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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/591350-keep-the-blood-in-your-head
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
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#591350 added June 16, 2008 at 3:50pm
Restrictions: None
keep the blood in your head...
A hodge-podge of news and opinions today:

*Bullet* So I came across this article and I find it to be very interesting, especially since I've never seen anyone touch on the topic of being poor quite the way this columnist has. It was in the editorial section of Saturday's Buffalo News:


He makes some pretty good points, like a NAACP-type coalition for the poor. It kinda sucks that the rich people in this country are a minority but can use their money to bully themselves into power and buy whatever it takes to further separate themselves from the have-nots.

*Bullet* Went to Walgreens to pick up some AA batteries and they had a special on 'em. CWC's cashing out and decides she doesn't want to sell me smokes. Jokingly, of course. And not having had a cigarette all morning, was not in the mood to be fucked with. Or flirted with. Or be flirty. None of it. None. I was polite and she was, well, her. Schizophrenic.

*Bullet* Was hangin' out with Diane outside last night while she was waiting for her daughter to come home. Apparently I'm a hero to the kids and they were so excited that they got to sleep at my place. Diane's daughter comes home and sits out with us. She's 18 and waaaay stupid cute. With bad luck choosing boys. She's always picking up dickheads that treat her like shit. Like her current "boyfriend", who spent the weekend taking some other girl to his prom. I'm sorry, but to paraphrase Chris Rock, if your boyfriend takes some other girl to the prom, he is not your boyfriend.

Here's some Chris Rock:

Anyway, so I'm reading chicochica 's blog outside when Diane comes out. She tells me Amber's trying to get her license but she's been so busy driving everyone else around and she's so tired that she doesn't have time to take Amber out. So guess who Diane's trusting with her car and her 18 year old daughter tonight for a driving lesson? Yup. Kid B over here. Saint Mack. This could get very interesting. Both hands on the wheel and eyes to the front. *Delight*

*Bullet* And while I'm at the plug game, Kåre Enga in Montana informed me Friday night of the passing of the host of NBC's Meet The Press , Tim Russert. Tim was a very well respected South Buffalonian who's roots always stayed with him. He was a true supporter of the city and about as good an ambassador and embodier of the city itself as anyone. He will be greatly missed by many people here and worldwide. Hey Tim...go Bills! RIP.

*Bullet* This week I plan on doing something I haven't done in a few months. I'll be buying a new book. "What's so special about that, B?" is the refrain I can hear you all trying to work off of your lips at the same time. Well, that book just happens to be written by the one and only hailey. Go to her blog and read her entry about it, figure out that you'll enjoy it, and then go here to buy it:


And no, she didn't pay me to advertize. But I know if I was hawkin' my work in the general public, I'd be buggin' you folks left and right. And we can all use the support, so show a fellow WDC'er some love and buy her book.

*Bullet* Also, show some love to lana bardot ...she's such a lovely romantic with a beautiful heart and soul. Plus she gave me a supersweet C-note over the weekend which was really cute. Fill up that girl's comment box...she'll love you for it. On the flip-side, however, is my boy Z.˚rz with another episode of Rumiez. Someday when you can't find the episodes on DVD at your local discount retailer, you'll be wishing you would've clicked here:


*Bullet* Anyone heard from Julie D - PUBLISHED! or Gaby ~ Finding my way back lately? They seem to have gone AWOL. Terrible behavior, ladies. Terrible. Or like In Your Dirtiest Pants would say, terrible behaviour. Come back soon ladies. I'm sure someone misses you somewhere. *Laugh*

That's all I got for today. Because I really don't feel like typing anymore. Besides, I have a driving lesson to prepare for. Wish me luck. With giving the lesson, not with the girl. You pervs. *Rolleyes*


And if I left anyone out of the plug-and-link party that today's entry turned into, well, my bad. Seriously. I probably just didn't know what to say about you. But don't worry. Your time will come. I promise. Have a kicktail day y'all.

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