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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/570738-Make-up-for-Feb-24-LL--657-words
by Justyn
Rated: E · Book · Other · #1384124
Daily entries, inspired by 500-Word a day group
#570738 added February 29, 2008 at 1:48pm
Restrictions: None
Make up for Feb 24-LL 657 words
“Hey, Red, how’s things?” Jake asked. He stood to give Justyn a quick kiss on the cheek before she slid into the booth across from him.

“Hey Stretch,” she answered back with a smile. The two had coined the apt nicknames for each other shortly after meeting, and tended to use them more often then not.

“You’re early,” Justyn commented casually.

“Yeah. Been one of those days,” Jake grimaced and sighed. “You know, tons of stuff going on. Figured I’d show up a bit early to relax. Besides, if I get here first, I get the pleasure of watching you walk in. And honey, that’s a pleasure that most men enjoy.”

Jake glanced up from the table into Justyn’s shocked eyes. And burst out laughing at the look she was shooting him. The concern in her face had slowly dawned into the realization that he was totally messing with her. Twin flames of blue lanced into Jake’s eyes, even as Justyn was laughing.

“Red, if I didn‘t know any better, I’d be scared silly by those fire-bolts you’re aiming at me right now.” Jake didn’t bother restraining his laughter.

“Yeah, well, if you smart, you would worry. Lesser men have perished in the face of my fire,” Justyn pronounced. “Just for that, first beer’s on you, Stretch.”

“My pleasure, Red.” Jake continued grinning as he ordered up her drink. “Seriously, though, I have never had as much fun giving someone a hard time. You have the best reactions, Red. Your face gets all still, and your eyes shoot fire so hot and so blue that I’m not sure whether I’d be burned or frozen. I can watch the emotions cross your face, as you decide whether or not you want to snake across the table and scratch my eyes out, or sit and plot your evil revenge. And I have no doubts whatsoever that your revenge would be evil indeed, my friend.”

Justyn’s throaty laugh peeled across the bar at that comment. It was hard to be mad at someone who really was so much fun to be around. One of the things she liked best about Jake was the merciless teasing between the two of them. Even Lacey, whom she had known forever, didn’t tease her the way Jake did. Thing about Jake though, was that she could rib him back just as hard.

“Jake, I hope you’re planning on feeding me, because I am starved,” Justyn commented as she perused the menu.

“I do plan on feeding you. I’m not sure why you even look at the menu, though. Didn’t you memorize it years ago?”

“You’d think, wouldn’t you. And yet, every time I sit at a table here, I feel this burning desire to see if Jackson put anything new on the menu since my last visit.” Justyn’s sigh made Jake laugh again.

“Well, I’m having the Heart Attack tonight. Had a sweaty game of basketball with Chad earlier, and I just feel the need for a big juicy gooey hamburger with all the stuff.”

“Damn, you know, that sounds really good, Stretch. I haven’t had a Heart Attack in a while, and Jackson does do amazing burgers. Mmm, I love the way he mixes all the good stuff in before he cooks them up. Then lays a big slab of cheddar cheese across it. Hot off the grill, and onto a big fat potato bun,” Justyn was nearly salivating at the thought of the gigantic hamburgers that were Rickles’ specialty.

Jake’s hearty agreement had the two of them quickly debating the finer points of a good hamburger. Which of course led into a discussion of the perfect beer for the perfect hamburger.

“Ah, this is the stuff,” Justyn thought. “ Good food, good drinks, and a good friend to enjoy them with.” When the burgers arrived, Justyn leaned over and clinked her bottle to Jake’s.

“Cheers, Stretch, and thanks for dinner.”

“Cheers, Red.”

© Copyright 2008 Justyn (UN: kjsleah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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