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Thoughts between gasps for fresh inspiration. . .
#549913 added November 18, 2007 at 5:08am
Restrictions: None
Trying Blogvertise
Sometimes writing comes more easily than other times. It's easier for me to write for myself than to try topics that don't spark my interest so much. I was going to write 17 articles about insomnia, but the topic put me to sleep. I read enough background research that I'll probably end up writing an article to post here if nothing else.

I finally got the idea to "Google" the term "paid for writing", and I've come across several places that pay for blogging. I'm set up to begin writing for:

http://www.GreatFelines.com and http://www.MakeupJournal.com.

I did just a little research and found out that the SEO of the web site organization is a 24-year old with his eye to the sky about virtual real estate. He says he's paying $2 per post, so a regular amount of effort could yield a bit of extra income.

I thought I was prepared to start blogging for his sites, then I read some of the other bloggers posts. It's kind of a thin landscape--there aren't really that many people blogging for him, so the personality aspect is wide open. However, the makeup journal site is big into photos--and they have to be legally clear photos. To make a long story short, there's a minimized window ready to take a post as soon as I read the tutorial.

I haven't been able to make a lot of money writing, but I've gotten a couple of freelance gigs writing articles. One job kept me busy for six months. I've been checking the available board at http://www.DueNow.com. I've done academic papers for them before, but I haven't run across any topics that would have been easy for me to write.

I think my writing career has gotten to a stage where I'm not necessarily planning to become a great literary talent on my next project, I just want to be able to write regularly and get paid for it.

This evening in my searching, I came across http://www.Blogvertise.com. I signed up with them, and quickly became officially registered. This particular blog of mine has existed for a long time, so hopefully it will prove worthy of their consideration for pay. They prefer blogs with built-in traffic.

They have topics and web sites that like to go out on the web and find mention of themselves. As I understand it, I'll be sent a topic or web site, and I can review it as good, bad, or indifferent, as long as I mention it, and link to it three times.


I don't know what kind of sites or topics I'll receive, but it sounds like this opportunity may be worth a go. Blogs are SO public, that I've become hesitant about journaling about personal things. Having an idea provided to write about, and getting paid for it, may prove a worhtwhile endeavor. I'll let you know soon. They pay once a month through PayPal.

If you'd like to check it out for yourself, I'll leave you a link--

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