Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/563970-Green--green
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#563970 added January 28, 2008 at 8:45pm
Restrictions: None
Green / green
My arms are tingling –in a bad –my- ulnar- nerves hurt kinda way. The pain itself is very manageable. It’s the tingling that’s driving me nuts. Plus, it made typing an issue all during the work day. And...I sucked during tennis practice tonight, too. But I’m blaming my poor level of play on the lights. We practice at the college courts, not at my facility…the college courts don’t charge to play and everyone likes saving those few extra bucks. More for beer, they say. But the courts are cracked, and have a faded white lines desperate for a fresh coat of paint. The lighting is this almost yellow lighting, not sure who installed those bulbs. Nonetheless, it was great to be out on (green on green) court – playing I suck tennis.

Now, I'm home, nursing on a glass of red wine mixed with green tea, decaf that is, about to eat a small plate filled with an assortment of veggies --void of my beloved carbs. maybe i'll watch a bit of lady vols.

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