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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #924960
of a tennis player, hiker, writer
#705931 added September 13, 2010 at 10:26am
Restrictions: None
Event Leaves Players Eager to Play More
Seventy-one Georgia junior tennis players wrapped up play Sunday in the Middle Georgia Junior Fall Championships, where both regular play and QuickStart format tournaments were contested at the John Drew Smith Tennis Center.

Last week’s rule change dictating tournament play for the 10-and-under age groups meant shorter courts, lighter racquets, low-compression balls and modified scoring. The goal of the changes were done to encourage immediate success and increase retention among young players.

Macon resident Clay Bowie, father of 10-year-old Jordan, said he loves the QuickStart format.

“I’m a big fan,” Clay Bowie said. “The entire program helps teach kids the game; from learning to keep score, its rules … it’s allowed (Jordan) to learn (tennis) correctly while avoiding bad habits.”
Jordan Bowie, the girls 10-and-under finalist, only lost one of her five matches.

“I felt good about the way I played,” Bowie said. “My dad taught me how to put topspin on the ball, and I played with topspin.”

Rebecca Rubanov, a 9-year-old Macon resident, won the girls 10-and-under QuickStart event. Rubanov, no stranger to tournament play, only dropped two sets during her five-match run.

Rubanov said she prepares for tie-breaks mentally by reviewing previous head-to-head matches of her opponents in her mind.
“I tell myself to work hard, shake it off,” Rubanov said. “I can bring it back.”

Both Bowie and Rubanov plan on entering the next QuickStart tournament in October.

Connor Chancy, a 7-year-old from Hahira, played in the 8-and-under QuickStart event. He said he began playing tennis because it looked like fun.

“I watched Nadal, Federer, and the Williams (sisters) play,” Chancy said.

Chancy lost one of his matches in a third-set tiebreak but still plans on continuing to participate in QS format.

“It’s easier to hit (the ball),” said Chancy, who hits with his family on his driveway with both the QS balls and the regular yellow balls.
Chancy predicts Rafael Nadal will win the U.S. Open men’s final, which was delayed by rain to Monday.

Chancy’s parents have recently picked up the game in order to be able to keep up with their two sons.

“It’s a family sport,” Cyndi Chancy said. “All four of us love going out and hitting on the court together. Also, I love hitting in the driveway, especially with these low-compression balls because you can have more control over it and they don’t go as far. It works out better.”

Read more: http://www.macon.com/2010/09/13/1262357/quickstart-event-leaves-players.html#ixz...

Connor Chancy ~ Robin Bateman/Special to The Telegraph
 Connor Chancy, a 7-year-old tennis player from Hahira, hits the courts during this weekend’s Middle Georgia Junior Fall Championships at the John Drew Smith Tennis Center

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