Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/732720-Frog---Chapter-Four
by Jimbo
Rated: 13+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1749636
A slave's story.
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#732720 added June 14, 2014 at 3:48pm
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Frog - Chapter Four
The wind was blowing so hard that it made Frog’s shirt flap. He could see the sun turning orange as it started to dive into the blue horizon. Frog’s daddy came up from behind him and put his arms around him. Frog glanced back smiling and held onto his daddy’s arms. Today was a good day he thought. Then Frog’s daddy let go. Frog turned around to look at him and his daddy was moving away from him across the water towards the sun. His daddy was crying but made no sound. Frog began to yell at him to come back. He begged his daddy and yelled at him but his daddy continued to move away until he could no longer be seen. Frog woke up in a sweat, screaming.

“Shhh, it’s alright son. Take it easy. Moses reached for Frog and pulled him onto his lap. He had a wet cloth and began to wipe Frog’s face and neck with it. Frog burst into tears as Moses held him tight. So it has been every night for almost a week. Frog stayed in the hut, only coming out at night to cool off some. He’d been sick with fever and Miss Sophia had been looking after him. Moses and Miss Sophia at one time had thought to get married but decided it was best not to. Still, she was always there for Moses and treated Frog like family.

“Your fever’s been broke for almost two days now Frog. I think you’re better now.”

“I don’t feel any better.” Mumbled Frog with his head buried in Moses’ lap.

“Well, that’s your heart that’s ailing you. That will take a long time to mend. Still, the rest of you has to move on.”

“What difference does it make?” said Frog. “I don’t want to live with out my daddy. It’s my fault he’s dead. It’s all my fault. I killed him!”

“You hush now, Frog. You did no such thing. It was those men that killed him not you. You father didn’t want no man to lay a hand on you. That’s a fathers right, to protect his children. Even if it means they lose their own life. That’s what a father does. You are to never blame yourself. Your father would not want that. He would want you too live and be strong. I’m here and I’m going to take care of you. You listen to me, Frog. You are leaving this place. I’m going to make sure of it.”

“What do you mean? Said Frog, baffled and staring into Moses’ eyes.

“I mean that we are going to escape this plantation. There is freedom in the north. I know some people that will help us. Don’t you worry about it. When the time comes, you be ready. I’ll tell you when. JoJo, I know you’re listening and if you’re wondering, yes, you’re going too.”

JoJo sat up and so did Gully. They all had the look fear on their faces.

The next morning, Frog was back to work. He and JoJo stayed close to Moses and never left his side. The cotton was all in and the slaves worked in some other, smaller fields harvesting vegetables. They harvested broccoli, cauliflower, mustard, collard and turnips, as well as cabbage, beets bush beans and pumpkins. These would be canned for the winter. Not a day went by that Frog didn’t spend it thinking of his daddy. There were no more stories or songs, not for him anyway. Moses would sing to them and tell them stories but Frog just listened and worked.

Soon the first frost had come and the picking was all done. The slaves worked repairing fences and buildings, taking care of the animals and working preparing other fields for spring. There was plenty of meat to prepare and the smoke house was working nonstop.

One night, Frog woke up and noticed Moses wasn’t there. As he listened he could hear Moses outside the hut singing. Frog got up and peeked out the door. He saw Moses sitting on a stump, whittling the end of a stick. As he whittled he sang,

Some times I feel discouraged,
And think my work’s in vain,
But then the Holy Spirit
Revives my soul again.

There is a balm in Gilead
To make the wounded whole;
There is a balm in Gilead
To heal the sin sick soul.

Moses, feeling the attention that was being given to him, stopped abruptly and turned toward the door. “Oh, I didn’t know you were there. Come on out and sit awhile. I hope I didn’t wake you.”

“No, I don’t think so,” said Frog as he took a seat on a stump next to Moses. “What are you making?”

“Oh, this? This is going to be my walking stick. I’m whittling off the bark to make it smooth and putting a good point on the end. If you want, we can make you one too.”

“Yes please, I would like that,” said Frog with the first hint of a smile since his daddy died. “But what will we use them for?”

“For walking, of course. And for fighting off bears and whatnot,”

“You mean we are really leaving?” asked Frog.

“Yes, we are. Don’t you worry about anything. Just work on your walking stick, JoJo too. When it’s time, be ready.” Moses continued singing and whittling while Frog just sat there thinking of his daddy and how strange it would be away from the plantation. Frog never thought such a thing would be possible but he never imagined life with out his daddy either. He didn’t know what was going to happen but he trusted Moses and would do anything he told him to do. He felt even closer to JoJo, now that he understood what it was like not to have any parents. He decided that JoJo would be his brother. His daddy would like that.

It was a crisp and cool night when Miss Sophia gently woke Frog up. “Shhh,” she said. “Time to get up but be very quiet.” Fog sat up and stared at Miss Sophia as she was waking JoJo in the same manner. Just then Moses walked in the hut carrying a small sack.

“Did you get them?” he asked Miss Sophia.

“Yes, they’s right here,” she said reaching for a bit larger flour sack. She reached into it and pulled out some clothes; girl’s clothes.

“You boys put these on,” said Moses, “and don’t say a word!” Moses was whispering but Frog new he had better do what he was told and do it quietly.

“Buh buh but…” JoJo began.

“Listen here and listen real well,” exclaimed Moses. “I don’t want to hear one single word from either of you two. Were going to leave this place and it’s going to be dangerous. If we are to make it with out getting caught you will have to keep your mouths shut at all times and do exactly what I tell you to do. If we get caught we’ll be beat. If we’re caught by the master’s men we’re good as dead. Now, are you two going to mind me at all times with out question?”

Both Frog and JoJo nodded then began putting on the dresses over their other clothes. They also tied a kerchief around their necks and one around their heads. When they were all done, they stood for Moses’ inspection.

"I tink you berry puddy," laughed Gully.

"Not as pretty as you're going to be." said Moses. "You're putting one on too." The boys smirked at Gully while he sat there frozen with eyes as big as a horse. "Look, we'll see how it goes but for now, just put it on and all of you wrap yourselves in a blanket."

“Moses, can I talk you outside a minute?” Miss Sophia asked.

“A minute is all I have and it’s all yours, gladly,” Moses replied.

As they stepped out Miss Sophie took Moses by the hand and looked into his eyes with a true sadness on her face. “I guess this is it,” she said in a soft whisper.

“I guess it is,” said Moses. “It’s not too late. You can still come with us.”

“No, better not. I’ll just slow you all down,” Miss Sophia said hanging her head. “Besides, it’s just another mouth to feed. I’ll stay here and cover for you as long as I can. You promise me that you’ll make it safe. You promise me.”

“I promise I’ll do my best. I’m going to miss you Sophia.”

“You hush all that and get going,” she said, letting go of his hands.

Moses ducked back into the hut. “Alright, get your sticks and remember, I do all the talking, you two stay mute.”

The two boys did as they were instructed and followed Moses into the night

© Copyright 2014 Jimbo (UN: sixgun at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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