Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/540910-Before-I-get-another-reminderlol
Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
Who am I, Where am I Going, and Where have I been? The story of my life!
#540910 added October 10, 2007 at 11:44pm
Restrictions: None
Before I get another reminder...lol

I am still very much alive! I'm sorry to have worried anyone..life's just been very crazy.

On the Jamie front..I don't know much...the test results were all normal-this I got from the nurse, whom I had to call because no one called me and it's been almost a month. He's been healthy other than a runny nose..but it's progress...maybe getting him out of the house did the trick.

On the school front...what can I say...5 classes is a lot. I'm doing fairly well but it's ALOT  of work...to keep up, to stay there....I've got an A in 4 of my classes..the other one I missed doing the first speech because Jamie was sick, but got an 84 on the second speech and an 92 on the test...there are also some discussion board questions and I've gotten either 10/10 or 8/10 on all of them (6 graded so far). We are at mid term almost...so I'm halfway there..and then I'll get like a month off between semesters so that will be awesome!

My sister is doing ok...the new meds she is on seems to be helping and while the headache is not gone, it's much better.

Say a prayer for all of us as we continue to adjust to the move..and as the stresses of the move are starting to pop up with the kids.

Cassy started basketball practice last week and is on student council as well...end of the grading period is Friday and report cards will be out next week. She was doing well at midterm...but we also have had a few hiccups in that road..as she learns about responsibility and that she has to study to pass...let's hope her grades didn't take too big of a hit in that lesson because the school requires her to maintain a B- average to stay on student council..and we require a B average to stay on the basketball team...I know it seems harsh but if she's choosing to (and it's a choice) to slack off of her school work then she doesn't earn the privelege of being on a sports team...I struggle with this becasue she needs the physical activity and it's good for her self esteem...but at the same time, when she's missing 9 out of 29 on a math homework assignment..and it's not because she doesn't understand but because of careless mistakes (per her teacher) I don't feel sorry for her. When she gets a D on her social studies quiz because she didn't bring home the study guide...I don't feel sorry for her. She's a good, bright, and capable student...She's also good at sports and I want to encourage both...but if she can't handle the workload without sports..or chooses not to..then how can she handle it with sports...UG>..could someone write me an instruction manual please??!! lol

We were at our old church this evening...a friend of mine watched Jamie today (long story) and I met her there to pick him up. Both kids had meltdowns about not staying for class (we did stay for singing). I wanted to stay too but with the 45 min trip home...the fact that it was already 7 and we hadn't eaten....I had to be the resposible one..I didn't want to be...so Jamie threw a fit in the fellowship hall (and told me he was going home with someone else) and Cassy pouted 3/4 of the way home...They both miss the comfort, their friends, and the atmosphere. They've been going to an AWANA program on Wed night's but it's not the same, they are struggling to adjust, trying to make new friends..we haven't found a church close by and it's tough. Then my daughter gets mad becasue she never gets to choose to just drop everything and go see her friends...she's apprently under the impression that I do...the mind of an 11 year old...she thinks my life is all fun, I get to do what I want and see who I want...when most days I can't even go to the grocery store until Mike gets home because I don't have a car. I split my days between housework and schoolwork, and the kids and mike once they are home. Yes, sometimes I choose to watch an hour of tv during the day.but most of the time it's not even on. She's struggling with missing everyone...and struggline wanting more freedom...yet she chooses not to act responsibly and just doesn't seem to get it...UGGH...sorry..I know I'm a bit all over the place. She's a great kid, with a great heart and a huge amount of potential. I told her all she had to do, if she wanted changes was be responsible, and talk to me about what she'd like..I'll listen, and I'm willing to compromise...but sometimes as a parent, you have to be the bad guy. It sucks but it's reality. Enough of that.

Mike is doing well. He's halfway through his 2 classes as well..then he's done and will have his degree. He's happy at work, adjusting somewhat with the move and is the love of my life.

I'll be posting my most recent English paper for review and help...soon...I got an 88 on the last one..not bad but could be better.  I'm trying so hard to make the dean's list.

Well, I've rambled at y'all enough. Take care of you. I pray God blesses each one of you in a special way and touches your hearts where you need it most.

blessings and peace

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