Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/610350-National-Novel-Writing-Month
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#610350 added October 1, 2008 at 10:09am
Restrictions: None
National Novel Writing Month
Thirty days left till NaNo, till the craziness, till the creativity, and I can’t wait. Deep down inside I secretly knew I’d sign for this year during last December(after finishing and WINNING my first year's attempt). Finishing would be super, but why NOT begin every November with the words, Once upon a time… Well, not really but…(insert goofy grin) Why not mix write-ins and word wars with turkey and cranberry dressing, and this year the running of a tournament? What’s a writer have to lose?

You’ll never finish if you don’t start. And, if at the end of my writing journey, I have thirty rough draft novels under my pen, with zero revisions, well…good for me.

Although, it would be nice to move forward with all these yet to be written rough drafts. Somehow, during all my industrious efforts, creativity would emerge along with inspiration, drive, in the form of a not half-bad story.

If truth be told, book deals, don’t sing loud in my list of wants right now. Maybe later, maybe even after this November, but for now, I’m content with my by-lines in magazines, my name on a Masthead or two, and my works posted in various online blogs.

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