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Will one man beable to destroy the evil of the world by becoming the worst evil of all?
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#642689 added April 5, 2009 at 11:40am
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Chapter 5: A New Beginning
Author's Note:....Wow...Over a year now... A lot has happened. Finished College, started working, lost my first job, got another one, and here I am. Don't know what made me do it, but suddenly I just started up again...Hopefully the following chapters will be better, and it won't be a year until the next one...Can't really say much more then that right except that if it wasn't for "Before I forget" by Slipknot, this would probably still be collecting cyber dust on my PC...so yeah...that's it...gonna go and do some stuff now...

Chapter 5: A new beginning

The summer days that Alex spent in Koutei-Shigai passed in a hot, humid, sticky haze. The sky above the city had been blazingly clear and blue every single day, save for the occasional rain day that would only last an hour or so before the clouds rained themselves dry and were torn apart by blazing bright rays of sun, revealing the opulescent blue sky behind them.

With the lawns in full grow, the flowers in full bloom and the tree covered mountains wafting their clean pine scent down into the city below, Koutei-Shigai had been a buffet of many wonderful smells that reminded Alex quite well of his childhood spent at the lake with his family, and the many flower gardens that made his neighbourhood smell like a giant bowl of pouperi.

Three weeks after the city residents had left with their parents for parts of Japan unknown, a slow trickle of mankind began arriving in the city, the crowd grumbling about the hot weather and the unrelenting sun that was bombarding the city.

It was during one of his many lazy days that he had spent lounging on the beach -a bright orange and blue beach towel spread on the hot sand, a cooler full of sodas and beer sitting next to him- that Alex noticed that the new arrivals to the city were older then the students he had seen, many of them looking to be in their thirties atleast. It was only later that day, when he and Banyuo were rumbling back to Alex’s room in the empty dormitory, a slight alchol induced buzz making Alex’s head swim, that he realized that the people who had arrived were something of the caretaking staff, as they were busy washing windows, cleaning benches, cutting lawns and trimming trees. It was to be expected as the city was one large school, and just like regular schools back in Canada, the caretaking staff would go back to work a week or two after classes had ended and get the classrooms ready for the next years students. But since the city was an entire school, many more people would be needed and they would surely have to start much earlier to get the city ready for the return of the students.

With the return of the caretakers of the city, the once peaceful, silent tranquility that Alex had grown accustomed to was now shattered by the constant thrum of lawn mower engines and electric hedge trimmers, men shouting at one another and workers blaring their portable radios that they carried around with them as loud as they could.

The harmony of scents that had been wafting lazily through the city for weeks on end were now broken. Admittedly, the smell of freshly cut grass was a nice touch –reminding Alex even more strongly of what his old neighbourhood was like during the summer- but even this couldn’t drown out the stench of gasoline exhaust, glass cleaner, cigerette and cigar smoke that had accompanied the caretakers back to the school.

A week after the caretakers returned, many of the shop and storeowners returned and reopened and prepared their stores and businesses for the new year, many of them ordering stock and beginning the cleaning of their buildings so they looked decent for the returning students. Soon the streets of the city were alive with bustling store owners as they sweapt months worth of dust from the stores, hung up signs advertising store specials and reorganized the interiors to ring in the new school year.

Alex had to admit that, despite having gotten quite used to being the only living creature apart from the birds and other small animals in the city for the last few months, it was good to have others in the city as the feeling that he was constantly being watched had been lifted immediately with the arrival of the storeowners and cleaning staff.

And Alex also had to admit that it was nice being able to go out and get an ice cream in the middle of the day on the hottest of hot days, or spend sometime playing ‘Mega Monster Obliteration 3’ in the arcade that was close to the dormitory, as he was no longer forced to spend every waking hour in his room watching daytime TV or else at the beach, drinking the days away in an alchol induced demi-stupor. Alex was especially grateful when the local barber shop reopened and he was able to get his hair cut back to it’s regular, just-above-his-shoulders length, not the way-below-his-shoulder length it was when he walked in to the shop.

As the days passed, a slow trickle of more and more people began trickling into the city just as the caretakers had done. Alex was quite sure that the people filing in were the teachers of Koutei-Shigai as all of them were, like the caretakers, in the thirty-some plus age group, many of them arriving in cars that were packed full of boxes and files. The dormitory itself began to fill up that very night, as teachers began moving back into their rooms, voices other then Alex’s and Banyuo’s the first to be heard in the building since everyone left for summer break. A constant stream of teachers laidened down with boxes and suitcase marched up and down the staircase like ants, saying hello and catching up with their colleages on what they did on the summer as they passed eachother and unpacked for the new year.

Finally, after two months of listening to the far off sounds of distant lawn mower engines, hedge trimmers and blarring radios, the last day of summer vacation had arrived, and with it, the return of the many students of the city.

Starting at sunrise, and continuing throughout the day, the city and the only roadway leading to it –Mountain Highway One- were full of large, shing silver and black tour busses packed full of students and their luggage as they returned to the school for what was surely going to be another eventful year for them.

Every second since the sun had risen over the city, the air was full of the rumble of the engines powering the busses, the loud honks of annoyed bus drivers as they tried to get their fellow drivers to move, and ofcourse, the shouts of happiness as the thousands upon thousands of students met up with friends that they most likely hadn’t seen for two months.

Alex had a wonderul view of all of this from the rooftop of his dormitory-turned-home, where he was taking a bath to relax after a very enjoyable day, having spent the day swimming at the beach, enjoying having the beach all to himself for the last time, before roaring back to the dormitory on his motorcycle, shooting between the rows of busses and drowning out their annoyed horn blares and ignoring the scandalised faces. The sun was setting and the stars were beginning to twinkle through the pink, red and orange evening sky, the moon shining brighter and brighter with each passing second.

The bathhouse of the Hinoiri-Taku dormitory wasn’t held within it’s tall walls, but was rather on the roof of the building.

Roofless and opened wide to the sky above, the bathhouse was less a house, but more a tropical oasis. The bath itself was less of a bath but rather a warm swimming pool. It wasn’t round or square, but rather blobbish with many humps and dips forming the edges of the tub that stretched the entire length and width of the roof, giving it the looks of a natural lake. Decorating the whole of the roof were live palm trees that swayed in the gentle breeze and stretched high over the bath, bushes that rustled silently, grass that rippled and large, polished stones that were scattered throughout the roof top, giving it a very relaxing and natural feel, a small patch of shining tiles that encircled the bath the only unatural thing about the bathing area. Set above the bath level was a large round hottub held with in a ring of shining granite, the water overflowing and forming a small, shimmering waterfall that emptied into the bath itself with a hushed trickle. Behind the bath and set in a far off corner was a small changing room that was made of yellow maple and, oddly enough, smelled slightly like vanilla.

Standing up in the pool and overlooking the town below, Alex watched as the flow of busses slowly slid into the city like a slow moving river of red, glowing lava, their windows blazing bright white in the low sunlight and giving him a clear view into their cabins and the people held within them. The streets below were gently starting to come life, as the many streetlights were slowly flickering and humming into life, and the many lights in the newly re-inhabited homes were flaring to life across the cityscape for the first time in two months as their inhabitants returned to their home away from home after a hot, relaxing summer. Shouts of laughter and glee cut through the air like the crack of a whip, rising and exploding into the air like fire works as friends greeted eachother and got back together with friends they had missed dearly over the summer holidays.

Down below, three idling buses screeched to a halt, and with a hiss of their doors, began unloading laughing and cheering group of girls who, after gathering their belongings from underneath the bus, dragged their suitcase behind them meandered up the drive way of Hinoiri-Taku, laughing and talking with one another, exchanging many hugs and gleeful reunion greetings.

“Well, there goes the neighbourhood.”, Alex sighed with a smile as he fell backwards into the warm bath water with a splash and began a lazy back stroke through the water which was full of a thick layer of pink bubbles that covered every inch of the shimmering surface.

“I dunno Alex,”, Banyu said comfortably from all around Alex as he hung from a palm tree branch close to the edge of the pool, Alex drifting into the center of the pool and staring at the starry sky, “I think it’s kinda nice having people back in the city. It was really depressing having you just to talk to.”

“Love you to Banyuo,”, Alex replied airily as he did a lazy back flip in the water and disappeared underneathe the bubbly surface for a moment, “But then again, you’re no rollercoaster of laughes yourself.”, Alex said as he resurfaced at the edge of the pool, his hair sopping wet and covered in pink bubbles.

“But then again, I never said I was. You should know that.”, Banyuo replied with a slight chuckle as Alex rested his back against the edge of the pool, which was vibrating gently, giving him a soothing back massage.

“Ah Alex! I thought I might find you here!”, a happy voice called out from somewhere behind Alex, causing him to startle slightly.

Craning his head around to see who was calling to him, Alex saw a man a tad shorter then he was who was in his mid-forties with a very youthful looking and wrinkle free face, rounded jawline and ice blue eyes yet framed by small, rectangular glasses and a head full of very light brown hair that was sleeked back in neat rows striding towards him, wearing a wide smile and waving happily towards Alex. The man was wearing baggy jean shorts and a baby blue tropical shirt

The instant Alex saw the man, his face broke into a wide, toothy grin and he began shaking his head in something like disbeliefe, pulling his attention away from the man and looking out over the edge of the bathhouse and at the dark mountains that stood tall behind the dormitory.

“I was wondering when I’d see you again Daisuke.”, Alex said outloud as Daisuke crossed the tiled bath edge and dropped down next to Alex, dropping his legs into the bath tub and letting them dangle in the foam covered water.

“It was summer vacation Alex. We teachers get it off just like the students.”, Daisuke said as he stretched his arms above his head and gave a very loud groan, “Six hours on one those tour busses is hell on the back.”, he added as he stretched his back.

“I can imagine so.”, Alex replied, craning his neck around and giving Daisuke a very agreeing look.

“So I see you found the bathing area.”, Daisuke said uneccessarily, gesturing around the roof and it’s oasis like layout.

“I sure did, and none to soon either.”, Alex said as he stretched out in the bath water and floated upwards slightly, “It took me a month and half to find this place, so you wouldn’t believe how badly I stunk when I did find it. There is going to be such the biggest ring around the tub when I’m done.”, Alex laughed as Daisuke gave him a slightly disgusted look.

“Nice, very nice.”, Daisuke said, pulling his slightly disgusted face away from Alex and looking out over the mountain range with a smile on his face

Together, the two friends stared out over the edge of the roof and at the dark mountains that were imprinted against the starry sky in silence. A gentle breeze rustled the trees and bushes and danced across the bubbly bath surface, lifting many bubbles into the air and blowing them around like pink snow.

“So Alex…have you been keeping busy?”, Daisuke asked seriously, giving Alex a sideways glance with a glint in the corner of his eye.

Staring up at Daisuke on the edge of the bath, Alex saw that he was looking very serious, his smile gone completely, a small frown creasing his youthful face in its stead. Just from the look on his face, Alex knew exactly what Daisuke was hinting at.

“Busy? No.”, Alex said with a smile, turning his attention away from Daisuke and back to the mountain range, “It’s been a slow, lazy summer for me.”, he sighed, shifting around slightly and finding a slightly more comfortable position.

“Hmph…I see.”, Daisuke said slowly, his usual smile back on his face, “Good to hear Alex. Good to hear. Well if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and get my stuff unpacked.”, he finished with a sigh, sounding as if he would rather not have to deal with it at that particular moment.

“Alright Daisuke. You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t get up and see you to the door as I am naked underneath these pink bubbles.”, Alex said, stretching his arms and putting his hands behind his head, looking quite relaxed.

“Not at all Alex.”, Daisuke said, clapping Alex on the shoulder as he lifted himself from the edge of the pool and headed towards the changing room, leaving a trail of wet foot prints behind him, “Oh, and I almost forgot. I got you a present.”, Daisuke said as he was about to disappear into the changing room.

“You did?”, Alex said slightly surprised, looking at Daisuke as if he had heard him wrong.

“I sure did. It’s in your room waiting for you.”, Daisuke replied with a smile, giving Alex a wave and disappearing into the changing room and out of sight.

“Wow…that was nice of him.”, Alex said in slight disbeliefe, staring at the spot where Daisuke had been moments before in surprise, slowly turning back to the mountain range, still looking very surprised and dumbfounded.

“Well what do you say you get out of the bath and go and check out the gift he got you…you know, before you go all pruney.”, Banyuo said casually as Alex turned his attention back to the starry sky and listened to the many calls and shouts of happiness echoing around the city.

“In a while Banyuo. Right now, I just feel like relaxing.”, Alex replied casually as he floated around on spot and pushed off from the edge of the bath in a lazy backstroke.

“But you were relaxing all summer Alex.”, Banyuo stated obviously as Alex drifted lazily into the middle of the tub, looking like a human shaped island in the middle of the ocean.

“But now I’m relaxing in a warm bath and I’m squeaky clean.”, Alex yawned, the twinkling of the stars above him slightly hypnotizing and causing him to doze off slightly.

“And we all appreciate it Alex.”, Banyuo replied, sounding very grateful, “But anyway, what kind of gift do you think Daisuke got you?”

“Whatever it is, it can’t be anyway worse then the last gift he got me.”, Alex sighed as he rolled over onto his stomach and frog swam his way back to the edge of the bath tub.

“And what did he get you last?”, Banyuo asked, sounding curious at just how bad the gift might have been.

“A green and red christmas sweater with Santa and his sleigh on it that had a red light on Rudolph’s nose that would light up when you pressed Santa’s stomach.”, Alex said in a slightly disgusted tone as he grabbed the edge of the bathtub and heaved himself out of the warm water and into the warm breeze that felt slightly chilly on his wet skin, wearing nothing but a thick covering of pink bubbles.

“Oh I’m sure it’s better then that. It has to be better then that.”, Banyuo replied, trying to sound reassuring as Alex grabbed him from the tree he was hanging on and heading towards the changing room and his clothes that waited inside.

“Here’s hoping Banyuo.”, Alex sighed, and holding up his hand, displayed his crossed fingers for no one to see.


“Well, this is way better then that sweater he got you last time.”, Banyuo said, sounding very impressed.

Ten minutes after Alex had climbed out of the bathtub, dried off and got dressed, he was back down in his room, sitting on the couch infront of his TV unwrapping the gift Daisuke had gotten him and left on his bed.

When Alex found his gift, it was wrapped in gold wrapping paper with a bow attached to it, sitting comfortably on his bed. It took Alex very little time to tear into the present, like a kid on chrismas would, and underneath it’s shining gold skin was a plain white box. Attached tro the face of the box was a note that Alex recognized was written by Daisuke, the letter reading, “This will be quite useful tommorow. Hope it fits.”

“It certainly is Banyuo.”, Alex said, sounding really amazed.

Reaching into the box, Alex pulled out a magnificently tailored dress suit. The coat was made of dark blue cotton and stitched with gold threading. The front of the suit had two silver buttons to close the jacket and two pockets that had silver snaps on them. The pants were made of the same coloured cotton as the jacket and had a silver button and zipper aswell belt loops that had been made of silver cotton and shone in the light of Alex’s room against the dark blue fabric of the suit.

“It really makes up for that sweater huh?”, Banyuo said as Alex stood up and through his jacket over him and pulling the pants on to see if they fitted.

“It sure does Banyuo. It sure does.”, Alex breathed, checking out his reflection in the darkening window.

The shoulders of the suit were padded, giving his body a very square look but at the same time making it very hard to raise his arms past shoulder level, while the sides of the suit hugged the side of his body, giving him a very professional look. The pants on the other hand were loose in the leg and only a tad tight in the waiste. Turning side to side, Alex gave himself the once over and had to admit that he liked what he saw.

“Although now that I think about it, it’s gonna be a little hard for you to reap the condemned in a business suit.”, Banyuo said thoughtfully as Alex twisted around and checked out the back of the suit, “You’ll look fantastic doing it though.”

“That I will Banyuo, that I will.”, Alex said with a smile as he slid a hand into his pants pocket, but his face suddenly turning quizzical, “What’s this?”

Alex dug around inside his pocket, and a moment later, he pulled out a small piece of folded paper. Opening the paper, Alex saw that it appeared to be another note written by Daisuke, and that it seemed to be directions of some sort.

“Alex. Tommorow on Monday, September 3rd catch the eight o’clock train from Hinode-Tsuki station and ride it until you reach Daitoku Station. Exit the building out the front entrance and keep going straight until you reach the end of the street. I’ll meet you there and fill you in on what’s happening when I see you. Cheers, Daisuke.”, Alex read outloud.

For a moment, Alex stared at the piece of paper, a little confused by the note, yet hoping for some answer as he stared at it.

“Why do I have to get up at eight o’clock to catch a train Banyuo?”, Alex asked, hoping Banyuo would have some insight into what the note meant, “I didn’t even know there was an eight o’clock in the morning.”

“I dunno Alex. But I guess Daisuke will explain what’s going on when we see him tommorow.”, Banyuo replied, sounding as confused as Alex.

“Well, I guess I better get to bed if I have to catch a train for eight.”, Alex sighed, checking the clock on the wall and seeing that it was a quarter to eleven.

“So what do you think Daisuke wants to tell you Alex?”, Banyuo asked as Alex took off the suit jacket and pants and hung them on the back of the couch.

“Who knows Banyuo.”, Alex replied as he hopped up onto his bed platue, unshouldered Banyuo and hung him on the silver hooks sticking out of the wall, “But if I have to wear a suit and tie, what ever it is, it can’t be good.”, he yawned as he stripped down to nothing but his boxers and climbed under the covers of his warm and waiting bed.

“You’re probably right Alex. You’re probably right.”, Banyuo replied comfortably as Alex turned out the lights and got comfortable for what was sure to be a dream filled night of rest.


The sun outside the trolley window was slowly rising into the sky as the train trundled through the city of Koutei-Shigai. Dew was fresh on the blades of grass and leaves of the innumerous trees, making them glisten in the early light. The morning sky was clear and pristine; the sun casting it’s many rays to the earth below undisturbed and unrestrained through the cloudless sky.

A thin layer of mist glazed the windows of the trolley car, casting a hazey light into the passenger compartment as if the windows had been frosted.

The trolley car was full of light blue leather bench seats that lined the wall and formed rows for passengers two seats wide. Running the length of each car were shining silver handbars for those unluncky riders who were forced to stand in what must surely be a packed car at the peak of rush hour. A row of advertisements along the roof of the car advertised everything from bookstores, to peer counceling, to upcoming matches between school teams in a variety of sports.

It had been quite difficult for Alex to get up early enough to catch the eight o’clock train. So much so that his hair was still rather messy, his shirt loose and untucked and his eyes still crusted with sleep. But like Daisuke’s note had requested of him, he had miraculously caught the train and was riding for a far off station in his half-asleep stupor.

Staring out the window in his stupor, Alex was unsure of how long he had been riding the train, as his brain had yet to fully wake up, and the scenerary outside the window seemed to have blurred into smears of green, tan, pink, red and blue that were burned onto his retinas and unrecognized by his brain. Banyuo was slung over Alex’s shoulder and was resting peacefully on his back, clearly just as tired as Alex was, if a sword could truly be tired.

Neither Banyuo or Alex had spoken since they had gotten up and ready for the day, both of them too tired to muster so much as a ‘good morning’. Both of them prefered to ride in silence and try to wake up at their own pace, which for the two of them, was rather difficult, Alex having famously slept until four o’clock in the afternoon when he still lived with Monica, Max, and Feilos, having missed the entire day off school without even realizing it until his friends told him.

It was also very hard for Alex to wake up at his own pace as he was currently crammed shoulder to shoulder and body to body with hundreds of school kids riding the train, his tired hand holding onto a hand rail for support.

True to Daisuke’s letter, Alex had caught the eight o’clock train, yet what the letter had conviently left out was that the train would be packed to the limit with kids going for what Alex could only figure was their first day of school.

Taking up every available seat and inch of floor space were countless boys and girls dressed in their school best. The boys were wearing black dress pants and jackets that were done all the way to the neck with silver clasps and end in a high, turtle neck like collar that many of the boys had left undone. The girls were all wearing light blue, knee length skirts and light blue blouse tops with white undershirts. Around their necks were decorative red ribbons that many had tied in bows, while others had left undone, looking like buisness people with their ties undone after a hard day of work.

Students of all shapes and sizes filled the train. A rainbow of long black, brown, light brown and even red, pink and blonde hair filled the entire train. Blue, green, amber and brown eyes glistened with happiness and excitement everywhere Alex glanced. Some of the students were tall and lean, while others musclely, some were short and thin, while still others a tad chubby. There were so many different students of all shapes and sizes that it made the train appear even tighter then it actually was.

What actually made the train even tighter then it actually was the fact that not only did all the students have their school bags crammed full of books, but many of them had things like skateboards, scooters and rollerblades thrown over their shoulders, eating up even more of the little space that was already available. With as many students as there were on the train, the car was quite stuffy, making it rather difficult to breathe properly and making for a very uncomfortable ride.

The train was full of the chatter of happy students, music blaring from headphones or beeps and bings from cellphones as the students sent messages back and forth to one another.

The conversation covered everything from the clubs the students were going to join this year, to the latest album by some of the most popular singers, to talking about what they had done over the summer and so forth. Every student was so enwrapped in their own conversations with their friends and classmates that none of them seemed to notice Alex standing in the middle of their mass, a giant sword thrown over his shoulder and his hair looking like a very messy rat’s nest.

“Hey Banyuo?”, Alex thought to himself so has not to draw an undue attention to himself

“Yeah?”, Banyuo yawned deep inside Alex’s mind, sounding as if he had just woken up himself.

“Do you think Daisuke did this on purpose? Telling me to catch a train full of students so that I could rub against school girls on a crowded train this early in the morning.”, Alex thought slightly cynically as the train jostled and mass of students were thrown forward slightly, each and every body pushing against one another.

“Seeing what I have so far from Daisuke, I wouldn’t be surprised.”, Banyuo replied with a slight sigh.

“I’ll have to make sure to thank him properly for this later,”, Alex thought to himself, not impressed at all at what Daisuke had done, “But I was also just thinking about what you said last night.”, Alex added, watching several houses along the train tracks slide by and recognizing the shape for the first time since boarding the train.

“I said a lot of things last night.”, Banyuo replied with an enormous yawn.

“About how you said it would be hard to reap in a business suit.”, Alex said with an enormous yawn.

“What about it?”, Banyuo asked, a tad confused about why Alex would be thinking of such a trivial comment.

“I was thinking that it was strange that I’ve been in Japan for two months now, and I haven’t seen hide nor hair of Death, let alone been able to go out and kill the criminals of the world like I’m supposed to be doing.”, Alex elaborated, his body and mind starting to slowly wake up completely now and prepare for the day ahead.

For a moment, Alex and Banyuo sank deep into thought, Alex being jostled slightly by all the students around him. Neither of the two had really given it any thought up until, or were in any hurry to think about it, as Death never brought good news whenever he showed himself to Alex.

Death had been very poinient when he had broken up Alex and his best friends and scattered them to the far off corners of the world. With their death-tombs of criminals to be killed in Canada full, Death set them upon the world to continue their duties harvesting the sacrificed souls of those who commited the most heinous of crimes.

Yet for two months, it had only been Alex, Banyuo, and an empty city. It would have been the perfect time for Death to relegate to Alex his new duties and death-tombs with the new list of those who were to be reaped, yet he never showed.

Alex knew better to think happy thoughts at a moment like this, as things always had a way of going so very wrong when he did, yet he couldn’t help it and his heart lifted and lightened in his chest.

For three years, Alex had been serving under Death, doing as he was told like an errand boy, never once speaking out or questioning Death’s decisions. For three years, Alex had been given the task of seeking out those who had murdered, raped, and destroyed the peaceful lives of those around them, and rebalancing the order of life by freeing their souls from their tainted bodies. For three years, Alex had been nothing but a slave to Death, his life and daily activities controlled by the most unforgiving master one could ever have the unpleasantness to serve under. For three years, Alex had been slaughtering the criminals of Canada, leaving a swath of butchered bodies and blood behind him, Alex’s daily routine nothing more then waking up, killing and sleeping, hardly the life he had hoped for.

Resting his tired head against his outstretched arm grasping the train handrail, which was shaking slightly as the train rattled onwards, Alex stared at the floor of the train and let out a low, slow sigh, a small smile spreading across his face, his eyes beginning to twinkle slightly.

“No sign of Death for two months can only mean one thing Banyuo.”, Alex said quietly, more to himself then anything else, but yet still inaudible to the students around him.

“And what’s that Alex?”, Banyuo asked slowly, unsure of what Alex had in mind.

“It means I’m free.”, Alex breathed happily, “I’m no longer a slave to Death.”, he finished, running a hand through his untidy hair, the first attempt at trying to tidy it for the day since he had woken up.

With a gentle shove forward and a soft hiss, Alex felt the packed train begin to gently slow down. Looking up from the floor, and preparing to disembark, Alex was startled to see the sudden change taken upon by the students.

The once happily chatting crowd had fallen oddly silent, every student’s face turned towards the doors of the train cars, their eyes locked in an unblinking stare at the set. Many of the sitting students had risen from their seats, while still others were preparing for looked like a the beginning of a race, either stretching their arms or legs or else taking stances very similar to that of professional sprinters readying themselves. Still others were undershouldering skateboards, scooters and rollerblades and preparing them for action. Even though every student was focused intently on the door, each and every one of them had a look of unmistakable excitement on their face, as if what they were preaping for was something they had waited for for such a long time. Though what the students were preapring for was lost on Alex, as all that was happening was the train was coming to a stop.

“Now disembarking riders for Daitoku Station.”, a voice spoke from above Alex, echoing around the train like it was a tunnel as the train came to a complete stop with another gentle shove forward, “Please watch your step and have an enjoyable day.”

With a soft hiss, the doors of the train slid silently open, and all Hell broke loose upon the train.

As soon as the doors had opened as wide as they could, screams of excitement erupted throughout the train and Alex felt the power of countless students shoving him forward like a tidal surge. Body after body, student after student crashed into Alex’s back, and without even the smallest amount of time to try and resist what was happening to him, began getting forcefully pushed towards the doors of the trains and into the station, his feet sliding across the floor as he was dragged mercilessly

Student after student rushed past Alex in a blur, Alex himself getting jostled so violently his feet could barely keep him upright as he was tossed back and forth and spun around on spot like a top. No one seemed to pay him any attention as with each breif glimpse of the faces storming by, he could see that everyone was having a rather fun time of it, as if they were used to it and treating it like a game. Infact, to Alex it seemed as if the students were purposely running into him as each hit seemed to be as powerful as the one before it, if not even more so. Backs of heads not so much as looking back behind them dashed past Alex in a flood of humanity, their laughing and smiling faces unknown to Alex as they stormed past in their mad rush.

The students must have thought that it was something like a game as the air was full of the sounds of excited shrieks, laughter, happy conversations continued from the train, and what sounded like a school sung by dozens of very boisterous students who seemed to be leading the flood of students out of the train. Some of the students seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves as several students had started a game in which they teamed up into pairs with one student giving another a piggy back ride while the riders tried to knock other riders from their perch.

Alex’s head was spinning and his brain was frazzled. Maybe it was the number of times he had been hit from behind, his head constantly being bounced around, or else the fact that each and every student was rushing by so fast that the many colours of hair and uniforms were melding into one giant collage that Alex had seem to lose all sence of time and how long he had been caught up in the student tsunami.

Alex had lost count of how many times hee had been hit by unattentive students, though if his aching feet were any tally of the number, he figured he had been hit atleast over hundred times. Yet just as quickly as the chaos had started it was all over.

With a few last shoves and pushes to the side, the last few dawdling students dashed past Alex and the mob disappeared from around Alex, letting him breathe properly for the first time since getting on the train. Staggering slightly, Alex regained his balance the best he could and forcing himself to focus the best he could, realized he was no longer on the train, but instead on a train station platform. It was strange, Alex thought, that a mob that large could storm out of a train and completely disappear in a matter of seconds, the same amount of time it took Alex to realize that he was no longer on the train and in the station. Looking over his shoulder, Alex caught the train just as its doors were sliding closed with another hiss and it silently trundled forward, its six or so cars creaking and clacking along the railroad as they were slowly dragged up to speed along the track.

Pulling his attention away from the slowly departing train, Alex could confirm for the first time that he was indeed at Daitoku Station, just as Daisuke had requested in his letter to Alex. Looking around, Alex had to admit he was somewhat disappointed with the station. Given everything he had seen in the rest of the city, he was expecting a little more then what was before him.

The word ‘station’ must have merely been a way of describing it, as it really was nothing more then a large patch of concrete raised to the level of the train floor and covered by a large metal frame work of iron scaffolding and frosted glass panels on the roof to let the sunlight shine in to otherwise bland and almost dreary station center. At the far edge of the patch of concrete was a large green sign with the words “Front Entrance” scrawled across in silver writing.

Remembering Daisuke’s letter, Alex hitched Banyuo on his shoulder a little tighter, crossed the train platform and passed under the front entrance sign. A blaze of morning sunlight blinded Alex slightly, and after a moment of rubbing his eyes vigurously, saw the truly cityscape before him.

Seemingly born from the bottom of the steps of Daitoku Station, the large street that had cut a large, laser straight river of concrete that stretched farther then Alex could see in the early morning sun. Standing proudly on both sides of the street were a rainbow assortment of buildings. A cascade of light blues, pruples, reds, pinks, yellows and oranges bombarded Alex’s eyes, and even though each of the buildings were rather bland looking, looking like overgrown sho boxes, none were taller then a mere three stories tall which granted the street a feeling of being very wide open and homely, a stark contrast to the almost robotic feel of the University section of the city.

The buildings were spread very spaciously apart, being seperated by long winding footpaths surrounded by grassy lawns and pots over flowing with colourful flowers, letting students enjoy the beautiful days of spring, summer and fall while in school. Sprouting up occasionaly from between the many school buildings were small coffee shops, diners and french and italian resturants, colourful umbrellas spread high above the round tables beneathe them that Alex suspected would cater to the many students during their lunch breaks, though many of these tables were full of students who were enjoying a warm breakfast before their first day of school began.

Wide staircases of pure white marble rose skywards away from the streetside below them, emerging onto wide plateaus full of benches, kiosks, fountains and even more school buildings set head and shoulders above the rest.

Scattered liberally throughout the neighbourhood were leafy trees that added a much greater sence of openess to the surroundings, while small marble and granite statues or a wide variety of animals added a sence of class to an already classy looking neighbourhood.

Rising high above the street, set against the sky like a marvalous centerpiece was the most amzing thing Alex had ever seen.

Atleast seven hundred feet tall and casting a shadow over the land like an enormous black cloud, the giant tree that Alex had seen when he first arrived in the city was even more impressive upclose.

Its trunk was truly enormous, Alex estimating it being atleast three hundred feet round; it’s dark brown bark looking as if it was carved out of stone. It’s crown of leaves was the most truly impressive part of the tree, as it was atleast one thousand feet across, perfectly round and seem to taper upwards to a rounded pointed top, resembling a round pyramid. The crown of the tree was so enormous that it glowed green from all the sunlight it was trapping within its leafy depths. The tree, from what Alex could tell, seemed to be rooted at the end of what seemed like the neverending strip of pavement.

In the diastance, Alex could just make out the retreating backs of the students who a minute ago had flooded from the train and had used his feet like a doormat rushing at top speed down the street and towards the tree.

“Quite the sight, eh Alex?”, a cold voice asked from somewhere beside Alex, sounding very relaxed.

In an instant, Alex knew who the speaker was for he had many conversations with him before, but even that didn’t bring any comfort to him. Alex hadn’t jumped or startled when he heard the voice,instead with a loud, audible sigh and an exasperated roll of his eyes, he turned his head and faced the person he was the least excited to see, no matter what the situation.

Sitting on the stares of the train station looking quite relaxed was a well-toned man wearing what looked a high-class, black buisness suit and silver tie. His face was slightly weathered, looking like he was in his mid-fifties and he had grey eyes, a small nose, and pointed chin that seemed to give him a tad unfriendly look, if not sinister. He had black hair that was on the slightly long side, the front of his hair pulled back into a split and pulled back over his ears, which had a several earings and studs shimmering from them.

The man, who had obviously not been sitting on the station steps a moment ago when the students had stormed the steps, was looking quite relaxed and comfortable on the steps, basking in the warm morning sun. Stranger still, that is to say stranger then appearing out of midair, the man was eating what looked like chocolate ice-cream sandwiched between two large chocolate fudge brownies and covered in chocolate sauce and chocolate icing sitting atop a golden plate with a silver fork, and he appeared to be rather enjoying it.

Alex stared at the man, not surprised or shocked, but rather in an unimpressed way. Given the look on Alex’s face, it appeared as if the appearance of the man wearing a suit and eating some sort of decadent dessert out of thin air was completely normal to him.

But the moment Alex had set eyes upon the man, the fleeting bit of happiness Alex had felt on the train had been shattered, raplced by annoyance and anger the swelled inside him like a balloon threatening to pop.

“Well look who we have here.”, Alex said coldly, sounding very annoyed and upset, “And what do I owe the pleasure of your company Death?”, he asked in mockingly courteous voice, taking a seat next to the man on the station steps and looking over the street before him

“What, can’t the Grim Reaper take some time off from his busy schedual of harvesting souls and visit one of his favorite reapers?”, Death asked sarcasticaly,stretching and crossing his legs infront of him, cutting a large piece of cake with his fork, scewering it and popping it into his mouth, “Mm, delicious.”, he mummered to himself, a look of shear delight all over his face.

“Sure he can. But if that certain reaper has no intention of seeing you at all costs, then it sort of contradicts itself doesn’t it.”, Alex said rather scathingly, casting Death a cold look as Death enjoyed another large piece of ice-cream cake, “And what are you eating anyway?”, he added, more as an after thought then anything else.

“Death by Chocolate.”, Death replied, though slightly muffled as his mouth was full of cake, “Now, I may not approve of them using my name and attaching it to something as delicious as this, but then again, when it tastes this good, I can make some exceptions.”, he finished as he stuck his fork in the top of the cake and set it and the plate down on the step next to him, rubbing his stomach through his suit, and leaning back on the steps, propping himself up with his hands.

“What do you want Death?”, Alex asked flattly, giving Death a rather impatient look, clearly trying to get him to leave as quickly as possible.

Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, Death cast a glance sideways and studied Alex and his look of annoyance. Death could tell that his mere presence was upseting and annoying Alex, the very thought of it sending a shiver of joy up Death’s spine. Wanting to draw it out as long as possible, Death ran a hand through his hair and sighed slightly.

“I wanted to give you this.”, Death said casually, reaching inside of his jacket, and withdrawing a leather bound book about the size of the average school notebook with gold writing on the cover.

“Figures.”, Alex snorted with disdain as Death tossed the book onto his lap and feeling very happy after eating his chocolately dessert, leaned all the weay back and propped himself up with his elbows, basking in the warm sun light like a sun bather.

“Yes, it does figure.”, Death said rather seriously, casting him a stern glare yet looking relaxed at the same time, “This is your Deathtomb for Japan. All the names of all the criminals who commited a great sin are in that book, and as always, it is up to you …”

“To free their souls from their tainted bodies.”, Alex said, cutting Death off in mid speech, “Yeah, I think I know how to do my job now.”, he added, giving Death a very bored look as he relaxed on the station steps.

“Do you?”, Death asked, sitting up and studying Alex closely, “Because if I remember correctly, it was you who faught hard against me splitting up you and your friends, the only family you have left. And it was you who opposed me sending you four to the distanct corners of the earth to continue repaying your debt to me. And it was you who tried walk away from me and our contract when you achieved your goal and avenged your parents.”, Death said coldly, his cold grey eyes fixxed firmly on Alex’s face.

Alex didn’t respond to Death, but stared back into Death’s face, their eyes locked in an icy cold staring contest. All of what Death had said was true, so there was no point in Alex denying it, but hearing it come from Death didn’t make it any easier to accept

“Remember Alex. You are mine until I’m done with you. You’re soul is mine until I’m done with you. You are nothing but my pawn in the game of life and death, understand?”, Death asked, his voice full of cold rage, “You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to this, and now you want out?”, Death snarled, his cold eyes alive with burning fury.

“That’s right, I do want out.”, Alex said with a snarl to match Death’s, “I’ve been your lap dog for three years now, you’ve taken my friends and family away and dropped me in a foreign land where I have nothing, and frankly I’m sick of it. I’ve killed thousands of people and for what? Just to be sent to another land to kill more people there? Well you can forget it! I’m done with you and done with my duties!”, Alex snarled, leaning close to Death so their snarling faces were mere inches apart.

“Oh really?”, Death growled, staring Alex in the face, “Remember what happened when you tried to walk out on me last time? I nearly killed you right then and there. I only let you live because I still had use for you. And until that day comes when I know longer have use for you, you will be mine. I hold your soul in the palm of my hand, just like I hold the souls of your friends in the palm of my hand. If you do anything other then do as you’re told, I will not only kill you, but make you watch as your best friends are tortured and killed by my own hand. Do I make myself clear?”, Death said coldly, staring unblinkingly into Alex’s blue eyes.

For a moment, Death and Alex stared at one another, their faces alive with anger and rage, their breaths held. Neither of the two budged, wanting to demonstrate their willpower and fortitude to the other, wanting to walk away from the silent war the victor.

But Alex’s fortitude quickly faltered as a stinging, white hot flash of pain ripped across his back, his face breaking and showing the pain clearly written across his face and the fury blazing within his eyes breaking, replaced by a cold fear for a split second. The memory of what had happened when he, Alex, had tried to turn his back on Death and break his deal with Death were still very clear in his ind, and he was not willing to relive it anytime soon.

Seeing that Alex remembered what had happened last time and was scared of his power, Death’s face broke into a wide smile. Victory was his and Alex would have to accept it.

“Do I make myself clear?”, Death asked again, his eyes blazing happily at his victory over Alex.

“Crystal.”, Alex spat, his eyes blazing with white-hot anger at his defeat at Death’s hands.

“Good. Now I don’t want to see you skipping on your reaping duties, do you understand me?”, Death murmed happily, leaning back in his seat, crossing his arms and knodding his approval, “If I see that you’re neglecting your duties, I will kill you, Monica, Feilos, Max, and anyone that knows you. Because above all, you’re a reaper first, and a human-being second.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”, Alex replied coldly, scooping up the book and cramming inside his jacket and out of sight.

“Good. Now if you’ll excuse me, there is a man standing atop a skycraper in Australia who is intent on jumping, something about his bitch of a wife pushing him to do it. I wouldn’t want to miss that.”, Death said cheerfully, a stark contrast to how he had been a moment ago, and with a wave of his hand, his body split and eroded away into ribbons of thick black smoke that melted into the air and gradually disappeared, leaving not even the faintest lingering traces of himself behind.

“It seems Death is still holding a grudge against you trying to walk away from your duties.”, Banyuo said cooly from Alex’s back as he stared seethingly out over the impressive landscape before him.

“It sure looks that way.”, Alex growled, his hands balled into fist, his face contorted with rage, looking as if he’d like nothing more then to beat someone to a bloody mess.

“Just as Death said Alex, you’re his until he’s done with you.”, Banyuo reminded Alex seriously as Alex stood up, dusted off the seat of his pants and made his way down the steps.

“For now Banyuo.”, Alex snarled, every word he spoke dripping with anger, “For now.”

After walking for ten minutes away from the train station and his meeting with Death, Alex had to admit that the street had an odd way of calming him down that he had not expected..

Everywhere he looked, he saw buildings of sandy-yellow, rose red, shining black, dusty pink, and pure white standing tall and pristine, their many clean faces sparkling and shimmering in the bright sunlight. The street side was decorated with colour bursting flowerpots and tall, leafy trees that added a very natural and pleasing feel to the street that the buildings alone could not accomplish

The air was full of the refreshing scent of blooming flowers, fresh cut grass, freshly brewed coffee, and freshly prepared gourmet food, their different aromas wafting through the street and dancing in Alex’s nose, making his mouth water and wiping his mind clean of anything even remotely related to Death.

The sidewalk was full of happily chatting students who appeared to have stopped by some of the local resturants, many of them laughing and chatting while sipping coffee or else eating what looked pancakes wrapped around liberal helpings of fresh fruit and topped with whipped cream.

Like traffic during rush hour, the street was full of groups of students on bikes who would whiz by him within inches, sometimes leaping onto the sidewalk and weaving in between the many students that would dive and leap for safety when they saw the bicyclists coming, while still others zipped by on skateboards, rollerblades and scooters, many of them using things like benches, hand rails and the curb to perform simple tricks, yet receiving applause from the meandering students none the less.

For the first time since arriving in Koutei-Shigai, Alex was finally seeing other adults, apart from Daisuke, walking around the city.

Each and every adult that Alex saw were wearing formal looking buisness suit similar to his own. All the men that he saw, none of them appearing to be any younger then thirty were wearing light grey, dark blue, or black business suits with ties ranging from simple red ones to tacky ties with odd colours and patterns. Many of the men had short, neatly cut hair and well groomed faces, though the odd man out would have a stubbly chin or neatly trimmed beard and long hair similar to Alex’s.

The women that Alex saw were all wearing their absolute best. Many of them were wearing elegant business suits and shapely skirts, though there were just as many women wearing tasteful sweaters and tops with knee or ankle length dresses, their hair done up in elegant designs atop their heads or else pulled back into intricately styled braids or ponytails.

Alex figured that these people had to be noneother then the teachers of the city, as many of them were carrying large briefcases and files overflowing with papers.

Alex’s hunch was only made stronger as the people he thought of as teachers would not only be bowed to and greeted happily by the students on the sidewalk, but they would steer away from the sidewalk and open the doors to the many buildings lining the street side, buildings that had signs above their entrances that read, “Bio-Physics, Year Two.”, “Early Childhood Studies, Year Three.” Or “Culinary Arts, First Year.”.

Occasionally Alex would catch a student here or there turning and disappearing into the school buildings lining the street, although the majority of students were still meandering their way down the street, following it like the mob had done early, the enormous tree imprinted against the mountain and sky towering high above the street and beckoning Alex on further, to reach its enormous trunk and see what it had in store for him.

The further Alex ventured down the street, the more crowded it became, a more diverse mixture of students and teachers alike bustling about the street. Large groups of students at a time would bustle into building after building, referencing sheets of paper Alex suspected were none other then their scheduals just like he had in his high school days. Many students were waving goodbyes to their friends and saying they would meet up with them again at lunch or during spare as they hurried through the doors or else dashing up one of the many –and now crowded- stairways that lead to the buildings set atop the airy and spacious plateaus.

Many teachers were also present, some of them joining the students pushing their way through the front doors of the school buildings, or else directing traffic and keeping order amongst the ruckus, cracking down instantly on anyone who appeared to them to be disrupting the morning flow of the first day of school. Many of the teachers were kept busy on their first morning back, chasing after the many students on bikes, skateboared, rollerblades and scooters and demanding they get off their personal vehicles and walk like normal, or else breaking up large groups of students watching small street side stunt shows being performed by the riders of the various vehicles.

Once again, amongst all the commotion that was unfurling around him, no one was giving Alex any attention, which for all that it was worth, was fine by him. But truth be told, Alex did it find that no one was paying him any attention, as the sight of someone carrying a large, silk wrapped sword on their backs shouldn’t be that common, not after the small crowd he had drawn at the airport two months ago.

Yet even though students would give him passing glances and smile and at him when they walked past, none of them seem to think he was out of the ordinary. Quite the contrary, several students bowed to him as he passed, a cheerful “Good day Sensei” their greeting to him. In the distance, the unmistakable din of thousands of voices rose high into the air and echoed their ways down the airy school street, pulling Alex onwards to see where they were coming from.

Alex figured he must be close to the end of his journey as the tree that had risen magnificently over the cityscape was now positively towering over everything below it.

The enormous canopy of the tree looked as if it were a mountain in the sky, it’s leafy mass looking positively black set against the clear blue sky above it. The trunk of the tree was absoluetly breath taking single handily blocking out on of the many mountains behind it. Even from the street below, Alex could make out small patches of light green moss the stuck to the folds, wrinkles, and scales of bark that covered the tree’s enormous trunk.

After what must have been a good half hour of walking from the train station, Alex finally reached the end of his long trek, and he felt that after being stepped on my hundreds of students and a very unpleasent talk with Death, it was truly worth it.

Possibly the finest school Alex had ever seen, the street that Alex had been traveling along for the past half hour ended in a magnificent field of emerald green grass that was swaying gently in the morning breeze. In the far off distance, the mountains that stood tall all around Koutei-Shigai towered over the field below, shining like enormouse emeralds in the morning, making for a magnificent backdrop.

Set atop four elegantly rising hills were undoubtedly the four main school buildings. Resembling Buckingham Palace to a tee, except each standing six stories tall, the buildings were magnificent. The buildings were made of a dark-yellowish stone and immaculately detailed with the small space between each brick painted a perfect crystal white, while the bricks themselves were were polished and buffed to give them an aged and weathered look, even though Alex could tell the buildings were not as old as the builders had tried to make them appear to be. Long spindly vines of ivy slowly snaked and clawed their way up the sides of the building, again adding to the appearance of the buildings being older then they actually were while large, immaculately groomed rose bushes surrounded the base of the school add a strange sence of romance the buildings. Each and every window had been cleaned and shined to a crystal like shine while flower pots hung below, full of yellow, purple, red and blue flowers dotted the school walls with their enticing rainbow. Large gold and silver clocks sat atop the roof top high above the doors, letting the countless students know what time it was in an instant, a soft yet powerful mechanical “tick-tock” escaping their immaculate faces.

Black granite statues of lions adorned the edge of the roovetops, their faces turned towards the ground as they lazed away the endless days and years atop the school building, watching over the students with their unblinking stares. White marble bear statues reared on their hind legs on either of the entranceways of the schools, their powerful figures offering their protection to the students within with their mere presence.

Though the four school buildings were impressive, they were not the only ones to be scene. Surrounding the school buildings like town houses around the imperial castles of midevil times were the many other school buildings. Some were large gymnasiums that looked as if they could house entire track and field events, a large library built of dark brown bricks with statues of ancient greek scholars dressed in flowing togas and holding old texts as they contemplated the meaning of the universe. Still others appeared to be club houses, resturants, lounges, swimming pools and from what Alex could tell, a classy english looking pub. Everywhere he looked, there were more and more interesting buildings to see yet he was unable to do so all at once.

In the center off all the school buildings was possibly the greatest feature off all.

Sitting atop an enormous round plateau reached by a ring of pure white marble stairs was none other then the monsterous tree that had drawn Alex onwards. Upclose, Alex was left aweinspired by the sheer size of the tree. The trunk, Alex thought finally seeing it up close, must have been atleast five-hundred feet across, and its height no less then one thousand feet. As thick as the average city bus, the braches were unaturally straight and rigid while the smallest of twigs that poked and sprouted from their ends like fingers swayed and twisted in the morning breeze. The leafy canopy formed an entire wall of green shimmering leaves, and despite the fact that it was wide as an average city block and was a solid mass of leaves, an unuasl amount of light reached the ground far beneathe it, to the point that there was almost no shadow at all below it.

The roadway Alex had been walking along fanned out the instant it was free of the buildings and turned into a wide, all incompassing ring of cobblestones that encircled the entire the entire tree with even more path ways of white marble branching off and leading to the countless buildings that made up the immaculate school setting, streaking the emerald green grass white as the paths stretched throughout the school to areas unknown to Alex.

The school buildings and the tree weren’t the ony things to see however, as the wide open scape before him was full of life.

Stands and booths of all shapes and sizes, more then Alex could count, lined the edges of the cobblestone ring, bright colourful signs advertising things like, “Poetry Club”, “Fencing Club”, and “Automotive Design Club.” drew the eyes of students passing by while boisterous club members waving banners and shouting through bullhorns drew their ears. Flyers and pamphlets were handed out to passers by while countless students, clearly interested in what the clubs had to offer, were signing clipboards held by their smiling peers. Alex was reminded of the first day of his highschool career, when students from the various clubs in his school would go up infront of the freshmen during their orientation and encourage them to join their clubs and groups. Still more kiosk had been opened on the school grounds, many of them selling food and trinkettes, while still others were selling last minute school supplies to slightly frantic looking students who already looked a tad flustered with all their books, lists, scheduals and supplies

A horde of students atleast seven hundred strong and twenty students deep had formed an enormous mob at the foot of the steps below the enormous tree. Alex figured that must be where the students received their schedual, as signs that read “A-H”, “I-P” and “Q-Z” written in black shimmering letters could be seen rising high above the heads of the students while what Alex could only assume were more students were busy shouting instructions at the crowd.

“Quite the sight, huh Banyuo?”, Alex asked in awe as he slowly looked around him, trying to take in every inch of the enormous school the best he could.

“It truly is.”, Banyuo replied sounding just as impressed as a group of boys walked past, their bags thrown over their shoulders, talking happily about the classes they were in this year.

“If only my highschool was this amazing…”, Alex breathed, letting it trail off at the thought of his old highschool and how bland it was compared to this one.

“You may have found school entertaining instead of a waste of good daytime TV watching, right Alex?”

Craning his head around to see who was calling to him, Alex saw a man a tad shorter then he was who was in his mid-forties with a very youthful looking and wrinkle free face, rounded jawline and ice blue eyes yet framed by small, rectangular glasses and a head full of very light brown hair that was sleeked back in neat rows striding towards him, wearing a wide smile and waving happily towards Alex. The man was wearing a very professional looking light grey buisness jacket, that he had left undone and flapping in the gentle breeze, and light grey pants with shining black shoes that seemed to be made out of sparkling crystal then black leather.

“So I see you managed to follow my note and found you’re way here.”, the man said striding over to Alex and patting him on the shoulder, “Have any trouble?”, he asked looking at Alex over the rims of his glasses.

“A few problems here and there but nothing I couldn’t handle, Daisuke.”, Alex replied casually, scratching his chin as he and Daisuke turned to watch the first day commotion unfolding before them, “Except for the fact that you forgot to tell me the train would be packed full of students and those same kids would use me like a door mat.”, he added as an after thought as several students passed, bowwing and bidding a ‘good morning’ to Daisuke as they did so.

“Ah yes, that.”, Daisuke chuckled , sticking a hand in his pocket and strolling forward along the cobblestone ring, signaling Alex to follow him, “I figured it was best to omit that little piece of information as I thought you’d probably not believe me. As for using you as a door mat, you have realize the kids get very excited for their first day of school and tend to loose their heads in all the excitement.”, Daisuke elaborated as he and Alex strolled past the enormous crowd of kids waiting for their school lists, several students shouting orders at the crowd for peace and calm amongst their ranks.

Venturing into the crowd, booths of all shapes, sizes, colours and sounds surrounded and engulfed Alex like a flood of colour and wonder. Large booths with enormous TV screens were flashing pictures and video of their club activities to the happy onlookers. Booths with blaring speakers were blasting their alluring songs and messeges into the eardrums of the passers-by. Enormous, half circular booths with walls plastered with pictures of the club activites were drawing audience members in like sugar attracts flys, club members showing the countless onlookers what they could expect if they joined the crowd. As if a rainbow had crashed to earth of splashed its remains all around him, booths of bright oranges, blues, purples, greens, reds and pinks cascade Alex’s vision, aching them terribly as he tried to take in each and every display imaginable

Everywhere he looked, Alex saw trully amazing displays. TV screens were wowwing the audience with the amazing displays of stunts and coordinated flying of the aviation club, including smoke displays and mock dogfights. Shrieks of excitement cut through the air as students from the cheerleading performed amazing feats, everything from human pyramids to three and four person towers held high into the air with banners waving happily in the air. Cheers of support and awe erupted like a volcanoe exploding as large crowds watched amazing displays from the wrestling club which had several members competing in real matches, the competitors throwing and grappling one another in a well trained, almost instinctual dance; the Karate club which had members display their skills in amazing ways, their arms, legs, movements and reactions so fast and precise that they seemed to transcend human limitations to the point of being unreal; the Swordsman club that were demonstarting their skills with the sword as two members faught eachother in an amazing battle, their shining silver katana samurai swords silver blurs as they were swung through the air, their metal bodies ringing like bells as they collided with one another, small sparks jumping and shooting into the air with each swift and powerful strike. Alex’s mouth watered and hand twitched with excitement, a strong desire to unsheath Banyuo and try his hand at these highly skilled swordsmen held at bay but only just.

The sweet smell of freshly cooked food and desserts wafted through the air as members of the culinary arts club, dressed in all white clothes, demonstarted their skills by cooking food and snacks for the passers-by on enormous sizzling stoves while still others cut fruit and vegetables at alarming speed, their knives moving even faster then the swords of the swordsmen that Alex had passed moments earlier. No matter where Alex looked, he saw all sorts of fantastic displays for extraordinary clubs that he never thought could ever possibly exsist.

“The first day of school is always such a wonderful time for our students,” Daisuke sighed happily as he and Alex weeded their way through the energetic crowd, “Not only do they find out what classes they’ll be taking this semester, they find out who they will be sharing the expierence with, but they get to sign up for the clubs they want to join this year.”, Daisuke eleaborated as he and Alex passed by a large crowd watching an amazing rock show put on by members of the ‘Rock Music Club’.

“Just how many clubs are there in this school?”, Alex asked, having already counted some forty plus club booths and the number only getting larger with each step.

“At last count there was approximately two hundred and thirty eight registered clubs, all of them offering something for everyone.”, Daisuke replied as he and Alex passed a booth advertising for the soccer club and exhibiting their dozens of championchips, “But there are still even more clubs that are unregistered and operate within the school.”, he added, knodding towards Alex to follow him away from the crowd and onto one of the marble paths, leading to one of the palace like school buildings

“Wow…”, Alex breathed with a whistle, “When I was in highschool, there was maybe fifteen clubs, and a couple of them were repeats at that. But over two hundred is ridiculous.”, he said incredulously as he and Daisuke began climbing up one of long, wide marble stair cases leading up the hill to the school building.

“It is indeed ridiculous.”, Daisuke agreed as a large group of girls hurried past him and Alex on their way up the stairs to the school building in the near distance, “What’s more is that ontop of their regular duties, it’s up to the teachers to oversee and supervise all club members and club activites.”

“So where are you taking me exactly?”, Alex asked as he and Daisuke finished climbing the stairs up the side of the hill and strolling along the the blazing white marble pathway, one of the enormous palace like school buildings standing tall and grand at the end.

“Oh, just to take you to see a friend of mine.”, Daisuke replied casually, running a hand through his hair and shooting Alex a swift smile.

Even though Alex would trust Daisuke with his life, he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of unease at Daisuke’s words, and his smile didn’t help the matter much either.

Looking around him, the twinge of unease that Alex had felt at Daisuke and grown significantly.

Though a mere two hundred yards behind him and Daisuke, there were hordes of boys and girls intermingling as they went about their first day-of-school rituals, the girl to boy ratio had changed drastically. Where before a healthy mix had exsisted, now to Alex it appeared that the only men around were himself and Daisuke. Everywhere he looked, happily talking and laughing girls, their arms laidened down with their school bags and books meandered their way down the path to the front doors or relaxed on the lawns, large colourful blankettes spread out as they enjoyed a delicious looking picnic breakfast before starting their first day of school.

Alex figured that all the boys must have been inside the school already, probably hanging out in their classrooms, and all the girls being outside must have been a coinsedence.

Passing inbetween the two large bear statues rearing high on their hind legs, their claws sharp and jaws spread wide in a menacing, silent roar, a small shiver ran up Alex’s spine as he had the sudden feeling of a powerful, unseen, unyielding power was watching him and only him, as if trying to decide if he was someone to be trusted of not.

Passing through two immaculately detailed oak doors-adorned with snaking dragons around the edge with two tigers locked in an immortal embrace in the middle- held open by Daisuke, the flickering thought of an unwavering, untrusting stare was instantly washed away at the mere sight of the entrance hall.

Walls of the richest oak and maple stood tall and grand, shimmering dark brown and yellow in the morning light, the many plagues, trophies and awards the students having won over the countless years of the school being open adorning every inch, a sign of the skill, talent and pristige displayed for all future generations to see. Three cavern-like hallways lined with enormous windows -that were were closed with large, sliding wood shutters- stretched off into the depths of the school building, leading the countless number of students to corners unknown for their classes that Alex knew nothing about. A warm din of happy conversations escaped the many doors opening into the hallways, a sure sign that the students were excited for their first day of class. Looking as if it had been carved out of a single giant, shimmering black diamond, the black stone floor sparkled and gleamed brilliantly, the roof relfected perfectly in its hard face.

The most spectacular feature however stood in the middle of the floor, a true centerpiece of beauty.

A statue of a man six stories tall stood silently and imperially in the middle of the entrance hall. Alex had no doubt he was a priest, as the loose fitting robes over his shoulders, sandles and charm necklace and bracelet worn around his neck and wrist –his hands held infront of him in deep prayer- were no doubt the sign of a holy man. Even as tall as he was, Alex could tell he was a very old man, probably in his late seventies, as his face was lined and wrinkled, his mouth creased in a gentle and heart warming smile, the smile only a man at peace with himself and life could have. Twisting itself around the statue of the priest like a giant boa constrictor, a gorgouse spiral staircase with solid marble stairs and red satin carpet looked as if it were meant for nothing less then the most powerful kings and queens to ascend and descend. Handle rails of pure lack ebony sparkled peerlessly in the bright sunlight. High above, the upper floors sprouted from the walls and encircled the entire statue yet didn’t impeed ones view of the entire figure, allowing an uninterupted view of the entire statue from its feet to its head. Small arms drapped with banners stretched from the spiral staircase and connected its beautiful figure to the upper floors. The school interior was brighter then Alex had expected, as entire walls had been replaced by giant windows at the front and back of the school building, letting in the brilliant rays of sunlight that lit the whole interior, giving it a warm, comforting, almost relaxing feel

Yet despite the shear beauty of the entrance hall that Alex and Daisuke had walked into, there was something that no matter how beautiful it was could overlook.


Not just a few here and there. But hundreds upon hundreds of them, girls of all different shapes and sizes, ascending and discending the stairs or else strolling through the hallways on their ways to their classrooms in the far off reaches of the school. The halls were alive with the smiling faces and laughter of the young ladies on their way to their classrooms for the first day of school. All of them seemed to think nothing out of the ordinary of Alex or Daisuke, as many of them smiled and bowwed with a “Good Morning Sensei.”, as they passed.

“Pretty impressive eh Alex.”, Daisuke said happily, clapping Alex on the back as he gazed around the entrance hall in awe, “The entrance hall I mean ofcourse, not the students.”, he added with an air of trying to make clear of what he meant.

“Yeah…yeah it is.”, Alex breathed, thinking how boring his highschool had been compared to this and feeling a very large pang of jealously towards the students.

“This school was established in the year 1655,”, Daisuke told Alex in a matter-of-fact tone, crossing the entrance hall and starting up the winding spiral staircase and joining the throng of students already make their way up and down the stairs, Alex scurrying behind him, not wanting to be left behind in a strange, unfamiliar building, “Ever since its construction and inseption, it has remained pretty much as you see it. It even has plagues and trophies from the year 1702 still hanging on the wall.”

“Wow”, Alex breathed with a whistle, running his hand on the smooth and cool to the touch hand rail.

“Because of its location deep in the mountains, it escaped the bombing raids of the United States and Chinese militaries during World War Two and has had a chance to lead its own way of development and growth, away from the technology that makes life simpler yet more difficult at the same time.”, Daisuke continued as they slowly circuled the enormous statue of the priest that towered over them.

“Lucky that,”, Alex said absent mindly as he observed the superb detail of the enormous statue in awe.

Looking over his shoulder, Daisuke couldn’t help but smile when he saw Alex’s eyes alight with amazement. It had been the first time he had seen Alex since his parents funeral and since he had become a reaper, but the light alive in Alex’s eyes reminded him of the innocent, happy child that he once was. It reminded him of the past, how everytime Daisuke would visit, Alex would always greet him like an uncle or brother, always happy, always smiling. It reminded him of the pictures Alex’s father would send him of their family vacation to the lake, or else on their trips to the beach. Even now, Daisuke found it hard to believe everything that Alex had gone through, yet the enormous figure of Banyuo clinging to his back was a clear reminder of what he had been through.

“You know Alex, seeing you now reminds of a person I met seven years back.”, Daisuke sighed as he and Alex passed one of the branching patchways from the spiraling staircase that lead to the second floor, which was full of bustling students getting ready for class “When he first arrived here he to was impressed by what he saw.”

“Yeah? I can see why.”, Alex said as he watched a group of girls pass him going down the stairs, sounding as if this news was hardly a surprise to him.

“He was a goodman; Young, idealistic, cheerful. He was top of his class when he graduated.”, Daisuke sighed, reminiscing about the past like it was yesterday, “He got along so well with the students it was really hard to believe sometimes. A man by the name of Makito Shohano.”

“Okay…”, Alex replied slowly, a tad confused at how the conversation had taken such a strange twist.

“Seven years ago to the day actually, I was leading him up these stairs, just like I am you. His expression just like yours now. I had high hopes for him, and he lived up to them. His students were all doing very well, a grade average of eighty all year round. The captain of the boy’s rugby team, leading them to two national second place finishes. He was always kind and understanding to his students, always taking time out of his day to help them. Yes…I had very high hopes for him, and he lived up to them, until that one day four months ago.”, Daisuke continued with another sigh.

“What are you talking about Daisuke?”, Alex asked as he and Daisuke broke away from the staircase and joined the crowd of school girls clambering about the third floor and relaxing against the enormous window, following the third floor around to a small hallyway barely noticable when compared to the cavernouse ones and their gaping mouths, strolled into a wood lined hallway with the pictures of different men and woman, small plagues with names and dates underneath them.

“The room you’ve been living in, Alex. You remember how you got it?”, Daisuke asked seriously, looking over his shoulder at Alex’s bewildered face.

“Yeah…yeah, you said a teacher made unwanted moves on a female student, so…”, Alex replied slowly, remembering back to his first day in Koutei-Shigai, a sudden air of realisation washing over him like a tidal wave, “That room…was it?…”

“Yes. It was his. The teacher who’s room you have was Makito’s old room.”, Daisuke said, a somber expression on his face and what looked like a small tear at the corner of his eye.

“I see…but what does this have to do with anything?”, Alex asked, still confused by what Daisuke was doing and talking about.

“You didn’t think you’d get to stay in that room for free did you?”, Daisuke asked, his somber expression replaced by his usual warm smile.

“Well…no…but…but you said everything had been arranged”, Alex stammered, trying to think as hard as he could about what Daisuke was hinting at.

“And it has been,”, Daisuke said, stopping abruptly in the hallway, so quickly infact that Alex almost bumped into him.

Looking at Daisuke for a second, Alex noticed that they were infact at the end of the hallway, standing before a set of glistening, cherry red doors framed in gold. Above the doors, a golden sign with the words “Headmaster” in neat, tidy cursive proclaimed to everyone which office was behind the doors.

“Today, Alexander Reiilly, you are the new teacher of freshman highschool class 2-C.”, Daisuke said happily, looking at Alex with the utter pride and respect.

Alex was dumb founded. His mouth hung limp and his eyebrows raised so high in disbeliefe they had disappeared under his hair. The strength in his arms had seem to vanish as they hung limply at his side, swaying bak and forth slightly.

Alex had heard what Daisuke had said, though none of it had made any sence. Daisuke had clearly said that he, Alex, would be the new teacher of freshman class 2-C.

But this couldn’t right.

First off, Alex was not a teacher by any stretch of the imagination. He had no formal training, no experience, and what’s more, he had never been one for school anyway, finding it a waste of good time that could be used hanging out with his friends at home or else napping and watching TV. Alex had really disliked many of his teachers, save for his science teacher and track and field coach. All of his highschool teachers had been more worried about their paycheques and moving up the ladder then worrying about their students when they needed them the most, leaving him with very little respect for teachers in general.

Second off, Alex was a reaper. A person who made a deal with Death so he could receive the powers necessary to avenge his parents killing, and in return would harvest the souls of those who commited a great sin. How would he beable to do that if he had kids to teach and papers to grade? Death had made it quite clear that he was not to slack off when it came to his reaping duties, yet if he was a teacher, he had lessons to plan, papers to mark and classes to attend. It would be almost impossible for him to reap the condemned while ensuring the students got the education they deserved.

Looking at Daisuke’s smiling face, something clicked. At first it was just a spark in the back of his mind, but surely and slowly it grew to a large inferno of understanding. Slowly at first, until Alex’s slack-jawwed mouth tightened and closed, a tiny grin appearing at his lips yet growing larger and larger until the grin pulled back into an understanding smile. His shoulders shuddered, his stomach quivered, and finally unable to control himself, Alex laughed heartily at what was surely a well-executed joke on Daisuke’s behalf.

“Oh…that was a good one Daisuke!”, Alex laughed heartily, slapping him on the shoulder, “You had me going there for a second! To think I had actually thought even for a second I was going to be a teacher! You are the devil in a well made suit, I’ll give you that!”, Alex choked, leaning against the wall for support as he held his stomach which was hurting from laughing to hard.

“Does it look like I’m joking to you Alex?”, Daisuke said seriously, his smile gone and replaced by a look of ice cold seriousness.

“W-well…no…”, Alex stammered, a chill running up his spine at the look on Daisuke’s face, “But come on Daisuke! Me being a teacher, that’s…”,

“What has been decided Alex.”, Daisuke cut across him, “If you are to stay in this city, you must work for it. And since a teaching position was open, and given your certain “special” circumstances, I thought, the headmaster agreed, and so did Death, that you should take up the teaching position. It’ll be a good way to hide your true objectives here in Japan, that is to say, making people see that you are only a hard working teacher,a productive member of society if you will; not a man who’s true job it is to slaughter those who have raped, murder, and destroyed the lives of the innocent.

Once again, Alex was slack jawwed and dumbfounded. Once again, Alex had heard what Daisuke had said and once again he couldn’t believe it. Yet for some reason, he couldn’t laugh. All he could do was stare at Daisuke’s ice-cold face in disbeliefe. He stared into Daisuke’s eyes and he knew that he wasn’t joking. The usual light that filled them with warmth was gone, instead filled with a chilling glare that could make even the most skeptical believe.

“I can’t be a teacher, Daisuke,”, Alex said weakly, trying to speak some reason to Daisuke, “I wouldn’t know what to do, or where to begin. I-I just wouldn’t.”

“Well this has been decided by the powers that be, Alex. There’s nothing that can be done about it now.”, Daisuke told Alex seriously, “As of today, you are a teacher. It’s as simple as that.”

Alex couldn’t say anything to Daisuke. His mind had gone blank and his voice seemed stuck in his throat. All he could do is mouth wordlessly to Daisuke, as if hoping him to tell him this was all part of some elaborate joke. But when the news he was hoping for never came, Alex could only force himself to believe that maybe Daisuke was telling the truth and he was really the newest teacher of Koutei-Shigai.

“I know it’s a lot to handle all at once, especially someone who has no expierence teaching what so ever, but I have faith in you Alex. You’re capable of amazing things if you put your mind to it, and I know if you put your mind to this, you’ll do great.”, Daisuke said kindly, turning his back on Alex, and raising a hand, knocked powefully on the headmasters door, “I know that the headmaster had planned to do this, but Alex, let me be the first to welcome you as the newest teacher of Nisou-Kokoroe Highschool, or as it would be in english, Priestess of Knowledge.”

Alex didn’t say anything, but instead settled to knod at Daisuke as a voice from behind the door beckoned them in, and the two friends pushed open the double doors that lead to the most powerful man in the entire city…the headmaster.

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