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by Jayjay
Rated: 18+ · Book · Supernatural · #1736975
Destiny is a 16,013 year old vampire set on protecting her friend, Stephan Vladmir Draco.
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#714363 added December 30, 2010 at 7:49pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1

The air reeked of ink and paper glue and... ugh... the smell of high school students with B.O. The pungent smell was almost enough to make me black my nose-- almost, but not quite enough. I knew better. It really sucked, not being able to put down roots anywhere. People would notice we were different... how we never aged, never went out with friends. And never, ever ate food.

When one of us messed up, the whole lot of us had to leave. That's how me and my friends roll. You got a problem with that? It doesn't mean it doesn't suck, though.

Right. Back to work. To the research section for my history book. Keepin' up appearances, ya know. All fine and dandy. I don't know why I even bother. I must have gone through the 7th and 8th and 9th grades about a couple thousand times.

What really bugs me is having the mentality of a thirteen year old. Well, it kinda makes sense, almost. I was killed when I was thirteen. In vampire years, I'm sixteen thousand years old. In human years, well... we'll just let you figure that one out yourself.

A sharp, bittersweet tang hit my nose, and I sensed motion behind me, interrupting my train of thought. Suddenly my vision blurred red at the edges, and my fangs peeked out, excited by the smell of blood. My nostrils flared and I took a deep breath to calm myself before whirling around to face the culprit.

It was... Stephan? "Hello, Destiny." he said formally, as if the words were awkward coming form his lips. His scent was still overwhelming. His lips were plump and... well,... perfect. He would taste good if I were to plunge my fangs into his neck. Or any part of him, for that matter.

"Hello, Stephan. To what do I owe the pleasure?" My voice was sharp like icicles cutting through the air.

He stiffened in surprise, as if I had just pulled a knife on him. "I was wondering... well... just..." he mumbled something that would be incomprehensible to the human ear.

"Huh? What was that?" I said, pretending not to have heard. "I can't hear you."

He finally racked up the courage to blurt out, "Would you go out with me, Destiny? All I see is you, all the time. It's like a magnet inside is telling me you're the one. Please? For my sake?" He ended on his knees. Pathetic.

He was begging. Great. Here I was thinking I had successfully sent out a "Fuck off, you don't want to mess with this bitch" vibe, but NOO.

"Look," I snapped. "I'm sorry, but no. You're not my type."

"Then you're a lesbian?" he asked seriously, looking hurt.

"What gave it away?" I said, sarcasm dripping from my voice. I paused for added effect. Such a drama queen, I know. "Why the fuck would I be a lesbian? Just because a girl doesn't go out with the great Stephan Draco doesn't mean that they're a lesbian."

"Well, sorry, your royal highness. I don't like the word no. And that isn't your final answer." he said cruelly. I walked away before I did something stupid, like RIP HIS FUCKING HEAD OFF!!!

Grr. Why did I get so angry over insufficient matters? In a year or two we'd be gone... gone... gone with the wind...

Destiny Grace Hope. My name. It fits into the three great questions I have about my existence. What is my destiny? What gifts of grace do I have? And what hope do I have in the future? Do I even have any hope?

© Copyright 2010 Jayjay (UN: jcrich77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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