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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/732344-This-ones-about-life-and-what-to-make-of-it
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#732344 added August 24, 2011 at 6:10pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about life and what to make of it.
Good evening y'all...how've you been? I've been a little busy, which is not to say why I haven't been keeping up on this here space of the interwebs. I've been biding my time, waiting for September's "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. I'd hate to waste good words and such, before they're due.

I must say that I took part in one of the loveliest weddings I've ever been a part of this past weekend. Mad love to my brother DMFM and his beautiful bride, Regan. Everything about the day was amazing. Peace to my homeboys in the wedding party also...without us, well, they still would've gotten married, but you guys made it a lot more fun. *Bigsmile* I'm so honored to have been a part of the happy couple's big day. Can't wait to get the rest of the (few) pics we took up...when you're in it, you're not thinking about photo ops; you're concern is that the day goes well for the bride and groom. Hopefully others post some quality pics...I like seeing me a little bit! *Laugh*

I need to vent a little about my occupational frustration. I fear it might be time for me to look elsewhere for employment. I love the company in general, I love the people (and I've met a lot of diverse and fantastic individuals at that), but my function in the company sucks. And to top it off, we recently promoted a nice guy that had dropped his hours down to one day a week to assistant manager. Not that I want to get back into being in a management position (although I'm kinda already), but I have issues with this. He dropped his hours to pursue something that was along the lines of his degree...I get that. That company is kinda screwing a lot of people. I understand. But it's not fair that our company decides to throw a huge promotion at him just so he can be happy and make money...not when I have tenfold the experience on him. Not that I even want the job, but at least give me the chance to turn it down, ya dig? I keep my mouth shut, I do my work, even when they eliminate more and more of the nothing that I do. I find things to do. I earn my keep without being told what to do. I know my role. I play for the team.

I guess I just need to find a better job. Kinda hard under my circumstances, since kickin' words doesn't pay. If it did, I'd be livin' brand-name days. But there's no market for people like me with a year of college in the back pocket and a heart full of good intentions. I might know a lot about a lot of things that a lot of people don't know about, but that doesn't impress a lot of people who sign nice paychecks. I fear that the days of my potential for making $15/hr+ are probably over...that's where I was nearly 10 years ago, in a modest yet spacious apartment, driving a decent car, and getting by on a job that I had grown to absolutely hate. What I really should do is just be quiet and keep busting my ass while searching for something better...since there's a lot of people out there that have it worse than me.

Yet, the scenario that I outlined isn't even the worst of it. I was able to identify within myself that I was getting bored and frustrated with my current position. I recently took a week off, and came back so refreshed and invigorated. Nothing bothered me. But there's always that one...that one "cheap-ass, out-to-get-someone" customer that had the nerve to file a corporate complaint about me. Even though I did nothing wrong *Angry*. Yet I still kept my head up. I've put more than my fair share of work in, and picked up some slack of others. And I've had it. I may not be the model employee, but I deserve better. And dammit, I'm gonna find it.

Enough of me bitching about it, cuz I've gotta wake up in a few hours and do it again.


*Bullet* Over 1.1k views. Amazing how that happens when I do damn-near nothing. *Smile*

*Bullet* Hard to imagine that in about three weeks Jess the CWC and I will have been together for three years. She gets prettier every day. *Heart*

*Bullet* Fitting song: great Canadian punk/pop/emo band. Rounds out the entry just fine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiq8FqfnXjw Awesome song...fun video...and ask yourself, are we really happy with who we are right now?

That's it for tonight. Namaste...see you in September, when you'll get way too much of me on a daily basis. *Wink*

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