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#738962 added November 8, 2011 at 11:52pm
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Chapter Four - Otec's Help
Chapter Four

Otec's Help

         King Thomas and William went to see Queen Anne. She was sitting on her throne. She always resumed the rule when her son was at war. She seemed lost, but very much in charge. She had lost a lot of her happy personality. There were no children playing in the castle's courtyard. There were no laughter in the gates. Jade had taken the queen's happiness to the grave with her.

         “My Queen,” Sir Thomas bows.

         “Where is the Prince?” The queen asked.

         “He is with his father. They are discussing what move to make next.”

         “Tell them that I need to see them.”

         “Yes, your highness.”

         William went to the field to bring Thomas and Yechiel to the queen. Thomas left William in charge of the drills. He and the prince made their way back to the castle.

         There they found the queen looking at them as if she would never see them again.

         “My Queen, are things good?” the prince asked.

         “Yes my child” The queen continued. “ Has this turned to war?”

         “Yes, I believe that it has.”

         “I need to tell you my vision last night. I saw a bright light that shined through my window into my chamber. Then in the floor by my bed was a little man. He looked much like Yechiel. He said that he was Otec. Otec said that he was not happy with the land right now. He said that if we do things our way that our kingdom would fail. The strange being said for you both to meet him where you were given Thomas. He wants you to be there at the same time tonight that you were then. Then he touched my foot, and said that I am going to keep my land and King Zed's kingdom will become our's too. When he left, I was standing at the end of the bed where he had been. The chamber was dark once again.”

         "Father, who is Otec?"

         Thomas looks to William. William tells the child how he had been visited by Otec and taken to his ship. "It was there that I found the king, your father."

         Thomas sits on his throne. He did not know that Otec had been observing his rule. He didn't know that he was being directed with his decisions. Sir William goes to drill their soldiers for what maybe on the rise. All the time he was thinking about what Otec may think of his actions since he was given the child to raise. Would he take the Prince since his presence caused so much problem with his mother ever since his birth, and even to her death?Is this why he visited Queen Anne? Was he ready to take his help form them.

         King Thomas hugged Queen Anne, and gathered William and Yecheil. It was time to go to meet Otec. The three met out side the city walls at the place that William woke up with Thomas many years before. The prince was dressed in his armor. He did not know what the stranger would think about how he looked.          

         It was not long until the dight sky was lit by a very strong light. They could not see anyting even each other. Then they opened their eyes in total darkness. This was as it was years ago when he was given charge of Thomas. Lights begin to shine. At first it was as if the room was lit by candles. Then the lights were comfortably bright. When Yechiel begin to see, noticed that the people in the ship looked a lot like him. Except they did not have hair. They heard communication that one William could understand.

         Trednuk was the being that stood in the room to greet them. “too cham impre Otec.” He walked around the trio to see them from all angels. He reaches up and pulls the helmet off Yechiel. The young prince was unusually calm. He felt no ill intention from the being with his own eyes.

          Thomas says,”He is calling for Otec.” The King was surprised to hear a voice coming from his lips for the first time. He didn't even notice that he was able to remember the language for so many years. Yechiel looked at his father. He had heard his voice so many times in his mind, but it was even more beautiful than it had been there.

         They did not have long to be in ah because Otec was entering the room. Trednuk informs him of the threesome and that he was trying to enable the language interpreter program.

         Otec greets them. “ I have watched as you have grown. I have seen your land prosper, and I have been proud. Now you are on the verge of war. This is discouraging.” Otec walks over to Thomas, “ You are their hope. You must honor your father. Though you carry some of our blood, you are not the son of an alien.” Otec pulls off Thomas shirt and Williams shoulder. “See the marks you share. You will find that Queen Anne also share the marks. You three are family.”

         William looks puzzled.

         Otec goes on,” When you were just a boy we brought up and took from you living matter. We could see your strength even as a child. Your matter by its self could not create a child. So we waited for the right woman to bring the ship to create the strong and kind child to save your planet. Then Anne was born. We watched her. She was the kindness, sweetest child we had found. She stood firm for what she believed in. We brought her, and created the one known now as Thomas.          We were able to keep our appearance from the child, but not able to give him voice until now. But when he mated with a woman, our appearance was not controlled so he  looks like us.”

         The prince looked at the hands of Otec. This was the only other place that he had seen a pair of hands that looked like his. The face of Otec was like looking in a looking glass except for the hair. This was the first time that he ever felt that he belonged. He felt that he finally found his family.

         "King Sed is angry over his daughter's death. However he knows the truth, but he will not stop until he gives his life for the grief of the princess. The war can not be stopped because he cannot live with his only child dead. So you must move in such a manner that few lives will be spent. Three days from now, you take just you three to Sed's castle. Go through the tunnels that we created thousands of years ago when we first visited the earth to avoid the diaphanous. They will come up by the back of the servants' quarters. There they hang their serving clothes out to dry. Replace your clothes with those of the servants. You will not be discovered." Otec informs them.

         "Should we not take a regiment with us? What if we are found, surely we too will die as our men have done and Salaamana will be over thrown.

         Trednuk brings a map into the room and sets it in the middle of the table. "No if you follow my words you will not loose a life of either kingdom. After you dress, you follow the man servants into the kingdom of the king as they draw his bath. When the servants have done their duties, you stay behind. Stay by the curtains. Turn your back so that he thinks that you are there to do for him. When he is in the bath put this in his drink. When he is asleep, bound him, put him in a basket. Take him to your kingdom. The queen will not rule. She will surrender in the name of her husband and the friendship of the two nations." Otec hands Thomas the map.

         "What shall we do with the King and Queen? Place them in the dungeon?" William asks.

         "No you must store them in the tower. They must not be harmed. They must be treated well with all their needs met except for freedom. They are not to be waited on by servants. Their meals and needs are to be met by the child prince. They will grow to know that he is not the devil that his mother thought he was. When they realize this, they will be safe to be free. They can leave the kingdom as they will as noble people. This will save many lives even the king."

         Otec finishes his instructions and hands Thomas a small bag. "Is this the potion that helps him sleep?" William asks.

         Otec nods. He was surprised to know that their blood would run as deep as it had with the young prince. Trednuk takes a sample of all their blood. This was to find out how far this can go into the human existence without weeding out the human being off the Earth.

         William wakes again by the wall. This time Thomas was not a necked little boy. He was the King and a father to the third person that William saw as he awoke.

         "King, My King. Are you alright?" William shook Thomas.

         "Yes, I am fine. Was this a dream?" Thomas asks. This time his voice came from his lips not his mind.

         The three made the short trip to the castle. There they found the queen in the courtyard. she was not playing with children, but she was reading.

         William joins her. "My queen there will not be blood shed or war."

         The queen was relieved when William explained the plan to bring the king and queen to their towers.  However, when the queen was told that the child that she had raised as her child, was indeed flash of her flash, she nearly fainted. She soon found out that the father of King Thomas was Sir William.

The queen cried. " I am so happy that Thomas is blood of my blood."  She did not address the fact that the child's father was the love of her life. She wondered what could become of them as a family.

         The queen decided to stroll through the kingdom as she once did before she lost Jade. Her eyes became more loving and merciful again. Many of the people did not know that the queen still lived because they had not seen her. People rejoiced to see her smiling at the children, and there followed behind her all the children of the village that had missed her. They followed her into the city. They followed her into the castle' courtyard. The sound of children was heard in the castle again. This time the sound made William smile. He knew that life was back into the queen again. He was happy for anything that would give him back the queen that he always admired.

         The kingdom heard that their was a chance of war, and the villagers gathered in the courtyard of the castle. They were upset and pressing the castle guards to enter the castle. King Thomas and the Queen Anne stepped onto her balcony. There they villagers expected to hear the queen relaying Thomas' words to them. When the King answered with an audible voice, the crowd became quite. There wasn't even a whisper. His voice was strong and confident.

         "My people, I am not going to war. There are answers other than war. I promise you no blood shed will be spilled not of ours or of the kingdom Leynitice. We will have peace again without the sword."

When Thomas had finished the address, the sound of whispers were heard over the courtyard and the throughout the castle's halls. "It is a miracle. Our King speaks. It is an omen of peace."

         The King was surprised that the kingdom excepted the voice of their king after all the years of mental communication or relayed messages.

          The villagers left the walls of the city chanting "Long live King Thomas, the blessed of God." They went back to their homes with more confidence of peace than they did before.

         King spent the next three days going over the map of King Sed's castle and the tunnels that run under his land with William and his son. They found that the plan seemed more reachable than they had first thought. The map was more detailed than any map that they had ever used. It looked as if it were painted. In stead of just drawn. Every detail was shown even down to the clothes hanging to dry.

         Queen Anne spends a lot of her time her time in the chapel. The focus of her mind was how to handle the fact that she has a son with a man that she loved since childhood. She knew that there would not be war, and she had faith that her family would come back to the castle unharmed. She did not worry about them, but what was she able to do about bring her family together as every member royalty.

         This day while praying in the castle, The queen was visited by a form of her friend Jade. Jade looked very happy. She was not dressed as a handmaid. She wore robes shinier than those she wore at the most eloquent affair. The queen bows to Jade in fear.

         "Get up My Queen." Jade scolds, "You are royalty. I am here to help you know what to do. I knew that there was something about Thomas that was more than what we knew."

         "I must be dreaming." The queen proclaims loudly n the church. There was villagers praying. They look at the Queen. All that they saw was the queen having a conversation with on one near her. They decide to leave the chapel.

         "Queen, I have the answer to your problems. When William goes and bring King Sed to the towers. William will be adored by both kingdoms. You will dub him Prince William, and this gives you the clearance to marry him. Then you will have the love that you have always wanted. You will have the man that helped you raise your son." Jade grows close. The queen felt something touch her cheek. "Never become sad for me, My Queen. I am happy, and I will always be with you in all that you do. I love you." With that Jade disappeared into the sun rays coming through the windows.

         The queen stood up. This time she was taller than she had been in a long time. She had the answers that she sought. She new that this was God sending Jade back to help her. She would never feel as though she had lost Jade again.

         The queen walked out of the chapel feeling as though she had never had a bad day in her life. She knew that everything would be all right. She knew that the man who had supported her since she could remember would soon stand by her side.
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