Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/558315-EPISODE-7---THE-KEY
Rated: 13+ · Book · Sci-fi · #1369089
The main characters are introduced, also hard science, political and religious intrigue.
#558315 added January 1, 2008 at 11:13pm
Restrictions: None


The entire crew is there meeting.

                                                 VESNA (OS)
                             The literal translation is something like
                             'Hall of the Ages;
                             Joining of the Four, Priests Alone'.

                             And what would be the meaning of

                                                 VESNA (OS)
                             In modern terms, 'Medical
                             laboratory for the four peoples,
                             authorized personnel only'.

There is a sharp intake of breath from everyone except the
two anthropologists who had been working on the translation,
and Mike who had been briefed by Vesna before this meeting.

Again the journalists seem to be dazed and at a loss for
words. Vesna has to translate for the Russian feed because
Lana is speechless. Mike allows about 30 seconds of dead
air before beginning again.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Doctors Jameson and Garan, would
                             you report on your findings?

                             It appears you were correct. The
                             door is solid Platinum-Iridium.
                             It is impervious to the elements
                             and most chemicals. That slab
                             could probably stand another
                             half-million years and still look
                             like it does today. The
                             approximate age of the samples we
                             took of the rock and sand confirm
                             the other assumption that the
                             edifice has been standing for
                             somewhere between four and five
                             hundred millennia.

More silence; this time Vesna simultaneously translates, not
waiting for either Lana or Sharon to regain composure.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Doctors Kitch and Medvedev. Do
                             you have anything to report?

                             Nothing as exciting as the others.
                             So far we have detected nothing
                             to suggest that there is now or
                             ever has been any life here-at
                             least in the samples we have
                             taken. There is no trace of
                             bacteria, virii, or protein in
                             anything we have analyzed.

                                                 KITCH (CONT'D)
                             If the tunnel had a breathable
                             atmosphere, I'd feel perfectly
                             comfortable performing surgery in it.

                                                 SHARON MANSON
                             Then we have nothing to fear
                             about bringing any contagion back
                             to Earth?

                             I would say at this time, no. We
                             have nothing to fear from that.

                             What is the meaning of the
                             symbols in the center of the door?

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             I had requested Vesna hold off
                             interpreting that until this
                             meeting because I have my own
                             theories that I'd like to explore
                             with all of you at the same time.
                             I admit it,
                                       (grins at the crew)
                             I like being a little dramatic.

                             This entire situation isn't
                             dramatic enough for you?

Mike smiles at that and looks a bit sheepish.

One of the monitors displays the emblem to the group. It is
circular with four indentations spaced evenly around the
circumference. Each indentation is maybe an inch in
diameter and an inch deep, just large enough to insert a
thumb. Next to each indentation is a symbol in what appears
to be one of the languages. In the center are two spirals
that appear intertwined.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Doctor Medvedev, take a close
                             look at this emblem and tell me
                             what it reminds you of.

The doctor gets up and moves to the screen. Kitch follows a
moment later and they both study it.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D)
                             Come on, guys. Another minute
                             and I call John up here.

The boy shrinks into his chair.

                             I see it, but I don't believe it.

                             I don't believe it either!
                             That's a strand of DNA!

                             You promised!

She turns to Mike crossly, glaring daggers at him.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             I lied.

Both women woman scowl even more.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             That was also my interpretation
                             as a layman, gentlemen. This is
                             what caused Vesna's interpretation
                             of 'Medical Laboratory'. Maybe
                             an early version of a Caduceus,
                             but it sure looks like a double
                             helix to me!

Sharon knows from what her director is passing up through
her earphone that all hell is breaking loose back on Earth.
Discovery on discovery, each disproving science fact and
upholding myth, she could only imagine what the reaction was
among the public. If she weren't here, she would be either
frightened or excited; she doesn't know which.

                                                 JOHN BELISAR
                             If that's a door, where's the lock?

                             It's definitely a door of some
                             sort. Igor and I detected a
                             hairline break in the metal about
                             two inches in from the perimeter
                             when we were brushing the sand
                             from it. The line is so fine
                             that sand couldn't get in. But
                             we didn't see evidence of a
                             handle or a lock.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Look closely at the circle
                                       (waving at the screen)
                             I think that's the locking mechanism.

                                                 CAROL MANSON

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Oksana, use your engineering
                             expertise and analyze the problem.

The girl steps forward and studies the picture.

                             The holes, it has to be the holes.
                             They somehow are the lock.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             My thoughts also. I can think of
                             four possibilities that it could
                             function as a lock. It could be
                             a combination lock requiring
                             pressure in the dents in a
                             certain pattern. That will take
                             about a half hour to run through
                             all the variations. It could be
                             a simple screw and the dents
                             receive the tool used to turn it.
                             While you were all busy, I
                             fabricated such a tool downstairs.
                             We'll try it when we go back. It
                             also could be a magnetically
                             operated lock where we insert
                             magnets of different polarities
                             into each of the dents to
                             activate it. I have four very
                             strong magnets downstairs also.

                                       (Still cross)
                             You said four. That was only
                             three. What is your next surprise?

It is Mike's turn to look sheepish and Lana knows she is
gaining ground.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Well, I really hesitate to even
                             mention it for fear you'll all
                             think I'm crazy again.

Carol giggles and her mother gives her a sharp look.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             The inscription says 'the joining
                             of the four'. There are four
                             indentations, each with a symbol
                             from one of the languages. It
                             could be a genetic sensor
                             requiring one person from each
                             race to open the lock. Remember,
                             'authorized personnel only'.

Lana appears to have lost all her ground and then some and
appears very frustrated..

Some among the group are still puzzled, while others have
begun to understand.

                             I, for one, don't want to take my
                             gloves off in a sub-zero near
                             vacuum to stick my thumb in an
                             unknown hole.

A ripple of nervous laughter crosses the room. Mike
actually laughs aloud, pleased that they are taking his
latest off-the-wall idea seriously.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             You wouldn't have to, and I agree,
                             not a good idea.

                             Where are you going to come up
                             with the four races?

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             We have them all right here by
                             sheer dumb luck.

The puzzled looks deepen, not a shred of understanding
crossing any brow.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D)
                             You for instance, Yuri. You are
                             pure blooded Chechnyan, yes?

The doctor nods.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Chechnyans do not appear related
                             to anyone else in the region.
                             You remained to yourselves for
                             centuries and have an almost pure
                             ethnic bloodline. There are
                             legends that a lost tribe Hebrews
                             originally populated the Caucasus
                             after they fled Egyptian
                             captivity. It is also known that
                             during the captivity, many
                             Egyptians intermarried, and that
                             many left with Moses. I say that
                             you would still have those
                             genetic markers from Egypt.

The doctor looks disbelieving, but pleased.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D)

"Misha, your father's mother was an Afghan, correct?"

The boy nods.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D)
                             And her mother came from what is
                             now Pakistan, but was then India.
                             You, my boy, are our Indian.

The boy seems confused, but not as confused as his mother
does. Lana has no clue where this is going and is getting
queasier by the minute.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D)
                             Doctor Kitch, where did your
                             great grandparents originally
                             come from?

                             I was told somewhere near the
                             Tigris in the Middle East.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Mesopotamia, right? You're our

The three look around, uncertain whether to be pleased or
defensive. They have no idea where this is going either.

                             What about the other? The Mayan?

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                                       (Nodding to the anthropologist)
                             Doctor Belisar?

                             My parents immigrated to the
                             United States from Mexico when
                             they were very young, from an
                             area on the Yucatan. My
                             grandmother was a pure-blooded
                             native Indian; a Mayan.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             If you don't mind, I would like
                             Doctor Medvedev to collect tissue
                             samples from each of you to try
                             my last crazy thought in case the
                             three logical ones don't work.

They all nod, still puzzled, but file out to the elevator
with Ivan.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             I think it's time for lunch.
                             We'll return to the site in a
                             couple of hours, so any of you
                             can nap if you'd like.

As the rest catch the elevator.

Lana turns to Mike. As much as she would have loved giving
Mike a good punch for making her so frustrated, she imposes
some self-control and flashes an angry glare in his
direction. Her tone was icy cold when she speaks,

                             You planned this all the way,
                             didn't you?

Mike throws his hands up in mock defense.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Honest to God, I didn't. I had
                             no idea what we'd find. It was
                             only sheer luck that the people
                             on board represent what we need.
                             But I really didn't know.

                                       (Super sarcasm)
                             Yeah, right! And you can keep
                             your Brooklyn Bridge.

                                                                                          CUT TO:


Mike is resting on the bed.

                                                 VESNA (OS)
                             Sir, President Puchinskiy is on
                             the line for you.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Great, put him through, please.
                             Sir, it's good to hear from you.

Puchinskiy's image shows on the monitor in the room.

                                                 PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY
                             It is good to speak to the
                             foremost celebrity in the world.
                             I called your house and he
                             forwarded this to you.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Vesna, FAX the President the
                             direct number. Sir, I apologize.
                             I meant to give you the direct
                             line before we left. Please feel
                             free any time. How can I be of

                                                 PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY (OS)
                             It is I who can be of service. I
                             called first to congratulate you
                             and your crew on their magnificent
                             accomplishments and astounding
                             scientific achievements, we are
                             all truly proud of all of you.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Thank you very much, Sir. It was
                             all on a hunch and it seems to be
                             paying off. This is something we
                             can all share in. Had it not
                             been for your assistance, we
                             wouldn't all be here today. I
                             hope your military and bureaucrats
                             are not giving you too much problem.

                                                 PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY (OS)
                                       (smile in the voice)
                             Nyet. It is nothing that I
                             cannot handle. Now that they are
                             elected, they know not to make
                             the voters too angry.

                                                 PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY (OS; CONT'D)
                             Anything that the bureaucrats
                             could do to bother you would make
                             the public angry enough to repeat
                             Kracny Oktyabr and they don't
                             want that. They like the status
                             quo, but they also want to
                             control the status quo. You have
                             upset that on a global scale and
                             everyone in power is nervous.
                             The world is very much different
                             this afternoon than it was when I
                             woke up this morning.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             I know. Maybe it would have been
                             better keeping all of this to
                             ourselves, but science is for all
                             peoples and I cannot be the judge
                             of who receives it and who doesn't.

                                                 PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY (OS)
                             I agree, even if my colleagues do
                             not. In addition, I would not
                             like to have to make that
                             decision either. Someone would
                             always get angry and start a war.
                             It is better your way.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             I hope the Patriarch hasn't given
                             you too hard a time, either.

                                                 PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY
                             Quite the opposite. I spoke with
                             him this afternoon and he feels
                             that nothing you have found so
                             far contradicts scripture. In
                             fact, it may support some of the
                             early texts. He told me that
                             more people have come to mass
                             today across the country than
                             would come on Easter. To him,
                             this is a good thing.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             I am glad it is working out.
                             That's what I had really hoped
                             for; a coming together instead of
                             a tearing apart.

                                                 PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY
                             The reason why I really called is
                             as a friend with a word of
                             warning to watch out for your own
                             people. I have intelligence that
                             they are not pleased that you
                             shot down six of their spy

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             You heard already.

                                                 PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY
                             Heard? We watched! We have
                             satellites too. We watch them,
                             they watch us, we both watch you;
                             that is how it is. General
                             Kharkov was delighted. He told
                             me to tell you that he wants ten
                             of those when you go into business.

They both laugh heartily, Mike almost rolls off his bunk at
the mental picture.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             I will take that as my first
                             commercial order when I'm ready.

                                                 PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY
                             Seriously, they are very angry at
                             you and our agents fear that they
                             plot something against you.
                             There have been continuous
                             meetings in the White House and
                             several key intelligence people
                             have not been seen as usual for
                             several days. Please be careful
                             and watch your back.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             I always do, but I will be
                             especially careful now. Thank
                             you, I really appreciate your
                             information. I just hope I can
                             return the favor.

                                                 PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY
                             You already have in less than two
                             days. You have boosted national
                             pride like nothing since Yuri
                             Gagarin circled the Earth. I see
                             people smiling at each other like
                             never before, even in the market.
                             They are proud of our scientists,
                             and proud of you. You may be
                             American for two generations, but
                             they still consider you Russian
                             and you have made this one of our
                             finest hours. I have even had
                             discreet diplomatic inquiries
                             from several of our former States
                             that wanted independence about
                             rejoining the Federation. I
                             confess I do not understand your
                             government, but I am enjoying the
                             fruits of your labors while your
                             people want to take it from you.
                             Not all of my people, I'm certain,
                             just the powerful. They gained
                             power by force and are willing to
                             use force to keep it. They still
                             believe in the 'Right of Kings'-
                             that God gave them a mandate to
                             rule by whatever means. It is a
                             shame, but you get used to it.
                             The people in the street wake up
                             every so often and set things
                             right, so I'm not terribly
                             worried except for the short term:
                             in the end, the system and
                             Constitution work. In the
                             meantime, it gets bent this way
                             and that, but it still works out
                             in the end. Aggravating
                             sometimes, but on the whole it's
                             not bad.
                             Just be careful and know that
                             there are millions of us down
                             here praying for your success and
                             safety. In Moscow, we have sold
                             more television sets in the past
                             two days than we did last year.
                             Those who cannot afford one are
                             visiting neighbors and relatives
                             just to see what you do next.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Now you're going to make me self-
                             conscious. You may tell your
                             countrymen that I promise you
                             personally it will shortly become
                             even more interesting.

Then, in his best Monty Hall imitation,

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             As soon as we find out what is
                             behind door number one!

The President again laughs, having seen enough American re-
runs to understand the joke.

                                                 PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY
                             I can understand what Svetlana
                             sees in you.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL

                                                 PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY
                             Between us, I have it from a
                             reliable source that she finds
                             you 'interesting', which is to
                             say she is interested.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             She has a different way of
                             showing it.

                                                 PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY
                             Ah my friend, you need to
                             understand Russian women.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             I need to understand women,
                             period. That is the world's
                             greatest mystery that even I
                             can't solve!

Again they both laugh until the President finally says,

                                                 PRESIDENT PUCHINSKIY
                             God speed my friend, do svidanya.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Do svidanya.

The line goes dead.

                                                                                          CUT TO:


It was closer to three hours before everybody reassembles in
the Russian lab section with their gear. Mike has a bag
with his makeshift "key" and several powerful magnets. He
also has John retrieve one of the gravity generators.

Mike turns to Lana and the Russian delegation.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             President Puchinskiy called
                             earlier and wanted me to give you
                             the thanks and best wishes of a
                             grateful country. He is very
                             pleased and proud of each of you.

Lana smiles briefly.

As he turns back, Sharon looks hopeful, but his eyes tell
her that they received nothing of the sort. Mike says
nothing, seeing her disappointment at his silence. The
silence isn't lost on the American scientists, either.

They suit up and cycle through the airlock.

                                                                                          CUT TO:


They reach the doorway in about ten minutes. Mike places
the floodlight on the floor of the tunnel, and starts with
the combination theory by pressing alternately the different
permutations of a four-digit lock. His estimate of thirty
minutes to run through all possible combinations proves
correct, but meets with no success.

Next Mike takes the "key" from his bag and adjusts it so
that the four rods fit into the depressions. He tries
pulling it counter-clockwise with no effect.

He next withdraws four magnets from the pack and runs
through the same permutations as he had using pressure. He
did the drill twice, first with North Poles inward and then
south so it took over an hour. Vesna reports no sound of
any mechanism inside the door on any combination.

The group patiently watches in silence except for the
reporters who are giving a running commentary over their
private channels back to Earth.

Mike stands up and shrugs, then motions to James and Ivan.
Medvedev lays an aluminum suitcase on the ground and opens
it. He withdraws four vials of clear liquid containing
genetic material extracted from the fingernails of the four
crewmembers. He opens one and Kitch produces a swab that he
dips into the liquid. He checks the label on the vial and
then paints the appropriate hole in the door. Vesna reports
no sound. The biologists repeat this three more times. As
James finishes with the last depression, Vesna cries out,

                                                 VESNA (OS)
                             I detect vibration!

                             Bozhe moi! I must listen to more
                             crazy people!

Everyone takes several steps back as the vibration increases
to the point they detect it through the soles of their boots.
There is a low groan and the door slowly swings open on
inner pin hinges like an aircraft door. It reveals another
tunnel approximately 15 meters long ending at another door,
this one smooth and without writing.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Well? What now?

                             We go in.

The girl moves forward. John follows closely behind her and
then Mikhail and Carol.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Hey, you guys can't always have
                             all the glory.

Mike picks up his equipment and follows the young people.
The rest of the scientists tote their tools to bring up the
rear. As they reach the door at the other end, Mike sees a
single protuberance from the wall. Looking back to where
they entered, he could see a similar knob next to the open
door. The walls, ceiling, and floor of the room appear to
be made of the same metal as the door.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Do me a favor Pavel, press that
                             button by the door.

Doctor Norodsky complies and the door swings noiselessly shut.

                                       (Heavy sarcasm)
                             To quote you, now what? You've
                             been here before?

Mike shrugs and presses the button on their end of the
tunnel. Nothing seems to be happening.

                                                 JOHN BELISAR
                             My suit is shrinking.

They all examine the arms of their suits and could see that
they are not inflated as they normally were when outside of
the ship.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             I would say, ladies and gentlemen,
                             we have air here. The question
                             is what kind. Your turn to shine

Sharon and Lana open their cases and bring forth several
small pieces of equipment. Lana has a small chromatograph
for analyzing gasses while Sharon has several barographs, a
hygrometer and test strips for several toxic gasses.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             James, Ivan, how about some field
                             tests for little crawly things?

They also bring forth several pieces of equipment and an
optical microscope.

About 5 minutes after they began, the door at their end
opens without warning to reveal an immense room, apparently
made of the same metal as the entrance.

Oksana again starts through.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Let's all stick together here
                             until the tests are done.

The girl stops, and Mike sees disappointment on her face.

                                                 SHARON MANSON
                             I can't detect any directly toxic
                             gasses. There's no ammonia,
                             methane, ozone or anything like that.

                             The pressure is a little low,
                             only about 13 pounds per square
                             inch. I measure 15 percent
                             oxygen, 70 percent nitrogen, 10
                             percent argon that we're not used
                             to, but it won't hurt. There are
                             miscellaneous trace gasses, none
                             toxic, and less than one percent
                             carbon dioxide. I'd say the air
                             is breathable.

                             This place is more sterile than a
                             hospital. I still detect
                             absolutely no life forms, either
                             bacterial or fungal.

Mike nods.

                                                 SHARON MANSON
                             There's one more thing. I
                             measure 20 percent humidity, a
                             little more than the Arizona
                             desert. There's water here!

This catches Norodsky and Stromberg's attention. They both
stand bolt upright and begin swiveling around, surveying
their surroundings.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             "All right! Way to go!"
                                       (turning to Mikhail
                                       and Oksana)
                             I know you've only had a day to
                             check things out. How do you
                             feel about driving Vesna?

The children look puzzled.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Anything goes wrong, you're in
                             charge Misha; with the help of
                             your mother, of course. Get them

Without saying anything further and before anyone else can
say or do a thing, Mike releases the latch on his faceplate,
lifts it and takes a deep breath. He can hear a sharp
intake of breath in unison from all those in the airlock.
He turns and sees horrified looks on Sharon and Lana's faces
and on the two microbiologists. He takes several more breaths.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             It's like being on Pike's Peak;
                             thin but breathable. I don't
                             smell any staleness that would
                             indicate molds or decay. I'd
                             think I was high in the mountains
                             of Colorado instead of below
                             ground on Mars. The oxygen is
                             five percent less than I'm used
                             to, but life sustainable. The
                             pressure is almost two pounds
                             less than I'm used to, but not
                             terribly noticeable. I wouldn't
                             drink any alcohol at this
                             altitude, but it appears ok. See,
                             the kids aren't the only reckless
                             ones! Igor, you may have been
                             correct, I'm crazy.

                                       (Nodding emphatically)

The two biologists also nod in agreement.

Mike removes his helmet and set sit on the floor by the door.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Since we're all agreed that I'm
                             certifiable, I would rather none
                             of you follow my example. We had
                             to know one way or the other, but
                             I would like Ivan to give me a
                             full checkup when we get back to
                             the ship. His other degree is a
                             Medical Doctor, with a post
                             graduate in forensic pathology,
                             so I know you're qualified, yes?

Medvedev nods.

Everyone still looks horrified that Mike has removed his helmet.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D)
                             C'mon people, I'm not going to
                             keel over in the next few minutes.
                             I want to find out what's
                             powering this thing. Do any of
                             you realize that even if there
                             were an atomic reactor, it would
                             have run out of juice a couple of
                             hundred thousand years ago?
                             Besides, where is that humidity
                             coming from? Let's go!

Stromberg and Norodsky perk up at that and Stromberg picks
up the radar unit while Norodsky grabs their two cases.
Everyone reluctantly follows Mike out the second door into a
cavernous room, still lined with the same looking metal.

Mike walks about ten paces into the room, which turns out to
be a large passageway, at least ten meters wide and
extending into the distance.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D)
                             I want to see something.
                             Everyone turn off your helmet
                             lights for a moment.

Mike extinguishes the flood that he is carrying. The rest
followed suit. The room at first appears dark, but
gradually each detects a reddish glow coming from nowhere in

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             "My kind of people, Hippie
                             lighting! Anyone have a problem
                             with red? If not, we can save a
                             pile on power and maybe extend
                             our stay here a bit. We're over
                             two hours in, and we would have
                             to turn back in another hour to
                             keep the safety margin."

The rest just shrug.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D)
                             Vesna, can you analyze the light?

                                                 VESNA (OS)
                             From what I can tell through the
                             cameras, you are experiencing
                             what would have been twilight on
                             the surface under the same
                             atmosphere and pressures as you
                             have measured in the tunnel,
                             several hundred thousand years
                             ago. I would need to send in
                             instruments that are more
                             sensitive to tell you exactly.
                             Evidently, the planet was dying
                             at the time whoever built this.
                             Most of the iron core of the
                             planet was laying on the surface
                             rusting away and absorbing the

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Do you have a good estimate on
                             the time frame?

                                                 VESNA (OS)
                             Not yet. I may be able to get
                             closer after Doctor Jameson and
                             Doctor Garan return with more
                             samples of the surface. I need
                             to understand the degree of
                             oxidation that is contained in
                             the first three feet of a hard
                             surface. The sand doesn't really
                             count because it's moved over the

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             We'll see what we can do.
                                       (nodding to the two geologists)
                             Maybe tomorrow.

The group proceed forward as the passage direction changes
upward. At the knee of the passage, there is an archway to
the left with another tunnel. Mike starts toward it while
the rest wait in the center of the pathway.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Peter, Pavel, James, Ivan, what
                             do you make of this?

The hydro geologists and microbiologists respond at almost a
dead run toward him. They stop just behind Mike before a
pool of clear liquid an easy two hundred meters in diameter
and an indeterminate depth.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Sharon, Lana, please join us.
                             The world needs to see this one!

The journalists look at each other and comply, approaching
at a walk. Through their cameras, the world can see a large
pool of what appears to be water surrounded by a walkway
about a meter and a half wide. It is circular, as far as
they can tell, with no features to break the sameness on any
of the walls.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Here's our humidifier. I'd like
                             you each to take individual
                             samples. Peter, Pavel, I'd like
                             you to check total composition
                             including deuterium.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D)
                                       (turning to the microbiologists)
                             There may be nothing you can
                             detect in this atmosphere, but
                             given oxygen and water, see if
                             there's anything swimming in
                             there, if you please.

The scientists delve into their work with gusto.

When each collected the samples they need, Mike leads them
back to the main group. The journalists were still in awe
of what is happening and look to Mike.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             No, I'm not going to drink that
                             until I find out what it is.
                             Somebody took a lot of trouble to
                             preserve what existed at the time.
                             I don't want to screw that up or
                             poison myself by finding out, too
                             late, that it's really liquid
                             Vesna, remind me to bring along
                             some depth sounding equipment
                             next time we come in here.

                                                 VESNA (OS)

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Don't do that!

                                                 VESNA (OS)
                             But you're cute when you're angry.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Nobody likes a smart-alecky cyborg!

                                                 VESNA (OS)

Mike ignores this and leads the party back out the tunnel
and up the incline.

Mike half-turns to the entourage.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Does anyone else realize that if
                             we brought all this platinum back
                             to Earth, we would crash the
                             London Metals Market?

We see the horrified looks on each of the archaeologist's
faces through their faceplates.

Mike is out of breath by the time they reach the other end.
The thin atmosphere, while breathable, is definitely taking
its toll. They stop at an almost blank wall with a single
button on it. On their way, they had noticed that all the
walls were featureless. No inscriptions or breaks during
the entire trip.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Believe me, I'm not really this
                             badly out of shape. I just
                             haven't been to the mountains in
                             over a decade.

Everyone smiles at this.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Vesna, start thinning things down
                             inside so that my friends can get
                             used to this gradually.

                                                 VESNA (OS)
                             I already have. It shouldn't
                             take more than three days to get
                             conditions inside me the same as
                             you have there.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Very good! Thanks.

                                                 VESNA (OS)
                             Nichivo. It's nothing.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                                       (Under his breath)

He looks at his chronometer and continues aloud to the group,

                                                 MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D)
                             We're over the three hour mark at
                             the moment and I estimate we have
                             close to an hour before we have
                             to return to Vesna. That would
                             put us four hours in. We have a
                             maximum time of six hours before
                             the rest of you have breathing
                             problems when your air packs run

                                                 MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D)
                             That means if we open this door,
                             we have about thirty minutes of
                             exploration time. If we find
                             anything else exciting, you're
                             going to want to investigate, so
                             personally, I vote we turn around
                             now and save it for tomorrow when
                             we don't have to waste time
                             getting through the first door.

There is grumbling, especially from the young people, but
the truth does eventually begin to sink in. One by one,
each nod agreement.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             All right then. If Ivan
                             certifies me free of the Martian
                             grunge, prepare to leave your
                             suits at the door and join me in
                             a romp in the park. Ladies, I
                             have shoulder cameras with
                             transmitter packs on Vesna, so
                             you'll still be able to keep up
                             your commentary, except this time
                             we all can hear.

                             You expected this.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Believe me, no. I just wanted to
                             cover all bases. The last thing
                             I want is to leave the world, our
                             world, out of the fun we're having.

Mike starts back the way they had come and the others
reluctantly follow.

                                                                                          CUT TO:


Mike is sitting on the edge of an examination table,
buttoning his coveralls. Ivan is putting a stethescope away
in a drawer.

                             If I did not know better. I
                             would say you are a boy of 20.
                             You are healthier than 90% of the
                             world's people and in top
                             physical condition. There is
                             only one thing that bothers me.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             What's that?

                             You have no trace of bacteria in
                             your mouth or nose. Everybody
                             has some, if only the bacteria
                             that eats your teeth. You have
                             none whatsoever. I have tested
                             myself and I still have a normal
                             bacteria count, yours is zero.
                             From what I can tell so far, you
                             still have a normal intestinal
                             flora, but please tell me
                             immediately if you suddenly get
                             diarrhea. That would tell me
                             your intestinal bacteria are gone
                             also. You cannot live without
                             that. I am still waiting for the
                             radioimmunoassay to finish, but
                             that won't be for another day. I
                             would put money on the fact that
                             you are immune to everything or
                             that your immune system is in
                             overdrive. Your CBC is perfect.
                             Blood gasses normal except I
                             detected dissolved argon, which
                             won't hurt you. I do not have x-
                             rays of you before we came here,
                             so I cannot compare before and
                             after pictures. Right now they
                             show everything normal, actually
                             better than normal. I wish I had
                             a CT machine or MRI; I would very
                             much like to run a full body scan.
                             Nevertheless, as for now, you are
                             in perfect health. I have never
                             seen anyone or any thing in such

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Well, I think that's a good thing.
                             I will have the house gather and
                             upload to you all of the medical
                             records of everyone else here,
                             including mine, so you will have
                             a comparison.

                             I also want another stool sample
                             from you in the morning. I will
                             be able to tell at that time
                             whether all the bacteria in your
                             intestines have disappeared. I
                             want that before we leave tomorrow.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Yes, Doctor. You'll have it in
                             plenty of time.

Mike gets off the examination table, finishes dressing and
heads for the door.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Doctor, I'd appreciate it if you
                             didn't share this information
                             with anyone else except Doctor
                             Kitch for the time being. I
                             think you can understand the
                             social implications on Earth if
                             this were to get out before you
                             are certain of your findings.

                             Yes, I thought of that. Everybody
                             with a terminal disease would
                             storm your base and our landing
                             demanding to come here. I will
                             be quiet and study everything
                             here before making this public.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Thank you. This could be the
                             greatest part of this discovery,
                             or I could die next week. Let's
                             wait until you have concrete
                             results before raising anyone's

                             I agree. I hope you realize that
                             a discovery such as this would
                             make me want to return to medicine.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Sheesh, something like this makes
                             me want to study medicine!

Mike crossed the space to the elevator and rode it to the
control room.

                                                                                          CUT TO:


It is empty, except for Carol, Oksana, and Mikhail. Vesna
has emulated Mikhail's video game on the screen in front of
him, and he is practicing his skills with a dead joystick.

Carol has already calculated trajectories back to Earth for
any time within the next thirty days and has begun plotting
them just in case. Oksana is still marveling over the
architecture of Vesna's computing modules and memory systems.

Mike notices what she is studying.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             That part was added by Vesna.
                             I'm ashamed to say that it wasn't
                             my idea or in the original
                             programming. I provided the
                             bootstrap program and basic
                             routines; she improved on them
                             light years beyond my capabilities.

Oksana looks up quizzically,

                             How can this be?

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Esads and...uh, the house and I
                             may have given birth to her, but
                             what she is today is her own
                             doing. I wrote the basic input
                             output program and the heuristic
                             routines, but because of that,
                             she has learned and grown on her
                             own and expanded her own
                             capabilities. The same as a
                             human child is greater than the
                             sum of the parents. I may have
                             designed and built the original
                             base, but she designed and
                             requested hardware improvements
                             that I didn't have a clue about
                             when I started. What she is
                             today is her own doing.

                                                 VESNA (OS)
                             Thank you, sir.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             You're welcome, you mechanical
                             pain in the butt. Oksana, learn
                             all you can about her, and then
                             teach me. She won't let me into
                             her advanced programming. She's
                             turned into a real irritant!

                                                 VESNA (OS)
                             Thank you again, sir.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Up yours!

                             I'll remember that.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             I know you will. That's why I
                             made you female!

Oksana blushes slightly at the banter.

                             Mr. Angel?

                                                 MIKE ANGEL

                             Uh, Mike, I would like to ask of
                             you a favor.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Go ahead, please.

                             When I graduate from university,
                             do you think there could be a job
                             for me with one of your companies?

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             If you didn't ask, I would be
                             hurt. Of course there is, but
                             not with one of my companies,
                             directly with me if you don't
                             mind. You now know things that
                             no other human except me does and
                             I believe you can see the
                             potential. I would definitely
                             prefer for you to use your talent
                             with me than to try to work with
                             anyone else.

Her eyes widen.

                             You mean this?

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             Of course! Vesna likes you; she
                             told me so last night. In fact,
                             she likes you better than me
                             because you think more like a
                             woman and a Russian. She sees
                             great potential for you both
                             working together. You just have
                             to stop trying to use your book
                             learning and trust your instinct
                             more. Vesna can help you with that.

                             How do you mean?

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             You need to think first like a
                             Russian, not an engineer. When
                             you have a problem, start at the
                             solution you need and work
                             backward to get there. The books
                             tell you to start at the
                             beginning and move in a straight
                             line to the end. I say bull.
                             First, have an idea of what you
                             want to accomplish, and then work
                             backwards in steps of how you
                             would do it. Moreover, don't be
                             afraid to trust your woman's
                             intuition. It will be more right
                             than wrong. You remember the
                             people from your school that won
                             the world's programming
                             championship a few years ago?

Oksana nods.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             They wrote more programs faster
                             than any other team in the world
                             because they thought like
                             Russians! Never mind top-down
                             programming, they worked bottom-
                             up and won. I think they still
                             hold the time record for winning.
                             I really hate to use the old
                             trite American expression, but
                             you must learn to think for
                             yourself. Don't be restricted by
                             what they taught you. If you see
                             something different, believe it
                             possible and work from there!

                                                 MIKE ANGEL (CONT'D)
                             We are here today because Sir
                             Isaac Newton was close. His
                             'laws' were meant to be broken.
                             Always remember that an engineer
                             will spend his life defending the
                             book; a physicist will spend his
                             life disproving the book; but a
                             Russian will throw away the book
                             and think for himself! This is
                             what you must understand. Not
                             growing up in the Rodina, it was
                             very hard for me to adopt this
                             way of thinking, but this is why
                             we are here now. Nothing is
                             impossible; just some things are
                             more difficult than others are.
                             If you can imagine it, it can be
                             done. Your job for the rest of
                             your life is simply figuring out how.

Oksana is speechless.

                             Thank you very much, sir.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             And please don't call me 'sir'.
                             I don't work for anybody and
                             neither do you. We are working
                             together. The name is Mike. I
                             need you, and Vesna needs you.
                             The three of us really need an
                             informal relationship as partners,
                             not superior-subordinate, ok?

                             Yes ss... uh Mike.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL

Mike can see moistness welling up in the young girl's eyes
and feels that discretion was the much better part of valor.

                                                 MIKE ANGEL
                             I'll see you in the morning, then.
                             Please get a good night's rest; I
                             have a hunch that tomorrow will
                             be even more exciting than today
                             and we all need all of the
                             strength that we can get.

Mike leaves the control room before he provokes the
emotional scene he feels certain is in the making.

                                                                                          CUT TO:


Time has passed.


                                                 VESNA (OS)

                             May I speak with my mother?

                                                 VESNA (OS)
                             Of course you can! You can even
                             talk with her when you're outside
                             if you want to. You really need
                             to let her know how well you are
                             doing. I'm certain that she worries.

The girl picks up a telephone and presses several numbers.

                                                 OLGA (OS)
                             Hello. Is that you, daughter?

                             Who else would call on this

                                                 OLGA (OS)
                             It has been so exciting here, I
                             do not know what to expect next,
                             or who.

                             Where are you?

                                                 OLGA (OS)
                             I came home this morning. That
                             nice Mr. McKinney flew me home in
                             a personal jet airplane so that I
                             didn't have to ride that dirty
                             train again. I did not want to
                             overstay my welcome at the hotel.
                             Those rooms were as large as our
                             house! Your father needed me to
                             help with the visitors here.

                             What visitors?

                                                 OLGA (OS)
                             The mayor of St. Petersburg has
                             been by as well as most of the
                             City Council. The neighbors have
                             been coming through ever since
                             they saw you on the television.
                             President Puchinskiy has even
                             called to congratulate your
                             father and me. It is almost as
                             if we were the heroes and not you.

                             I am no hero, mama. I am just
                             your little girl studying hard
                             and doing a job like the rest of
                             the people here. But I do have
                             good news.

                                                 OLGA (OS)
                             But you are a hero! When you
                             stepped out of your spaceship
                             there was so much cheering at the
                             hotel. I have never been hugged
                             so much in my life; I had to come
                             home before my ribs began to hurt.
                             You are a national hero! The
                             Yachenko boys have told me that
                             they want to be just like you
                             when they grow up. You have made
                             us so proud.
                                       (We hear a lump in her
                                       mother's throat)

                             Mama, I have the greatest news.
                             Mikhail Ivanovich has said that I
                             may work with him when I graduate
                             university and that I may work
                             with Vesna. Is that not good news?

                                                 OLGA (OS)
                             I believe you already are.

                             How do you mean?

                                                 OLGA (OS)
                             This morning a messenger came out
                             with some papers for your father.
                             There is no more mortgage on the
                             farm and you have a bank account
                             with more money than your father
                             will make in his life, did you
                             know that?

                             Nyet, Ya nye znaiu. I did not know.

                                                 OLGA (OS)
                             Yes, your university bills have
                             been paid and you have almost
                             three-million rubles in the bank.
                             Even the taxes are paid on all of
                             this. We have a paper from a
                             company, Divine Enterprises,
                             which says this is your pay for
                             your service.

                             I did not know any of this. I do
                             not understand. I am being paid
                             for this adventure?

                                                 OLGA (OS)
                             You must be. Here, your father
                             wants to speak.

A man's voice came on the line, PAVEL IVANOV.

                                                 PAVEL (OS)
                             My daughter, do you know how
                             famous you have become? There
                             are people coming by that I have
                             not seen in many years and many
                             that I do not know. The mayor,
                             the President, all of our
                             neighbors and relatives have come
                             by or telephoned. The Council is
                             talking of a statue of you and
                             your three friends for the city.
                             Already I have seen posters with
                             your picture for sale in the city
                             next to the posters of the kino
                             stars and rock and roll singers.

                                                 PAVEL (OS; CONT'D)
                             You have made your mother and me
                             so proud; we never dreamed our
                             little girl would become such a
                             hero. I have new orders for milk
                             and cheese that I cannot possibly
                             fill. This is all so much!

                             I know. I do not understand
                             because I was told none of this.
                             I was not expecting this. I am
                             here learning more than I ever
                             have in my life and having an
                             adventure and they are paying me
                             money? It is too much!

                                                 PAVEL (OS)
                             Yes, it is truly too much. You
                             are blessed and you have blessed
                             your family. You are continually
                             in our prayers for your safety
                             and learning. We know you will
                             do well because you always have.
                             You are a good girl, Oksana. You
                             always make us know that we have
                             done well by you.

                             Otec spasibo. I always try to do
                             as you have taught and to be my
                             best at all things.

                                                 PAVEL (OS)
                             Yes, you always have. We should
                             let you get your rest now. I
                             think you will have an exciting
                             day tomorrow. People here have
                             their televisions on all day long,
                             even in stores and offices. Do
                             not be nervous, but the entire
                             world knows your face better than
                             they know our President. You are
                             better known than a cinema star!

                             I have already had an exciting
                             day, and now this news! Tomorrow
                             we will explore more inside the
                             pyramid. If all is well, we will
                             not need the suits. This is a
                             good thing because they are heavy
                             and hard to move in.

                                                 OKSANA (CONT'D)
                             I will go now. I love you both
                             so much. I thank you for letting
                             me do this. You be well.

                                                 PAVEL (OS)
                             You be well also. We love you too.

There is silence as Oksana hangs up the telephone. Oksana
is in even more of a daze than she had been before the call.

                             Vesna, did you know of this?

                                                 VESNA (OS)
                             Yes. The house and I made these
                             arrangements right after you came
                             with us. The other young people
                             also have full scholarships if
                             they want them. You are working
                             and providing a valuable service,
                             so you should be rewarded for
                             your work.

                             But I am already receiving so
                             much! I have learned more in the
                             past few days than in so many
                             years at university. I feel my
                             head will explode.

                                                 VESNA (OS)
                             It will not explode. You have
                             unique insight that I like. I
                             think that you and I can have a
                             good future and I hope you will
                             consider Mike's offer when we get
                             home. Don't forget, I'm less
                             than a year old so I'm still
                             learning too. I need someone to
                             take care of me!

They both laugh at that.

                                                                                          FADE OUT:

Ben W. Gardner
Sedona, Arizona

"I do not fear computers. I fear lack of them." --Isaac Asimov


In The Beginning - ISBN: 1-4116-3848-4
Just In Time - ISBN 1-4116-3851-4
Ad Astra - ISBN: 978-1-84728-518-8
In stores and at Amazon.Com
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