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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
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#595250 added July 8, 2008 at 1:09pm
Restrictions: None
Today I Chased the Sun
It's amazing I don't fall over more or get headaches.

Got up early, shaved, showered, dressed, and marvelled at the glorious day outside. Then I put on sunglasses. *Cool*

Not *Cool*. When I gave up my car last fall, I foolishly left a few things in it by accident. One of those items happened to be my sunglasses.

My eyesight is horrible. Like 20/200 in one eye and 20/300 in the other eye. So glasses for me get pretty expensive, even with vision insurance. And prescription sunglasses, even more expensive.

I know what's spinning in all of your collective geniuses..."but why not just wear contacts and buy $4 sunglasses at Wal-Mart, B?" Why not? I'll tell you why not. Because shopping at evil Wal-Mart is bad and it's killing the economy, that's why not. Plus, I had a friend once who was an othro optha peri dude who worked in an eye doctor's office who set me up with a free pair of contacts. I sat in his office for over 2 hours and I couldn't jam those shits into my eyeholes to save my life. Then I tried again at home for over an hour and a half. It wasn't happening.

So anyway, when I got my glasses last year, I got a deal if I bought a second pair and since my prescription changed, I figured I may as well buck up and and have the second pair be sunglasses. And since I no longer have them, I have resorted to my old sunglasses.

That may explain why I have a tendancy to almost get hit by cars (and has nothing to do with my lack of attention or loud music reverberating in the canyon between my ears).

Walked out of the house with my keys, backpack, music, almost-empty Dew and a sunny disposition. And then the sun said "game over!" and headed back into the locker room. It's been cloudy and humid and that's the perfect recipe for one thing: rain. Hasn't happened yet, and I'm not optimistic for an encore by the sun.

What I am optimistic about is CWC, and I don't even know why. But since I love conspiracy theories, here's my take: I go to cash out and she says what's up. I ask her how she's doin' and she says not good. I took all the knowledge I learned watching just about every single episode of Friends and put it to good use...men are supposed to follow those words with silence and just listen. I shut my mouth and let her vent just so I could see what I could learn. Well, first I asked if her cat was ok and she said yeah. Then I listened as she went off about the cat and nothing much more. Then the phone rang and I told her I hoped her day gets better. Fuckin' always gotta leave 'em smilin'.

In conclusion, this is what I've made up in my head on the way here from there. She's having man issues (hasn't said bo peep about this creature since that day she told me she was seein' someone). Maybe she wants to talk about it but maybe I'm not the right person to talk to (understandably). Or, **evil smirk** maybe I am. I think if she thinks about it long enough, she will break down and call me. Because this is not the situation to be pressuring la chiquita. For once in my life, I shall rely on what is termed "the power of positive thinking" and will myself into listening to my ringtone startling me sometime this evening with a lovely lonely little cashier trophy on the other end. Now that's what I'm talkin' 'bout y'all.

I'm also gonna use that "positive thinking" crap nonsense to try and ward off the rain. Not sure how that's gonna work though...you don't wanna fuck with the forces of nature. But I'd gladly trade some raindrops for the chance to burrow my way into Jess' psyche a little deeper. And once I'm in, ain't no way I'm gettin' out.

So honk if it's sunny out, give the sky the finger if it's not and either way, tell someone you love them. 'Cuz that's some sunshine on even the lousiest of days. Have some Stone Temple Pilots on me today...'til the sun comes out, my patient little lovelies...


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