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#711854 added November 22, 2010 at 3:07pm
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high school stae event
I’m just working w/ the girls spending an hour a night. They are willing to make the commitment out side of the season and that make it rewarding to me.

For me

A I’m a coach to some of them, but the main reason I’m willing to mom team mom. Daughter, jasi, sophomore. Making sure they are training during the off season.

“Training during the off season is so important. It’s difficult to come up during tryouts and think you can make the team.”

Judi Edwards770-235-8487 Blessed Trinity Catholic High School in Roswell, Ga.. Team parent. In this tournament rules mandate that high school coach can’t be involve in the team. 2nd year doing it. first annual year. Tennis is such an individual sport. Always nice when the kids can play together as a team. It’s a good way for the team to play together, another opportunity, especially if they don’t play in the fall because spring wi when the team plays good camaraderie also most are tournament players. They get individual points as well. Brought 5 boys. We also have a team for the girls. Flights organized so that we have a bye in the middle of the day. Hoping to pick up some hoops action.
Guaranteed 4 matches. 2 Saturday, 2 Sunday. In your flight. Opportunity to play 4 matches and earn individual points. End of the line you are the champion. Familiar with macon. Did nothing to prepare. Did not alter schedule as a team. Format 4 singles 2 doubles short set scoring up to 4 games winning by 2 r all 7 point tie breaker. “You have to be on as soon as you walk on the court.”

The High School division has six teams, and the Middle School division has two teams. There was no need to divide into flights since these divisions were not full. The high school teams will play a full round robin, on both Saturday and Sunday. The middle schools will meet each other three times. The winner of the round robins wil receive awards.

. As the director, what makes this tournament differnt from others? This was a team event, bringing together players from 32 schools (middle and high schools) around the state. Many were highly ranked junior players, who deal with the stress of competing in individual tournaments most weekends of the year. For this one event, these kids can compete in a fun, supportive atmosphere, with the support of their teammates and parents. The competition is intense and the level of play quite high - but the pressure is not so squarely on any single player's shoulders. It was a dramatically more relaxed spectator pool - parents who are often on the edge of their seats or pacing the sidelines were watching, cheering, supporting their team's players - but with no gnashing of teeth.

2. what was one of the best things you see the kids gain from participating? The camaraderie that develops among the team members is beautiful to watch. Because this tournament happens prior to the onset of the school season, many of these kids are just getting to know one another. During the 2-day tournament, I heard lots of laughter, saw several practical jokes, watched a couple of card games, heard about movies and dinner out on Saturday night. I heard kids thanking their parents and captains for bringing them, and got lots of unsolicited thank yous for hosting the event. Those things rarely happen at individual tennis tournaments.

3. any comments you want to add? This is my favorite tournament of the year, hands down. This is our third year. Last year we added middle school divisions. This year we added co-ed divisions, for both middle and high school. Who knows what 2011 will look like?

4. job title

Director of Tennis, Canongate Healy Point (day job)
Tournament Director (role for the weekend's tournament)

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