Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/619577-Dinner-interupted
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1497222
A man with no manners at all is forced to take on trials to help him find his treasure
#619577 added November 20, 2008 at 11:53am
Restrictions: None
Dinner interupted

“Okay, dinner is ready! Oh Shun. Did you hear me? I said dinner is ready.” “I heard you Natalie. God damn, how could I not with your yelling.” “(giggle) Well I hope you enjoy the meal I made for you.” Natalie revealed her special steak that she made for him. Steak was Shun’s favorite and that’s exactly why she made it. “Bon appetite Shun.” “Yea, yea whatever.” Natalie could see Shun already drooling over the steak. She let out a small giggle seeing him like this. “Well I gotta hand it to ya Natalie. You might be annoying but you make one hell of a steak.” “Thanks Shun! See I knew you would like it!” “Whatever, can we just eat in peace please?” “Sure Shun.” Shun began to reach into his pocket. He gave her a small box with a diamond ring inside. Before she was about to open it, a giant Raven swooped Natalie from the table on the roof and began to fly away with Zenith and Zeroph riding on it.

“Hey! Let her go now!” “Sorry mortal but we need this girl” said Zenith “I don’t care if you need her, she’s my girlfriend and I want her back now you son of a bitch!” “Ooh watch your language you pathetic human. You can have her back once all of her mana is taken out of her body.” “I don’t know what the hell this mana crap your talking about is, but you won’t be taking any of it from her. If you touch her I swear I’ll…” “You’ll what? We’re up here and you’re down there. Tell you what, you can come get her back from us. We are currently living in the Zehrada Dessert. If you can find us there in one month, you can have her back.” “The what dessert?” “The Zehrada Dessert! Listen up for once you loud mouth!” “Zenith, we’ve spent too much time talking to this little worm.” “Fine, remember mortal, one month before we leave forever.”

“Natalie, don’t worry. I will save you. No matter what.”
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