Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/715202-Is-the-US-set-up-for-failure
by brom21
Rated: E · Book · Philosophy · #1740118
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#715202 added January 10, 2011 at 3:42pm
Restrictions: None
Is the US set up for failure?

Even apart from the national deficit I have noticed a downward trend in areas of infrastructure. With the social system being so corrupt and morals being so neglected it is no wonder that divorces are prominent and crime is rising. This corruption has effected the very politicians who are responsible for carrying out and establishing laws and functions. America was shaped after after the manner of Rome which gave religious freedom and basic rights to it's citizens. No one could have thought that such a strong empire would fall. Like the US' own loss of values and indifference in bureaucracy, Rome fell in likewise affect. Besides lack of morals the US has walked away from it's foundation of God and the Bible. Our prosperity is not because of our own wisdom or power, but by the grace of God an the faith of the founding fathers. Many lawmakers are trying to oust our spiritual foundation. We've all heard of people trying to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance and removing the ten commandments from classrooms as well as courtrooms. Now more than ever we are closer to total abandonment of God's influence. As the national debt increases and more people choose to be ignorant of crucial situations,I we get closer to total breakdown.
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