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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/714306-Wednesday-December-29-2010-607pm
Rated: 13+ · Book · Environment · #1392154
A modest journal.
#714306 added March 11, 2011 at 9:26pm
Restrictions: None
Wednesday, December 29, 2010, 6:07pm
Wednesday, December 29, 2010, 6:07pm

         I had an odd dream last night...  I was in a big, beautiful, state-of-the art hotel and my family was there --- my mother and maybe a sibling or two, my daughter was not there --- when I spotted something that got my attention, a guy digging for gold.   

         As known for doing, my mother went off with the siblings --- and I was alone.  The hotel was round in shape; and I had no idea where they were though I kept looking out every window I passed.  The hotel was encircled by large windows that ran almost from ceiling to floor, though I could not find the guy digging as I continuously looked out across the landscape surrounding the hotel. 

         In this dream, I was floating --- suspended from the floor about two feet --- in an upright position...  I floated through the hotel looking...  I was also wearing a short dress with a long netted dress underneath.  The dress on top was too short, but I didn't realize it when I put it on.  The under-dress with the netting was torn in the back.  I was an oddity and everyone kept staring.  I went into one part of the restaurant that was reserved for the wealthy and was told to leave that I wasn't allowed in there.  I made my apologies and left. 

         I saw some people I knew from the office ---- unknown to me in real life.  I was embarrassed because of my clothing and because of the floating.  I was wandering throughout the hotel very conspicuosly though I was trying with all my might to be inconspicuous.  At one point I floated over the table of some people who were eating and the women at the table were appalled and began covering their plates and making faces.  I apologized.

         At one point, there was another girl who was suspended and I thought at last I had a friend who was in a similar situation...  but she quickly dropped to the floor and didn't want to be my friend.  She was able to control whether or not she floated or walked on the floor. 

         At one point I went into an area with a pool, but it was curtained off and old people were receiving some sort of water-therapy and I was told I wasn't allowed in there and asked to leave.

         I remember another pool with aquarium like fish swimming about.  I remember trying to sit down because I could actually sit down on a seat---but antigravity would push me out of the seat and I was floating around again. 

         At one point someone tossed appointment/calendar planners of various shapes sizes and styles onto a counter for whoever wanted one.  I started to pick one up and a lady grabbed it from me and I said, "Hey, I had that..."  I picked another one and went on my way. 

         Another time there were presents of various shapes and sizes on a long, bar-like countertop --- apparently there for the taking.  I felt a few and then decided on one.  I took it away and opened it to find a few tubes of lipstick and a compact.  Then I saw a couple ladies walking, one had her arms full of presents and was saying, "Can you believe some of my presents were taken?"  Apparently all of the presents were hers and she just laid them down while she ate her dinner. 

         The entire dream seemed to be full of embarassment without power to change my circumstances. 


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