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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/579576-Chino-sorta-learns-to-sing
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
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#579576 added April 15, 2008 at 5:22pm
Restrictions: None
Chino (sorta) learns to sing!
This'll be the end of my little Deftones trilogy, I promise. It's a beautiful if not sad song, and sounds best at a ridiculously loud volume.

Yup, spring must be here. The weather's consistently nice, birds chirp outside my window in the morning, kids are floating stuff in the creek, all the asshole drivers are out in full force and the shopping carts have returned to Penora Street.

Everyday from now 'til the next snowfall, there will probably be at least one shopping cart somewhere on my block. The supermarket is a 15 minute walk away. I"ll admit my neighborhood certainly isn't the most affluent in the area, but c'mon. At least have the decency to park the cart in your driveway if you're going to steal it from the grocery store!

I almost got hit by a car today, which was awesome *Rolleyes*. Car coming as the light turns red. Thinking I'm in the clear, I get off the corner. I look, and this car has blown the red light. I make my way back to the curb, like a baserunner heading back to first on a pickoff attempt. I don't hurry. No need to. I get back to the corner and turn around, and this woman makes the most unnecessary swerve to avoid me. She practically switched lanes and came to a stop, while I'm safe and sound. It's like she tried to make the pickoff attempt anyway, while I'm standing on the bag with my back to the mound and I'm making postgame plans with the first base coach. No sooner than five minutes down the road there's a large traffic holdup in front of McDonalds, and I hear the screeching of tires. I get all excited (I blame Dane Cook and his hilarious car crash/struck by a vehicle jokes) because I'm about to see a Mustang rear-end some shitty pick-up truck. Alas, it was not to be *Frown*. Damn anti-lock brakes.

The annual Clean Up Depew day cannot come fast enough (Apr. 26th for those of you keeping score at home). Since the snow's melted, there's all sorts of shit everywhere. Fast food wrappers, bottles, storm debris, ladies' underwear (because there's a large segment of the community that believes they're strictly here for the DFF...drink, fight and fu-uhhhhh, fornicate. Yup.) and all sorts of assorted junk. Everywhere. Of course the hypocrite in me will be the first to toss his cigarette butt on your lawn, but I'll hang on to my empty pop bottle until I get to a trash can.

I don't read horoscopes usually. Not anymore. Lately mine are the "don't get out of bed" type anyway. So I'm flipping through Kung Fu magazine (cuz Kung Fu is just awesome, even if I don't practice any form of mixed martial arts) and they've got a Kung Fu horoscope! No shit! So I say to myself, "self, why not give it a spin and see what the Eastern world has in store for you":

*Bullet* Hare, 1975 (wood)
         4/5-5/6 Unsteadiness makes decisions difficult. Business waffles. Consult friends and relatives, but be selective about advice.

(WTF?? I'm guessing they're not talking about Aunt Jemima.}

*Bullet* Hare, 1975 (wood)
         5/6-6/5 Travel disquiets the body and mind. You don't know where to place your chess piece. Calm your mind and wait your turn.

(WTF?? I don't even know how to play chess!)

Then they add in a quote from a famous "hare". "Compassion is no substitute for justice" -Rush Limbaugh. WTF!! I hate you, Rush Limbaugh! There! There's your justice, you freakin' pill-popping lard ass!

I'm going to go get my groove on...deal with some emails and whatnot...you folks are crazy sometimes...no new email for hours, so I take a quick shower and get dressed, come back and there's 4 emails. Nuts, I tell ya. Did you all form a little bloc and hit me all at once *Rolleyes*? Just playin, much love to all y'all today.

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