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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1536914
Adalie is in a war with Stratton a vampire to find the key to the fence first...
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#639492 added March 8, 2009 at 10:46pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1

“Thus the key was broken into ten pieces and scattered across the globe. One piece on the ring of the newly appointed Bronze Vampire King. Another in the middle of the Atlantic, hovering dangerously close to the growing waves. And two, having found each other and attached, on the necklace of the woman who bore the first vampire/human baby. The rest were lost the depths of the world…”

-Black Light by Ben N' Riley

Chapter 1

My first experience with a vampire was when I was just young.

My mother was the head of the police who enforced that the vampires stay their side of the fence. On rare occasions when a strong vampire would jump the fence, she would be called away, and I would stay in my room till she got back or Uncle Nick would come over to watch me.

That time was different though. My mother got a call and left. Uncle Nick was busy so I sat in my room till my mother got home. She didn’t tell me she was home, but I had very sensitive ears and heard her come in the back door.

I jerked open my door and sprinted down the hall. But a male voice I didn’t recognize stopped me just before I ran into the kitchen.

“You look different, Sophie.” He said and I flattened myself against the wall.

“Well I am only human.” My mother responded and I could hear her pouring coffee into a cup. There was an awkward silence I didn’t understand, so my mom spoke again. “You could have called me. Then we wouldn’t have had that huge mess with everyone thinking you were bloodthirsty and all.”

“You know I only thirst for your blood.” The man responded with a chuckle.

Vampire. I thought and dared a peek around the corner. The man was sprawled out in one of our dining chairs, a mug of untouched coffee sat before him. He was pale with raven black hair. If I had been any older I would have called him handsome.

“Don’t even joke about that.” My mother hissed. Her voice held a dangerous tone that she only used when mad at me. But it also held a playful touch to it.

Something shimmered above the man’s head returning my gaze to him. A bronze, flaming crown hovered atop his hair, and two white horns wrapped around his head once tell they almost met directly above his eyes. He grinned at my mothers remark revealing two very sharp canine teeth.

I gasped and pulled back, feeling the blood rush from my face, but then I dared a peek around the corner less than a second later.

The vampire cast a glance towards me. His eyes black and orange like smoldering coals. “Adalie.” My mother breathed then started, “Come here please.” The vampire ripped his gaze from me to look at my mother and I turned and ran back to my room.

I could hear footsteps following me so I dove on to my bed and curled my legs up to my chest.

“Adalie.” My mom said coming into my room. “There is someone in the kitchen who would like to meet you.” She held her hand out but I shook my head. “He’s safe.” She assured me reading my mind. I slowly got off my bed and took her hand. She led me back down the hall to the kitchen.

The vampire was looking at the pictures on the fridge with a very intent look on his face. My mothers stood there for a second and I could feel the awkwardness she had towards introducing me to this man.

“Adalie.” She finally said. “This is Skander.” The vampire whirled to face us. Th crown on top of his head lit up with renewed force and I stepped behind my mothers leg to hide.

His expression fell and the flames diminished but he held out his hand for me to shake if I pleased. “Pleasure to meet you Adalie.”

I pointed to his head curiosity getting the best of me. “Are you like a king or something? Why do you have a crown on your head? Why is it on fire? Doesn’t the fire hurt you?”

The vampires face fell again then turned to disbelief as he took in what I said. The disbelief disappeared from his features but his smoldering eyes held every emotion going through his head. He reached up and patted his head carefully avoiding the crown, as if to say that I was seeing things.

I glared at him, mad that he was trying to tell me I was wrong. “And why do you have horns?” I stepped out from behind my mom’s leg to glare even more defiantly at him. He narrowed his eyes at me and my mother put her hand protectively on my shoulder.

“What color is the crown?” My mothers voice was soft but full of surprise.

“Like a copper color.” I said then guessing what she would ask next I added, “The horns are white.” The vampires eyes got wide.

“She… Sophie, she can see me.” He stuttered looking from my mom to me and back again.

“Of course I can see you, my mom can see you too. What did you think you were invisible?” I spat and folded my arms.

The vampires face relaxed a bit and he muttered. “Well she certainly is your daughter.” To my mother.

“Adalie.” My mother said and patted my head her voice still unusually soft. “Go to bed.”

I shook my head and planted my feet. The sun broke over the horizon and the and the vampire glanced at me then hissed and stepped into the shadows casting another glance at my mother. It was one that said, I will be back later.

© Copyright 2009 Ben N' Riley (UN: black_wings14 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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