Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/699499-VOYEURISM--EXHIBITIONISM
Rated: GC · Book · Erotica · #1672387
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#699499 added June 17, 2010 at 5:35pm
Restrictions: None

I lusted after Anabela Silva’s luscious body. A marvelous black woman, her voluptuous curves and heaving breasts deeply fascinated me. The very thought of her booming voice, boisterous laugh and bold dressing stirred my loins. A rookie lawyer, I had recently joined her law firm. In complete awe of her physical assets and keen mind, I toiled hard to endear myself to her.

One weekend, I decided to work on an assignment that Anabela had given me, hoping to impress her by presenting the completed file on Monday morning. I froze in my tracks on seeing the lights in Anabela's room. Peering through the small glass panel built into the wooden door, the sight inside left me breathless. Seated on Anabela’s imposing executive chair was Ken, her assistant. His legs spread apart, trousers rolled down to his ankles; he bore an ecstatic look on his face. I saw a head pasted to his groin. There was no mistaking that dirty blonde hair. It was Anabela.

It had never mattered to me that Anabela was married to the same man for twenty years. If anything, it only stoked my desire for her fecund ripe body. She had four children from her husband. However, I had no inkling of her infidelity. Watching her cheat made me wild with lust. I unzipped my pants, pulled out my arousal and began to pump it furiously. Ken’s shirt buttons were undone and I saw her painted nails claw his white chest. Both of them rose to their feet. Ken pulled her to his chest and kissed her deeply. I had a sidewards view of the couple. While they kissed, I saw Anabela's slender fingers wrapped around his manhood, stroking him.

Releasing him, Anabela unclasped her skirt and allowed it to puddle on the floor. I gulped, seeing her stand in a thong panty. She slipped out of her suit. Underneath, she wore a cream-colored tube top. I wished for her to face me and grant me a frontal view. I so much wanted to see the upper swell of her breasts. I saw her lean over the office table and thrust her glorious rump toward Ken.

I felt the buildup of seed in my balls at the sight of her round butt. Ken kneeled behind her, stretched the elastic material of the panty aside and kissed her anus. I couldn't see much, but I could imagine his tongue rolling along the length of her sensitive flesh, starting from her puckered hole and reaching up to her vulva. I had no doubt that she would be a delicious woman.

After eating her for a long time, Ken stood up. My heart leapt with expectation because I knew he would penetrate her. I was almost on the brink of an explosive orgasm, but wanted to time it with theirs. He hooked his thumbs into the side bands of her panty and pulled it down to her ankles. Clutching his shaft, he positioned it at her entrance. I saw him push his pelvis forward. I gripped my penis hard, imagining the feel of her velvety sheath. He paused for a few moments, perhaps, savoring the joy of being immersed within the gorgeous Anabela.

Ken lean forward and pulled down her top. From my position, I only got an angular glimpse of her breasts. She arched her head to the side and their lips met, while his hips rocked back and forth. His hands reached forward and cupped her rounded jewels. The sight was too much for me. Grunting, I shot my load allover the carpet outside her room. My desire temporarily sated, I pulled up my underwear and trousers and hurried out of the office.


On Monday morning, I had hardly entered office when I received a call from Anabela's secretary. I was a nervous wreck by the time I reached her office. Surprisingly, there were no stains of my semen on the carpet outside. I knocked and entered. My heart sank when I saw Ken seated in front of Anabela. She waved me to a chair next to him.

She cleared her throat. "Ken is getting promoted and moving on to our London office. He speaks highly of you and I have decided to promote you as my Executive assistant. Ken will explain you your job."

I couldn't believe my ears. She offered me her hand across the table. "Congratulations, Peter."

"Thank you, Mam."

"Call me, Anabela."

Ken rose from his seat. "Come, Peter. Let's get started on your induction." He opened the room and stepped outside, when I heard Anabela's voice. "Peter."

I turned toward her.

Her face glued to her laptop, she spoke aloud. "Next time, please use tissues. These carpets are expensive."

Word Count: 791
© Copyright 2010 Prof Moriarty (UN: profmoriarty at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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