Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/607075-Poisons-Second-Gift-Poison-POV
Rated: ASR · Book · Dark · #1473649
Deceit High, for people with what they call Gifts, where gathers the dangerous, and gifted
#607075 added September 14, 2008 at 9:09am
Restrictions: None
Poison's Second Gift: Poison POV
As expected, those damn people have gotten over the experiment by the time I’ve finished all of my sandwiches. Which is rather quickly too, about fifteen minutes. And Ziel… he eats like the wind. I took fifteen minutes to finish five sandwiches and he takes the same time to finish an entire plate of fried rice. I mean, what the hell?

So we sit down there. I’ve given up on trying to get him off me. If he still follows me around like he does after watching me bloody kill, there’s probably no way I’m getting rid of him anytime soon.

“Poison, this is the first day of school,” a stern voice says behind me. I don’t turn around, but just calmly play with the crumbs on my plate.

“So? I’ve killed plenty of people on the first day last year, Headmaster,” I reply. I hear a sigh as the Headmaster walks to the seat beside me, into my range of sight.

“The point is, other than the fact that Gifts are being wasted, it means a tedious lot of paperwork; how in the world do you want me to tell his parents? That someone needs to test out on her poison and decided to stick a poisoned knife through him? And-”

“His parents don’t want him anymore,” I find the words out of my mouth before I can help it. “That’s why they put him here. All the kids here are like that, aren’t they? Just kids that can do weird things that scare their own parents off,”

Ziel was, once again looking at me with an expression that I could not bloody read. Somehow it doesn’t look right on his face; too serious and... non-retarded.

“That is not true{i/}, Poison,” The Headmaster looks slightly hurt, “Parents exist to love their children. His parents are going to be distraught. I am sure that your mother would be most traumatized if you died,”

I snorted quite loudly with mirth. The Headmaster’s belief in parental love was so crappy it was funny. But of course, his parents thought him a prodigy, not a first-class freak.

“Which brings me back to the point,” The Headmaster ignores me and ploughs on, quite literally. “I have already told you that I would allow you to go out for some time to experiment, haven’t-”

“Yeah, you have, but strangers aren’t fun to kill, so I’m not sticking with that,” I cut through. Seriously, if he thinks that I’m going to sit there and listen to him, he’s more retarded than Ziel and that’s really saying something. No, that’s saying a lot. “You can sit here and lecture me all you want; just let you know that I won’t listen. And by the way, isn’t your damn welcoming speech supposed to have started, like, a minute ago?”

He looks at his watch.


Ziel laughs as the Headmaster clambers onto the table. One bad thing about this Dining hall is that there isn’t a platform or something for the teachers or the Headmaster to stand on to make their announcements, so they have to do with the tables. The mad cow (you know who I am referring to, right?) mentioned some random times about how he should get a stage or at least a raised platform done up sometime, but the procrastinating creep hasn’t even started yet.

Ziel laughs even harder as the Headmaster tries and fails (miserably) to catch the whole hall’s attention. But it would be hard, really, seeing how big it is. Even I chuckle at his feeble attempts.

He grimaced and scanned the students before him that he could actually catch the attention of, and he pointed straight at a tall girl with short blonde hair, whom I believe her name was Ellianne (air-liAn).

“Oi, you! Ellianne!”

As far as I remembered, Ellianne really respected the Headmaster (for some odd reason) and she immediately knew what to do.

“You little s***s! The Headmaster is trying to talk here! Gather around!” Her lips never needed to move, and yet her voice could be heard to all four corners of the Dining Hall, for that was her gift, she could (a mixture of) figuratively and literally throw her voice around an area.

“Whoa,” Ziel breathed. “That’s cool!”

I roll my eyes and ignore him. I really don’t know why I’m not killing him.

Finally, when all of the students had gathered around (although the no-less-than-three-meters-away-from-Poison rule still stands) and all eyes were set on the Headmaster standing on an orange table (ours. No, mine), his speech is starting.

“Welcome, welcome, to Deceit High! But of course, it will be a welcome back to some of the people, is it not? You all have spent lots of time with your beloved parents, I hope?”

There he goes with his obsession with parental love and such again.

“Wait, that’s a bit off the subject. Anyway, I am sure that the old students are aware that there are, as always, new students to welcome into this Deceit Family,”

All of a sudden Ziel started laughing silently. I eye him with a raised eyebrow. What in the world was wrong with him?

He catches my eye and leans toward me. I feel a bit more at ease with him now and don’t reel away. He whispers into my ear.

“I just heard someone thinking ‘Family my foot! More like a bunch of overcrowding daisies’,”

I chuckle a little as he goes on with his silent fit of laughter.

“- assigning their buddies today. If anyone feels that they do not like the pairing, please feel free to tell me so. However, if I cannot hear you across the Hall, too bad,” he gave everyone that could see him an innocent smile. I hear some girls giggling nearby. I know for one that some girls think he’s hot. Spiked black hair and green eyes. I pity their taste. A lot.

He whipped out a list from his one of his (many) pockets and starts reading out the names of the new students and their partners. I tune out. He’s not as stupid as to actually pair me out with someone.

Nope. No mention of my name anywhere. And as far as I knew, Ziel was paired up with some guy called Macrombie. His parents got guts to name him that. And he’s got guts to actually tell people that’s his name.

“Zylea Irode, you will be with Jordant Link, and I suppose that pretty much wraps up the announcements for today, unless anyone has any objections… yeah, Ziel?” Ah, the Headmaster sometimes forgets to act all adultish and I don’t care if there’s no such word.

Ziel stood up and said in a pretty clear voice.

“I would like to partner with Mercy Poison,”

Cue for gasps and stares. That includes from me.

“He’s mad!” A boy that I don’t recognize, presumably one of the new ones, practically yelled. He then clamped his mouth shut and glanced apprehensively at me as though I was going to kill him for opening his mouth. But I find myself answering him.

“Yeah, he’s mad!” I turn back to Ziel, who was looking innocently at me (I swear he reminds me too much of the Headmaster. I must remember to check up his family tree sometime). “You’re mad!” I spat at him as he chuckled.

The Headmaster, however, was in sinister thoughtfulness.

“Yes, I think that might just work,” He muttered audibly. I glared and shook my head slowly at him, meaning him to get the idea. But that bastard just clapped his hands together and exclaimed, “Yes! I have decided. Ziel will partner with Poison! Don’t look at me like that, it’s good for you,” he added at my murderous glare.

“Well, you said that anyone who wanted to object could, right?” I asked innocent(ly dangerous).

“Yes, you can raise any objections that you like, but I’m afraid I’ll reject them all in advance before even hearing them, at a time like now,”

“You stupid retarded bastard!” I yelled at him. I went on with a whole string of vulgarities as he yelled above my voice.

“You can yell all you want, Poison, my decision is most certainly not changing! That’s all for the announcements! You’re dismissed for tonight! Lights out at half past eleven! And the partners of the new students mind you remember to lead them to the Zinc Block!”

The people rush out of the Dining Hall, some of the youngest ones covering their ears. I suppose you can guess why. Soon, only Ziel and the Headmaster are left listening to my river of curses.

I pause as I realize I relieved myself of my whole knowledge of vulgarities. I bite my lips.

“Fine!” I turn sharply and stalk out of the Dining Hall.

“Goodnight, Headmaster!” I hear Ziel’s cheerful voice behind me. I’m not really pissed at him being my partner. Just that the room next to mine… I stop there. I don’t want him to know; just to surprise him.

“Hurry up!”


His jaw dropped. I can’t really blame him for that. The room beside mine, now his room, is in a total mess. As in really. The tables were singed and blackened, the bedspread was ripped to shreds and the curtains looked as though they had been burnt up. But of course it would look like that; I’ve been using the room as my very own personal inventing room since last year.

He turned to me with enormous puppy eyes that were literally welling up with tears. It was pathetic.

“Fine! I’ll get you some new stuff from the Headmaster tomorrow, okay?” I snapped at him. I can’t believe I’m giving in to a puppy eye!

A smile flashed onto his face faster than lighting possibly can.

“Okay! But can I sleep with you for tonight first then?”

I cursed. Another whole string of them, but I keep them short and sweet.

“What did you just ask me?” I asked through gritted teeth when I’m done with swearing.

“Eh? I asked you if I could sleep with you for tonight first-” He said innocently.

“I know what you asked me! I meant no! You just love annoying me, don’t you?” I really don’t know why I’m not killing him. I should go learn self psychology really.

He pouted. Seriously, is there anyone more retarded?

“Oi! Pouting doesn’t mean I’m retarded!”

Oh! I forgot how lousy his mind reading was…


I laughed a lot. He was fun. At least now I have a reason for myself to keep him alive. The muscles on my face ached a bit. I haven’t laughed so much in quite a while. It was rather nice… It’s funny how my mind works… I didn’t know one can sort of change so much in just a few hours…

“Whatever. Answer is still no,” Hey, I may give in slightly to puppy eyes, but I’m still quite stubborn, you know.

“Eh?!” He whined. What a noise. “You can at least help me get some new things tonight, right? It’s, like, three hours or something until lights out, you know…”

“No,” was my short answer. Either he stayed in the room or went and got it himself.

A few moments of silence.

“Fine…” he dragged his feet to the door.



“PLEASE? I won’t stop bugging you until you do!”


“Or I’ll tell everyone else about your other gift…”

I stood still for a good few seconds before I remembered the retard’s gift. My knives were at his throat within a matter of a heartbeat after that.

Now, he looks afraid. Probably because he knows that I’ll really kill him if he refuses to shut his mouth.

“I-I don’t think there’s anything too bad about a Healing Gift, I mean- ah! Chill it!” He stuttered. Only made me press the knives menacingly at his neck. “Okay, I get the point! I won’t breathe about it!”

I blink a bit, and then remove the knives from his throat. And I still don’t know why.

“… So… I only just found out. You have two gifts?”

I blanched. Blushing is not something I do. The damn thing goes on ranting.

“That’s interesting, you know? I mean, well- ow!” He ended abruptly. But of course he would, seeing as I just punched him.

I didn’t like my other Gift. It sucked. In fact, only the Headmaster knew about it. And now the retard.

As Ziel was still groaning and clutching onto his nose, I walked around the room, running my hands on as much of the room’s surface area as possible. As I walked, tattered curtains weaved itself together, missing legs of chairs flew back to its original place and with a hissing sound mended.

After Ziel was done whining, he stayed silent, gaping in awe. I really felt like telling him “Yes, yes, gape with awe at me, you mother f***ing bitch,”

Soon, all that remained was the singes on the wooden furniture.

I spun on the spot and left the room, slamming the door behind me with Ziel still gaping at me.

Battle between~
Rationality and Surreality~~~~
© Copyright 2008 Asphodel_Winter (UN: asphodel7 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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