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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1625129
Book version of my John Wolfstone story
#679139 added December 2, 2012 at 3:41pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 9
As John walked outside, carrying several 5 x 8 foot sheets of paper, he saw the couple sitting at a table.

He stopped to listen to what they were saying.

“You saw how he held that human,” the man said. “You would have thought he was holding his flesh and blood instead of a snack.”

“Maybe, honey,” the woman said. “But his prices are reasonable, and if the house that is our size is anything similar to the others that those workmen are making, we’ll have room for more than ten children, and hundreds of slaves and pets. Besides, it’s not like we have much choice. After all, it’s this or living with my parents, and I know that you don’t like living there.”

“Ugh, how I wish that our house hadn’t gone up in flames, considering that we don’t have any money to get it rebuilt. Then again, we just couldn’t afford the insurance,” the man said, shaking his head.

John cleared his throat and said, “I’d hate to interrupt any conversation you to might be having, but, as you can see, I have some forms for you to look over and sign if you wish to live here. Of course, before you do that, let me show you one of the finished homes I have for people of your size. That way you will know what you could get before you even pay a thing.”

With that, John increased his height to fifty feet and took them to one of the houses.

“As you can see," John said as he led the couple on a tour of one house for giants of their size. "Everything, from the floor beams to the bathroom sink is made of high quality materials. Now mind you, I had the same done for all the houses on my land; all are made exactly the same way, except for size, of course. About the only thing you, or anyone else who moves in, have to do is pick the color to make the walls, inside and out, and carpet for the floor, and choose shingles for the roof. All of this will be done by professionals, at no extra expense for you, or anyone else.”

“Why, that IS a good deal!” the woman said, excitedly.

“But what’s the catch?” the man asked, cautiously.

“Simple really," John said. "You just have to follow the rules, which are the same for anyone planning to rent a home here. Also, and this is the big thing, you and anyone else who moves here will not be allowed to eat anyone while you live on my land. This rule will also extend to anyone who lives under your roof or is a guest for the night. Failure to follow this rule, even when you go on vacation or business trips, could result in, at the very least, being evicted from my property. You will leave everything that’s in the house, in the house, from electronics, to vehicles, and even, your pets and slaves. Also, while we are on that subject, your will treat your pets and slaves as if they were family members, from clothing them, to feeding them adequate food, and so on.”

“But that’s not fair. What would we eat then?” the couple asked.

“Easy," John said. "I have an area set up so you, and others, can go hunting for wild animals.”

“You expect us to be ‘vegetarians’!” the man said, with anger in his voice.

“Only if you decide to live here,” John said, calmly. “Besides, it’s a cheap price to pay in order to get a high quality home at an affordable price.”

Then he made a few slow motions with his head, as if he was looking for someone.

Then he whispered, in a conspiratorial voice, “Of course there is always the occasional traveling salesman or priest that doesn’t take ‘No’ for an answer. I might look the other way if one of those ‘disappeared’ from time to time.”

At this, the man gave a deep-throated chuckle.

“I see what you mean,” he said. “But what if someone tried to break in?”

“Hand them over to me, and by the time I’m done with them, they won’t even want to look at anything valuable," John said, with a chuckle. "Though if they seriously harm you or someone you care about, do whatever you want to them and don’t say a thing cause that is one time I would eat someone.”

“Has that ever happened?” the woman asked.

“Well, not in my house, but it does occur every so often on my way to work," the the size-changing werewolf said. "Then again, given my rearing, the university I went to, and the job I’ve got, I hate it when someone, and I don’t care who it is, tries to eat a child. Now an older person, well, I might let that slide, but for someone to just eat a child, not while I’m around. After all, they have their lives ahead of them.”

At that, John handed the pair the forms and said, “Read those tonight. If you are still interested in living here after that, come tomorrow afternoon when I get home from work.”

He then walked out the door and went to his house.
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