Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/727914-Rispetto-----Reassurance------Week-25
by SWPoet
Rated: E · Book · Writing · #1738719
Links to examples from 28 different forms of poetry - Poetic Explorations Forum 2011
#727914 added July 4, 2011 at 3:14pm
Restrictions: None
Rispetto Reassurance Week 25
 Reassurance (Rispetto-Poetry Form)  (E)
Ode to an insecure lover Example of a Rispetto Poem
#1790769 by SWPoet

A Rispetto, an Italian form of poetry, is a complete poem of two rhyme quatrains with strict meter.  The meter is usually iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of abab ccdd.  A Heroic Rispetto is written in Iambic pentameter, usually featuring the same rhyme scheme.

Week 25
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