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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1569450
6.8.09 I will Blog
#734622 added September 21, 2011 at 10:47am
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A commitment
I have joined the ranks of the Novel in a Month Club. It was a big decision, but I have written a 1,000 word short story for a contest in a a couple of hours. I can set aside 2-3 hours a day, off and on, to write 2,000. Maybe in the heat of the moment I can write more. Who knows. the biggest challenge is keeping at it for a whole month.

November is a few weeks away and I had to come up with a story. What to write. There is no prompt for this. I am way out of my comfort zone. Do a write a romance? boring and I don't know that I could do it for 50,000 words right now. I am loving paranormal, but I have to write a new story. I went over the plot lines for one of the stories I was going to write in my Kindred series, but I wasn't feeling it. I want to challenge myself.

A few days ago my son and I watched the movie Devil. I was very reluctant as it was written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. I consider him so edgy that I haven't watched many of his movies. This one had me so intrigued that I didn't get up and leave the room.

The plot: 4 people trapped in an elevator and one is the Devil. So simple and yet he wove the story so magnificently I was entranced. I got to thinking about the weaving of that plot. It was similar to the book I just finished by Brad Thor, FULL BLACK. A story about an attempt to take over the USA and how it was thwarted. That is a very simplistic plot description as it is a very complex book. Adding to this mix is a short story I read here on WDC that was very well done and I picked a little snippet from epenny's story.

My plot is there is an evil suitcase causing disasters where it goes. This story is about a horrible situation.It covers just two days maybe less. It involves 4 people that I have connect. It will be a web. I love the idea, but I am not married to it. I am going to try to see if anyone will read the plot and tell me if I have bitten off more than I can chew or if I just need to work on it more.

My next big news is we are getting a dog today. Monday, my sister, called me and said her daughter's friend and mother have to leave their apartment this friday and the new place will not accept dogs. She knew I wanted a little Shih Tzu so offered it to me.

Here is the thing, I have looked into getting a dog, but I work now and was afraid that the dog would not be happy and we would have problems. I gave up on the idea. now here is a free dog with all her personal toys, bed, kennel and food (for now) handed to me free. Then I find out that my friend and her daughters are really wanting a dog. If this little dog isn't working out for us, I have someone that wants her. It is a win win situation.

Her name is Oreo. Well, that won't work as my sister-in-laws little Shih Tzu is also called Oreo. I am changing it to Ariel. Close enough not to confuse the dog too much.

I will post more often letting anyone who reads this, know how we are doing. Also my novel journey.
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