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You know you've been searching for a girl with edge, come in and find her.
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#659958 added July 19, 2009 at 9:42pm
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Chapter 2

Bryar exited the office. She couldn't believe she'd allowed herself  to speak about him.
She'd always fantasied about that painter, ever since... well since Mommy did it with the mailman.
He was poor and had a wife. She'd allowed Mr. Connor to have that epiphany. 'Foolishly', she thought,' you foolishly gave him a view of yourself.'
The black Rolls Royce came into the parking lot. She climbed in and Nick greeted her warmly. " Hello, Ladybug."
She smiled. Nick was an elderly gentleman. He had been an elderly gentleman for ages in Bryar's mind. " Hi, Nick." " Bad Day?"
"More like hour. It was fine up until I told Charles Dear, about Mark."  Charles was Mr. Connor First name.Unlike the rest of the household Nick knew everything. Including everything about Painter Boy/Mark. " What the rapist say?"
" Therapist Nick, he said that Mark was a way for me to deal with Nicole's Affairs."
Nicole Anne Rose Wood. That was Bryar's mother. Here in the coveted Royce's leather interior however she was the sarcastic ' Mother dear' and the angry ' Nicole.' " I don't think Mark was an outlet. I think Mark was a way for you to try out a man that would never cross your path."
Bryar thought about this as Nick made a turn onto a busy city street. " Your right, in a way I guess he was."
"Aye, Sugar he was. Now what about I double back and we park somewhere and eat an entire tub of Ben Jerry's out on the street?"
They both knew that finding parking was gonna be hell, and that the tub of Ben Jerry's would taste better stolen, but for sake of thinking time Bryar agreed.

© Copyright 2009 Madelyn Devour (UN: ghostofyou at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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