Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/623821-Exit-Spider-Solitaire
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#623821 added December 11, 2008 at 3:20pm
Restrictions: None
Exit Spider Solitaire
Okay, so. I’m gonna go ahead and admit it. * wrings hands with worry * I have this addiction. * loud exhale * I’m so obsessed with [dramatic pause] spider solitaire. Eeek! I know. so anyway…

The list of Better Uses of Robin’s Time is long and spider solitaire is NOT on it. *Cry*Nonetheless, before I realize it, my right hand has snatched the mouse and I’m clicking on START>>SPIDER SOLITAIRE.

Once I’ve started, I can’t quit. I don’t know, do Mac users have worry about spider solitaire temptation?

I’m giving myself the remainder of the month to rid myself of this fun, but time-consuming addiction. In it’s place, I’ll insert more blogging, and [i]revising my ’08 NaNo.

Yes, I did finish. And this year’s novel possesses a glint of promise. I have plans to download the trial –free for 45 days version of Liquid Story Binder. I’ll keep you guys posted on my thoughts of the software.

Oh hey…if anyone has any good mystery items in their ports, or knows of any, pass them along. I’m up for a good read.

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