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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/621572-Leisure-time
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1468633
With some disdain and a great deal of steel, she begins again.
#621572 added December 1, 2008 at 1:19pm
Restrictions: None
Leisure time
My originality is debatable. I stole this survey from Jenn's journal, because it seemed fun and my house is quiet, smelling of freshly peeled clementines and my hair is wet, wrapped in a towel. I thought, why not?.

1. You have 4 children. The first child has 6 children; the second, 3 children; the third, 2; and the fourth, 5. You get to name every child born, because that's how your family rolls. What is each person's name?

I'll do the four children because the rest would be something like a project and I have stuff to do.

1.) Obviously Katriona Amélie for the first child, since she actually exists and is my favourite.
2.) Nuala Evangeline. She has curly blonde hair and deep blue eyes.
3.) Mallen Eila. A wee girl with red, straight hair and green eyes.
4.) Cashel Lennon. A boy; blue-eyed, strawberry blonde, will be tall like his daddy.

M. will be angry I didn't include more French names, or that I only added one boy. My fantastic uterus, my imaginary hemorrhoids, my fanciful notions.

2.What are the 10 most played songs on your iTunes list?

I don't do iTunes, but the songs that I have been listening to over and over of late:
Easy Silence-The Dixie Chicks
Clair de Lune-Debussy
The Story-Brandi Carlile
Keep Breathing-Ingrid Michaelson
I Kissed A Girl (rock version)-Katy Perry
When Doves Cry-Prince
Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle-Nirvana
Ruby Blue-Roisin Murphy
Pretty-The Cranberries

3.What are your 3 favorite shit books?
This is tough, because if I like them I probably don't think they're bad. Lemme think...
1)Anything by Sylvia Browne because I can't help but read from cover to cover. It's a well-established fact that I'm a sucker for the paranormal.
2)I read a lot of V.C Andrews back when my hair was permed and my waist was smaller.
3)A Million Little Pieces-James Frey. It was fairly entertaining, even if none of it was true.

4.What are your 3 favorite good books?
Whether or not they are good is also debatable, but some of my favourites which in my opinion are good are:
1)White Teeth-Zadie Smith
2)Catcher in the Rye-J.D Salinger
3)Love in the Time of Cholera-Gabriel Garcia Marquez

5.December 21, 2012: what will happen?
Winter solstice begins.

6.List every celebrity or character you've ever had a crush on.
John Taylor from Duran Duran, Johnny Depp and a little bit of interest in George Clooney. That's about it.

7.Alliance or Horde?
Um, what?

8.What's your religion? If you're not religious, what religion would you most consider converting to?
Raised Roman Catholic but rarely go to church. Am going to start going again for the wee one who will start off in what her father and I know before she goes off and makes up her own mind. I don't foresee any kind of devoutness, though. I'm spiritual, not religious, and I'm suspicious of anything which makes money and keeps people down. I respect religion in theory, though, and I believe there are genuinely pious people out there. I would never tell someone that their religion or faith is nonsense unless it hurt another living being. All bets are off at that point. If I ever converted, I might go in the direction of Buddhism. It seems peaceful.

9.Would you drink your own piss to stay alive?

10.You win $10 million. Do you share it with your family (parents and siblings)? With your friends?
I'd pay off my sister's houses as well as my parent's, then I'd buy something decadent for my three best friends. I might slip an envelope of cash under R.'s door, anonymously, because I'll always care about his needs being met. I would tell M. that I did it, though, and hope he understands why.

11.Are you a vegetarian? A vegan? A pet owner?
I'm a poultry-tarian, as in chicken and turkey. I could never be a vegan, it's too restrictive. I have three cats and sort of want a dog again.

12.Which would disturb you more: witnessing a live, lethal car accident on television, or seeing a turkey get beheaded in the background of a televised interview?
The turkey. I know, I said I eat them, but I can't deal with watching the actual murder. I don't let myself think about what I'm eating while I'm eating it, you see? Yeah, I don't really get it either. Anyway, anything involving beheadings, guillotines and the like, really seriously upset me.

13.Do you eat turkey for Thanksgiving?
We've covered this.

14.Link your favorite YouTube video here:



15.Harry Potter: shit or good?
Have not read it or seen the films.

16.Rate your self-confidence on a scale from 1 to 10.

17.Rate your mental prowess on a scale from 1 to 10.
What does this even mean?

18.Rate your physical appearance on a scale from 1 to 10.
Only the person looking at me would be able to answer this question. Perception is reality, or something like that.

19. Rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10.
*winded sigh*

20.Describe the taste of blood without using the words "metallic" or "pennies."

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