked for was being used to pay for her school, Shontel was a reckless girl with no care in the world except for her mother and Frank, no one knew but Demitra that Shontel smoked, getting the cigarette whenever they went out, even Demitra didn’t know how she got it, but then again Shontel had always been swift at what she did, she was as sneaky as a rat. She sat next to Shontel keeping her arm to herself.
           “ You aright?” she asked
         “ Nope, damn, I want to get out of this school Demitra I really do”  she sighed
         “ You could if your mother lets you”
         “ She wont” Shontel shacked her head, “ when am eighteen am out of here”  she said, that’s what most of the girls said and Demitra didn’t believe none of them as much as she believed Shontel, the fierce look of determination in her eyes as her voice held an edginess to it.
         “ I bet you would, I bet you would…”
© Copyright 2007 Shyly (UN: djoulde at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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