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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/566645-Do-They-Care
Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
#566645 added February 10, 2008 at 6:14pm
Restrictions: None
Do They Care?
"Invalid Entry Yes, they care. We care. I care.

The problem is I can't afford to keep mine. True we have too many, but it's my own fault for not insisting we give some of Rusty's kittens away when they were young, but I couldn't. I can see what I should have done, but shoulding on myself doesn't solve the problem.

We (Mom and I) can't afford to keep them and can't get any assistance when it comes to the cats. The suggestion was made that if I remove them one-at-a-time, Mom isn't going to notice. That isn't true, she will notice. Just because she is 86 doesn't mean she is senile. From what I've found in dealing with most people in the past several months (since March 2007) they seem to think that anyone over the age of 80 is senile and incapable of know their own mind or knowing what's going on.

My choice today (February 10) is between cat litter and gas for the car. I have only $4 and some change in my wallet. There isn't any more money, my bank account is still overdrawn (all though not as bad as it was in January), at least the little bit coming into my PayPal account takes the overdraft down. However, there is still the problem of what to do with the cat, paying for their shots, buying food and cat litter.

Mom has a credit card, but we had to use that to get tires for the car. I got a good deal on four tires at Discount Tire, but that still doesn't leave very much on the card. I don't think there is enough to get cat litter or gas for that matter. I'm either ranting or complaining, but I just don't know what to do.

I'm going to call the pound and see if their taking cats. The last time I called they weren't taking any cats and the other agencies either didn't get back to me or weren't taking cats either. Now I'm afraid to call because if their not taking cats I don't know what I'm going to do and if they are taking cats then I have to take the cats in. Taking the cats to the pound with Mom in the house is going to be difficult at best. I don't want to do it anymore then she does, but I don't have any choice.

That's the problem with being poor and not having enough money coming into the house, you don't have a choice. I don't know how to get the cats out of the house, Mom won't discuss it logically and I don't want her to feel she has no say in this matter, but I don't see any other options. I know what my problem is, I think of the cats as my babies and you just can't get rid of your babies. I'm not writing logically on this subject, I'm rambling all over; free writing my thoughts (which usually helps solve the problem, but not this time).

I'm going to call my sister again and see if she answers her phone. She's not answering when I call because she knows I'm calling about the $100 a month she's suppose to send to Mom and hasn't. I understand that she has bills, but she also has an addiction on which she spends money not used to pay bills. Maybe I'm being too hard on her and maybe I'm not, all I know is I can't depend on her for help when it's needed. My brothers have helped all they can, so why can't my sister?

Mom's account was overdrawn at the beginning of February because we had to pay two months car insurance. I suspect its going to be overdrawn when her checks come in March as well. This time the phone bill and I'm not even going to mention any of the others. At least we have water for a while, but I owe my neighbor the money for paying the last bill and getting the water turned on.

I've thought about taking my computer to Super Pawn, I think I might get $50, but that isn't even sure. I do have a new mouse, but the keys on the keyboard stick periodically. I'm going to end now, make my phone call, take a bath and then decide what I'm going to do.

No matter what I'm still going to have to get rid of my cats, of my babies and I'm not sure I can do that.

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