Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/559622-randomness-apple-cider-and-tennis
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#559622 added January 7, 2008 at 9:09pm
Restrictions: None
randomness; apple cider and tennis
Hard apple cider is kick ass after four sets of tennis. However, Woodchuck Amber Cider is super kick ass after just two sets of tennis. Mmmmm. Doesn’t get any better. (Well, okay – it does – but not in this blog.)

Following that line of logic, nothing is more disappointing then discovering (after four sets of tennis) you’ve already consumed your last bottle of Woodchuck Amber Draft Cider. on some previous unknown date and have no recollection of it. so there you are, hunched over, digging in the refrigerator searching for an item you’ll never find… Alright everybody, on the count of three, one big collective ‘Aaaaaawwwww, poor robin.”

Yeah, I know.

Since I’ve already gotten your sympathy, I’ll go ahead and disclose –I had Woodchuck’s Granny Smith Draft Cider instead. So now, to make up for my no Amber Cider disappointment, I’m consuming a few extra bites of Purely Decadent Dairy Free Peanut Butter Zig Zag – a frozen non-dairy dessert. Sorta resembles ice cream for those allergic to dairy.

Now, being allergic to dairy – there’s a REAL reason to give robin your sympathy.

Anyway, tennis was great fun. Eight of us showed so we played doubles – one set at a time, switching out partners every time. I flat out sucked the first forty-five minutes. It wasn’t like riding a bike; you know how to do it after a long break. Nope, I had to humiliate myself in order to gain a little control back. At least I only double faulted once!

Gonna hit in the morning. Hope to do better, with ninety minutes under my brand new Adidas shoes, maybe I will only have to humiliate myself for thirty minutes this time before I find my groove.

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