Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/619787-On-the-road-again
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1497222
A man with no manners at all is forced to take on trials to help him find his treasure
#619787 added November 25, 2008 at 2:18pm
Restrictions: None
On the road again
Shun had soon began to regret bringing Cierra along. She went on for hours about her life and her village. "So Cierra, why did that guy take you away?"
"Well I was the only one in the village who had been studying the draining life spell. He knew that and chose me as a hostage. Even though he already mastered that spell, he still didn't want to waste any of his magic power, so he made me use the spell."
"What kind of person does that to a little girl?"
"I dunno. But I'm so glad you rescued me!"
"Yeah, whatever. So how far away is this swamp you were talking about?"
"Well, we should only have to sleep one night and reach it by tomorrow afternoon."
"Are you freakin kidding me! We have to camp out to make it to this place."
"I know you're worried about your girl friend Natalie, but relax, we ave the rest of the month to do this. It should only take a week at most if we don't side track."
"Fine. Its about time we set up camp anyway." Shun and Cierra pitched their tent and learned more about eachother as the night went on. A few hours later, they both fell asleep.


"Brother Zeioth!"
"What is it Zenith?" he asked calmly. "Zeroph he-" "Enough. I have already heard about his death. It doesn't matter. The seal from the fountain has already been broken. Once the other four fountains are ready, the sacrifice will begin shortly after."
"But brother, this warrior, Shun. He may pose as a threat." "Insolent fool. Don't you understand? After every trial he passes... another seal is broken." "But I thought that we needed the witch to break the seals?" "No, she was merely bait to lure out the strength in Shun's heart. Now that he has began to unlock the seals, he will continue to unlock the others. But... there is one task I have left for you to do. There is one certain seal that I need your expertise. I will speak more of it later. Now go to sleep."
"Yes brother."
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