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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
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#593598 added June 28, 2008 at 7:31pm
Restrictions: None
The long awaited... what-the-deuce?
Can't put it off any longer, so here it is.

After dawdling around homestead 542 yesterday afternoon, I packed up shop and set out to do my thing and make a doer out of myself. Until I hit the chairs out in front of the house. Pretty much the whole crew was out and wondering where I was (and I heard them because the windows were open).

They wanted to grub on some Burger King, which happens to be across from the Walgreens, so that worked. I had to explain why I had a rose in my backpack, and now am solidly the idol of all teenage boys in Depew. I ditched them to complete the flower-giving transaction with CWC.

I rolled into The Wall like I was on a waterslide...no worries, just chillin and ready to splash. Em Dew on her counter, ready to make my move...

me: So, you in a better mood today?

her: Yeah...I saw your pictures by the way...a bike in a tree?

me: Yeah well I'm a prankster and the kids needed something to do and that kid's so fucking annoying and is always leaving his bike in my crappy yard...I came to get the pics the other day but you were gone.

her: I think you have a nice yard! And you take good pictures too. Did you come after 6:30?

me: No, I came just after 6. (At this point I've made a couple of turns so that maybe she'd see the rose.)

her: Oh...(she's thinking) ... I was in the office.

me: It's cool. (paid for my drink)

her: Yeah...got another hour then I hafta go and rearrange the boys' room and paint it. I should probably get back to work now.

me: Sounds like fun...hey, I meant to give you this the other day because I wanted to put you in a better mood. So here, because you deserve it. (Pulls out the rose.)

her: Oh my God...you really are sweet! Ohhhh, thank you! It's so beautiful! (This rose was in a serious bloom...and now she's looking at me like I've not seen a woman look at me in a long time...I swear to God I thought she was going to hug me. No lie...she's standing next to me and I can see the shoulders twitch.)

me: Eh, only been cartin' it around since wednesday night.

her: Shut up you have not! But it really is beautiful! That's so sweet of you! But I really have to get back to work.

me: K...see you tomorrow?

her: Yeah, and sunday...think I'm off monday, not sure...

And that was that. And yes I'm aware of all the shoulda/couldas but those get lost in the heated moments.

Came home and had a kickass night with the neighbors and friends. We set up a fire pit outside in front of my house, had hot dogs and smores and more Dew, brought out some tunes and kicked it like back in the day. And I'm sore as hell from playing football and not going to bed til almost 6am.

Fast-forward to my finally getting my mental roller skates ready to roll this afternoon. Shift into high gear and slope over to The Wall. Paper and Dew. No CWC.

As I'm cashing out, a really damn fine looking girl walks in. I can't not take my stare off her as she talks to the old lady she's with. Then it hits me...shit, it's Vinessa. And I know she caught me staring at least once (I can't help it; I have an eye for beauty and enjoy appreciating it).

And in the same damn glance as I'm crossing the mechanical threshold on my way out, my periph decides to lock my eyes for about one-onethousandth of a second with CWC at that counter halfway across the store. My mind doesn't play tricks...it's just downright cruel. At least I have tomorrow.

Yuck. So I come home and Amber's friend and some dude are sitting out, so I snatch up a chair to prop these old weary bones up on. And Katie's not havin' any of that dick she's with. And after I got my Dr. Phil on, that dude has dug himself such a hole that he has to go out and buy flowers. Meanwhile, St. Mack here gets his nice guy on with Katie. Nice girl, gorgeous smile, but not my thing. We'll see when she gets back from vacation next week. That dick returns with white roses. Weak. May as well have been a white flag of surrender. Katie was non-plussed.

And I'm gonna end it here cuz Diane interrupted my me-time by offering me upstairs for some dinner, which is totally awesome, and Nicole is texting me about the email she sent me about her wedding gown, which I'm sure she looks every bit as gorgeous in as I could only imagine. Have a good weekend kids...tomorrow, more CWC adventurism and *gasp*...my visit to a church with the mayor. Count your blessings and pray for me.

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