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Rated: GC · Book · Horror/Scary · #1364352
The horror story of a little girl.
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#556248 added December 20, 2007 at 3:31pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter One
Part One: Kori

Chapter One

         I looked at the clock, it had been two whole hours since I had last bothered my mom, I decided that was just to long, and to ask her again.
         “Mommy, when can we go to the park?”
         “As soon as I’m done working.”
         I grumbled under my breath because that was the same answer I had gotten two hours ago.
         “When will you be done Mommy?”
         “Kristi, how about you go play with Sophie, or read a book, and I’ll take you to the park in 30 minutes, okay Sweetie?”
         I thought this over. I knew I didn’t wanna read ‘cause I had finished one book and read another in the last two hours, but I hadn’t played with Sophie yet today, and then finally me an my mommy could go to the park.
         “Okay Mommy, you have half an hour to finish all your long boring work. Then we go to the park.”
         “I’ll see you in 30 minutes then?”
         “Yes, you will.” I affirmed, and then skipped out of the office.
         Now I have to find Sophie. I got her in Seattle when we were visiting my mommy’s sister. I’m suppose to call her Aunt, but that’s such a funny name for a person I don’t even like to all her that. Any ways back to Sophie. Sophie is a Siamese kitty, and she is very pretty, and I named her all by my self. But she is not just my cat, she’s my mommy’s cat, my daddy’s cat, Josh’s cat and even baby Joe’s kitty.
         “Sophie!” I cooed as I was going downstairs.
         It took me a minute to find her, but when I did she was in the living room, on the couch. Sophie saw me, gave a big huge yawn, stretched, and lightly jumped off the couch and stalked away. When she had yawned I smelled her stinky cat breath, and decided to help Mommy out by brushing Sophie’s teeth; then Mommy and I could go to the park.
         I sneakily followed Sophie into the kitchen where she was nosily chomping on her icky food. I sneaked up behind her and, boom! I grabbed her by scooping her up. She put up a big fight by squirming, and then scratching me, but I didn’t let Sophie go until I had shut her in the bathroom with me.
         I wondered how I was going to brush Sophie’s teeth. I figured that since Josh was “tough” then it would be okay if I were to use his tooth brush, but Sophie would just have to use my toothpaste, because Mommy’s, Daddy’s and Josh’s were all yucky. Their toothpastes’ tastes like when I mix-up the cookies all by my self with no help, and then after they’re done if there is a dry spot in them, that’s what their toothpaste tastes like. Yuck!
         As I grabbed my toothpaste and Josh’s toothbrush I got a quick glance in the mirror. My hair, straight, short, just barley touching my shoulder, and light brown, was not completely flat, just like always, my hair always has to stick up a little somewhere, whether in the side or the back, it’s always somewhere; today it was in the front. My eyes looked innocently out from my face, plain gray; they hadn’t lost their baby look yet. I also had 11 freckles on my face, a few on my nose, and cheeks. I didn’t mind the way I looked, but it kind of bothers me that everyone always said how cute I am.
         I took my toothpaste in one hand and Josh’s orange toothbrush in the other hand and l put my toothpaste on Josh’s toothbrush. Then I carefully approached Sophie, who was sitting on the toilet seat. Sophie got off the toilet seat and tried to get away, but she couldn’t get away because the bathroom door was closed, and she was trapped. I wrapped her in a towel as fast as I could so she couldn’t scratch me, then, I brushed Sophie’s teeth.
         It was kinda hard to brush her teeth because she kept squirming around. I don’t think she liked getting her teeth brushed, but I have no idea why not. Maybe she doesn’t know I’m helping her out in the long run.
         After I finished brushing Sophie’s teeth I let her go, she ran straight back to her food and started to eat. I sighed, maybe Sophie didn’t care if she had the smelliest breath on the planet, except for a gila monster, with all the bacteria in their mouth, I think it would smell worse then Sophie’s.
         Darn it! When I looked at the clock only 15 minutes have gone by, I still had another 15 left until I can go to the park. I wondered what I could do in15 minutes. I could start another book, but I wouldn’t have time to finish it, but I could start.
         I ran to the room Joe and I share to pick out a new books. There were so many books to choose from. Well first there were baby books for Joe, and then there were books for me. I decided Joe wouldn’t mind if I borrowed one of his books while he was sleeping, and I couldn’t wake him up to ask him because then Mommy would get mad at me, so if borrow one, read it, then put if back really fast he’d never know. So I chose I Can Read With My Eyes Shut by Dr. Seuss.
         When I had finished with the book I followed my plan by putting it in the exact same spot as it was before I read it. Baby Joe didn’t even wake up, I think if it were me I would have woken up if someone came into my room to steal a book but then again maybe not.
         I had decided that it had been close to half an hour and that I should go see if I could got to the park now. So I went over to mom’s office and to my surprise the door was closed. I thought that it was funny; Mommy never closed her door even when she was working. So I creped up to the door, opened it, and peered inside.
         “I should have known,” said Mommy after looking at her watch “exactly 30 minutes.”
         “Why was the door closed Mommy?” I asked with a hint of 5-year-old innocents and curiosity.
         “I don’t know Kristi; maybe the wind blew the door shut.”
         I was about to point out to her that the wind doesn’t blow inside, but just decided to drop it so we could go to the park as fast as we can.
         “Can we go to the park now Mommy?”
         “We sure can Kristi; do you think the boys will blow up the house while we’re gone?”
         “No,” I said seriously, “but they might burn it down, ‘specially if Dad tries to make grilled cheese sandwiches.” That made my mommy laugh really hard, and before I knew it I was laughing too.
         “Let’s go tell Daddy that we’re going to the park, and then we can go, okay?”
         “Yes” I said in a funny ways because I had just seen a ring on the floor. The ring was silver with five beads on it; the colors of the beads were blue, black, yellow, then another black one, then another blue one. I had never seen this ring before and it gave me a funny feeling like that it was not made for good. It actually kind of scared me a little.
         “You coming?”
         I looked up, and Mommy was waiting for me at the door, I didn’t know how long she had been waiting; I wouldn’t even have notice if she had flew to the door instead of walked.
         I slowly walked over to the where my mom was. As soon as I reached her she started walking across the hall to my dad’s office. I looked back at the ring only once. Before running to catch up with my mommy who was clueless about the ring, and I never forgot about the first time I saw it.
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