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#658588 added July 10, 2009 at 6:40pm
Restrictions: None
Taken By the streets

For some reason he does not question my motives only nods.
We run from the area threw crowds yelling occasionally for them to run as well.
As we round the corner, the Acid  Based bomb explodes.
My legs not long enough to be anywhere near Ion, turn back to watch a green smoke fill the sky,as screams penetrate what would have been a silent peaceful night. As I watch the smoke snake it's way to me, ready to be taken by it. I become aware that something is pulling me away from my freedom. As it is, I would rather live.

I turn back to the original direction.
" Are you insane? I don't care if you we're a Laser Shelf Explosive Baby, no human can live threw that!"
It's Ions voice coming in fuzzy from the amount of fumes that I have inhaled.
" Some Do."
"Being a vegetable is not living."
He makes my legs round six more corners before letting me collapse onto  a hard concrete floor.
A couple others from the rally have made it here. They are busily calling friends into the newest oldest version for the poor of there Blackberry.
Ion asks if he can borrow a cellphone from a man, " Get you own buddy."
A girl walks over to him," Here cutie use mine."
He fakes a smile her way and calls someone,
" Yeah, corner of Haste and Burrington."  He makes a face. Then calls over,
" You got a home kid?" " I didn't pay rent so they kicked me out." 
He turns back towards the phone, "I...make the extra bed up okay? No, it's not him. I know I promised. He wasn't there."
Pause here a large one that makes me wonder who's on  the other side of the phone. " I love you to. Not getting me out of trouble huh? No? She's cute. Yes, She. Yes, I am a man whore, uh huh. Okay bye."
He walks over to me.
Then sits next to me.
The girl comes back for her phone and she takes it.
"Who w-"
"You'll see okay? But now, I need to know about you. What your good at, your birthday, your sizes in clothes, your weaponry experience. Everything. Who your parents we're, who your sisters and brothers where, where you lived then and now, your best friend. EVERYTHING!"
"Can we start with my name?" I squeaked.
" Yeah," he said nodding," That's be nice."
© Copyright 2009 Madelyn Devour (UN: ghostofyou at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Madelyn Devour has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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