Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/742437-Chapter-Four
by Lana
Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1828648
Leila finds out who she really is. Will she survive and fulfill her destiny?
#742437 added December 23, 2011 at 2:39pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Four
Weeks passed by, and I still couldn’t get a straight answer out of David. The fighting got worse the more I pressed for answers, so I focused on training Dekker. I have to say I am impressed. He needs a lot of work but he’s making progress faster than expected.  He’s a fast learner but loses focus too quickly. He’s sharp and witty but does not realize how serious his training is. He’s funny too.  Never lets a wisecrack go to waste. Brandon loves him and I am annoyed with the both of them. I left early today; I want to work with Max. There is so much to learn, and I don’t know how much time is at my disposal. For all I know, tomorrow we could be heading to a different country.
I felt confident leaving Dekker with Brandon, and walked down hill and crossed the gravel road that led to Max‘s. He agreed, as long as David was gone, that he would help me examine the claw and other things collected at the Demon house.  Built like an old log cabin on the outside, the house was immaculate and new inside. Polished wooden furniture strategically placed and outfitted, gave the place a homey feel.  A massive fireplace ran along one of walls. Although it looked unused, I imagined all of us gathered around it. It was bigger on the inside than you would think and it certainly went with the bucolic landscape that surrounded it. The forty-eight acres of land that I observe but not completely explored yet. A short distance behind Max’s, through a thin strip of trees and inconspicuous to the eye, if you weren’t looking for it, was a guest house perfectly replicating Max’s but miniature in comparison. David, Brandon, and I stayed with Max and Brandon told me that Dekker occupies the guesthouse. Max’s constant clamoring led me to a room in the far end of the house. He called it The Lab although it hardly had the traditional look of one. The flowery wallpaper and soft tones made it feel more like a sewing room and I felt at ease here. From what I discerned there hasn’t been a woman here in many moons. I stood in the doorway observing Max at work. He looked happy, his enthusiasm radiated throughout the room. The massive claw took up an entire stainless steel table; it measured about the size of a body builder’s thigh. He hunched over it, aggressively trying to remove the thick leather armor surrounding the thick dark flesh. Completely engrossed in his work, he didn’t hear me come up next to him. For a second, I wondered if he would jump or scream if I said anything. I slowly extended my arm and unclasped the strap, which revealed a hidden mechanism that undid the protective covering. His breath drew in quickly, and I felt him tense, but he didn’t scream. Good, he would do well in a stressful or detrimental situation. Like Brandon and David, he was immortal and hard to kill. I’m not sure how they can be killed but David said it was possible. I am only half-immortal and half human like Dekker. I sensed Max wanted to keep it a secret so I never mentioned it.

“How did Dekker do today?” Max asked in a casual tone while he finished unclasping the rest of the armor.

“His body took well to the elixir and he’s keeping up with Brandon I imagine.” I said trying to hide my smirk. His face went pale and he stopped moving, but quickly resumed his work as if nothing bothered him.

“So you know then.”

“The moment I saw him. David and Brandon didn’t at first; but they figured it out after the accident with Brandon’s foot.” I shifted my eyes away. Dekker didn’t heal nearly as fast as my protectors did, but his recovery time beat any humans. Max’s brow creased with worry. “He’s built like them, he’s a bit thin but he’ll bulk up soon enough.” I assured him. Max was immortal, but he wasn’t the fighting kind. He was not built like my protectors, the warriors. I wasn’t sure that there were other immortals. I was semi sure, but only because of the stories that David told me. I never thought I would ever meet one, let alone stay in his home and that he would save my life.  The fact that he’s got a secret super hot half-mortal son is a plus. I guess I am not the last of my kind. This notion alone sent waves of excitement through me.

“Let‘s get started. I want a few samples of your blood to make sure all the poison is gone.” He said. Back to business. He did most of the work on the claw while I examined some of the weapons we collected from the demons. It was good to know what sound they made when they opened, how sharp they could get or if they dulled, what they were made of etc… David thought it pointless but nonetheless agreed to my request. I walked over to the other work area and began my examination of some of the paraphernalia I picked up along our many adventures. Our greatest battles as Brandon likes to put it. Brandon isn’t just a warrior at heart; he is warrior to the core. He was born to be a protector; it is who he is inside and out. 
I talked Brandon into incorporating the weapons during practice. With all this land, we would be prepared for another attack. David wants nothing to do with it. We barely talk anymore and when we do, it always turns into an argument. I need to know why Roland addressed me as the earth keeper and why my demise would be beneficial to the demons. I still can’t believe those scum demons have names.  I thought I was the only half-breed and my protectors were keeping me safe. All these years, I thought we were the only ones left, but when I saw Max and Dekker, I knew David’s words were not entirely true and that he was keeping things from me. That hurt. No, it tortured me. I didn’t know what to believe or who to believe anymore. This is a dilemma since I only trust two people. Brandon knew too, he couldn’t tell me because David ordered him not to, so I can’t be as mad at him as much as I want to. Brandon feels horrible about it. I know this because his guilt radiates from him like steam from a hot bowl of soup. He is bound to protect me and bound to obey David. He is like the alpha of our pack and what he says goes. This is how it has always been. Now that I challenged him, things changed between us. He is distant and more secretive and we barely speak aside from our loud arguments.  Brandon told me to let it go and that David is just protecting me, they both are and the more I knew the more danger I would be in. We would be in. Could I really let it go? My feelings were twisted and contorted in so many ways now. I want things to go back to normal, but I have been through so much and found out so much in the last month or so that I just cannot be content with letting it go. To add to my troubles, I have these feelings towards that boy Dekker. The way he looks at me sometimes, I don’t know. I feel a lot of things. Mostly nervous and I blush a lot too. I keep my distance mostly; pawning off his training on Brandon, (he owes me anyway) but Dekker is frustrated with the broken promises and the tomorrows that never come. He is persistent and hasn’t given up yet. I have no time for distractions and still I find myself going around him more often that I want to or can control. The very few times we were alone together, he would get extra close to me. When I would show him positions, he would take that opportunity to stroke my arm or place his hands on the small of my back. Then he would stare into my eyes with such intensity I would feel myself quiver. It is exciting being with him and I do like the attention, but I just don’t want to deal with it. Not now when things between David and me are rocky.

I really want three things right now. One: to fix the seemingly ever-growing chasm between David and me. Two: To find out what David is hiding from me, and Three: Figure out what to do with it all. Life is never simple for me but what I won’t give for a rewind of time right now. I didn’t notice when Max left the room. I was so caught up with my inner turmoil, that I heard nothing, not even when Dekker walked in and sat himself down on the chair across from my work area. His face was serious, filled with intent, and maybe carried a hint of worry. He smiled at me when I noticed him.  He wore loose fitting blue jeans and a dark blue fitted t-shirt. He looked sexy slouched in the chair with his arms folded across his chest and his legs stretched out and crossed over each other. He looked too comfortable.

“How long have you been here?”  He sat up, pushing his thick brown hair away from his eyes and focused on mine.

“Not long at all. I came in to find out if you’re meeting me out back or not. Brandon and I are finished and I want to go over a few things.” his dark eyes probed me. His long, thick, dark eyelashes added a dreaminess to his dark mysterious eyes. His perfectly full lips stretched into a perfect smile. I smiled back and he seemed amused at my reaction. I flushed and felt my temperature rise. Not a normal reaction for me that’s for sure. I suppressed my attraction and cleared my throat.

“Yeah sure. I’m done for the day, let’s go.”  I hurried out of the little room making sure to put an extra sway in my walk, all the while listening to him stagger and trip behind me. I noted how tall he was when he caught up alongside of me. A couple inches taller than me. Five eight maybe and he was slim but muscular. I could tell because he was wearing a sleeveless tee shirt that was slightly torn around his abdominal area from training earlier with Brandon. He gestured for me to follow him around the house when we stepped outside and I followed, quietly enjoying the view of his behind. I mean the landscape! I haven’t been to this side of the house yet and as we turned the corner that led us behind the house, I just gasped. It was beautiful for a lack of a better word. Like walking into the garden of your dreams. Large trees surrounded the perimeter of the acre of bucolic landscape, filled with lush flowers of all colors. A beautiful glossy black brick paved the way through it all, weaving its way through the fluffy grass. The kind you want to roll around in when you’re a kid. I saw a pond with a miniature waterfall, more flowers, bushes and little plants everywhere. The air brimmed with a fusion of intoxicating fragrances. You couldn’t help but delight in each inhale.

“Wow” I was amazed, at awe.

“Yeah; you think so?” I managed to nod.  This could win the world’s most beautiful garden award.

“Wow.” I said again. Dekker laughed. He had a nice laugh, melodic in a way. It was pleasant and sexy and this time I did turn to look at him. His eyes gleamed with pride while he surveyed the lush scenery. “You did this?” I suddenly realized he put in all the hard work; this is his creation. A proud look shone on his face, like an artist admiring his finished work, and my reaction confirmed it was a masterpiece. 

“Yup. Finished it a few months ago. I intended to put up a few trees, maybe some bushes, but I got carried away and as you can see, I can go pretty far.” He smiled again and my heart did a little flip and skipped a few beats. God he was gorgeous. I wonder how he kisses.
Okay get a hold of yourself, you have too many problems right now to be carried away in fantasyland. I chided myself then straightened up and looked away towards the far end of the pond. Is that a little bridge behind it? Oh, he is good!

“Why do you do that? Dekker said startling me out of my thoughts. I was shocked at his angry tone.

“Do what?” I was confused and tried to recall what I had done to anger him.

“Stop yourself from being happy. The minute you realize that, you are enjoying yourself. Your stop it and go back to your misery. Why would you do that? You should be happy. It’s ok to feel something other than angst you know.” He blew out an exasperated breath. I turned to face him with my arms across my chest. His angry eyes glared at me, his eyebrows scrunched together and his lips were quivering. I don’t know why this upset me but it did.

“Look Dekker, you don’t know me or anything about me.  If you start going all Freud on me, I will kick your ass. You have no idea.” I shook my head and stepped away from him.

“You’re wrong about that Leila.”  My heart fluttered. The way he said my name flowed out of his lips like a light breeze flows through your hair with keen expertise. I had goose bumps, and even in the angry state I was in, I felt the attraction between us. I noticed that he tried to mask his nerves with anger. He was failing by the minute. “I do know something about you. I know that you came here seriously hurt, close to death maybe, and now your ok, lucky even, and instead of being happy about it you argue with David or mope around upset all the damn time. I thought bringing you here, showing you this would help, but I don’t know, maybe you like to be pissed off and miserable all the time. Maybe that’s who you are.” he said indignantly. A flood of feelings swept through me. Hurt being the dominant emotion, because I felt my tears well up and a lump form in my throat.

“You’re wrong.” I said intending the words to come out strong and determined. Instead, they sounded like a weak and low whimper. I stalked away heading straight for the pond, ignoring the beautiful surroundings. I tried hard not to blink and let the tears fall, but a few rolled down to my chin, rested there for a few seconds and fell onto to the beautiful landscaped path. I didn’t want to face him. I was irate and hurt, but inside, deep inside I knew he was right. There is no way I can be happy. I’d have to let my guard down and the last time I paid for it dearly. That was a long time ago and it had caused me a big heartache as well. Who doesn’t want to be happy? Who doesn’t want joy and love and peace, yadda, yadda, yadda? Of course I do, more than anything. I cannot afford that luxury right now, and I honestly didn’t know if I would ever again. I have too many problems. The demons following me to every corner of the earth, my brush with death, the poisonous claw, the visions, the stuff Roland said, and him helping me. David’s reluctance in telling me about what I am, his secrecy and lies, his clandestine rendezvous without us, our divided pack, not knowing if I would live through the next attack, not knowing anything anymore. Everything I thought I knew was a sham, a fraud. My uncertainty to trust David feels so bad; my heart aches at the thought and adds to my list of dismal worries. I think I have a right to brood and dare I say, be unhappy. Who did he think he was to pass judgment on me? He knew nothing about me. I inconspicuously wiped the tears that were now a constant flow down my face and tried to sniffle softly. I won’t let him see me cry. Normally, I would have punched him but my respect for Max ran deep.  Plus, I was so shocked, that it didn’t occur to me at the time. With all the things on my mind, this happiness issue is the last on my list. I angled my body slightly so I could stare at the water, and not see my reflection. If his intention was to spread joy into my complicated life, he sure did a crap job. I heard his measured footsteps behind me. I stiffened. I painted an angry look over my distressed one and walked forward. He lightly grabbed my arm.

“I’m sorry Leila; I never meant to hurt your feelings. Please don’t walk away. Please.” His voice crackled with pain and chagrin. I stopped but kept my back to him. His hand was still on my arm and I shivered softly. Then he wrapped the other around my waist, pulled me toward him, and rested his chin on my shoulder. I felt my self soften against him. My mind resisted, screamed for me to leave, but my body betrayed me.  His breath tickled my skin and I quivered. He held me tighter against him and my body betrayed me once again. I felt him shiver and a rush of excitement flickered through me. This is all wrong. I’m supposed to be mad at him, not feel comforted and why am I trembling? His lips brushed against my cheek planting a trail of soft kisses back to my ear and slowly down my neck. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his. Damn betraying arms. I thought of stopping him, for a second. All my thoughts escaped me when his lips traced the nape of my neck and softly bit and kissed my tender spot. I gasped. His breathing quickened and his determined lips gracefully trailed up towards my face again. This time I swiveled my head towards him, my lips desperately awaiting his. With one quick movement, he turned me around and his lips crashed into mine. They were soft but he kissed me hard, and his tongue maneuvered into my mouth with ease. He made a sexy grunting sound when I pressed myself into him. My fingers tangled around his thick brown hair and my other arm instinctively wrapped around his neck. I kissed him back with the same passion he aimed at me. His hands traveled all over until they finally settled on my hips and slowly pulled them closer to him. A low moan escaped me. I felt his longing for me and a warm sensation overwhelmed me with desire. The complete opposite of what I wanted to feel. I lost control of my senses and myself. How can I stop now that I want so badly to keep going? Time stood still for us while our bodies pushed against each other and our lips engaged in a passionate kiss.

We pulled away reluctantly, my breath uneven and his ragged. His fierce eyes filled mine with desire, and I knew I felt the same way. Max and Brandon low conversation neared the rear of the house. I pulled myself together with major effort and turned to greet them as they rounded the corner and stepped into the dream garden. Well, that’s what I’m calling it. I smiled at Brandon’s expression.

“Dang you did this Dekker? Nice.” He started towards us. His head nodded in approval as he gave a cursory glance over the scenery. Dekker went first and I followed. He stopped when he reached Brandon and they chatted. I continued walking towards the house. Brandon gave no notice to my uncomfortable silence or the fact that Dekker and I were alone. Knowing Brandon, he pretended not to notice or chose to ignore it. Probably the latter. Brandon was exceptionally perceptible. Max on the other hand eyed me with puzzlement and I wonder what tipped off his suspicions. Probably my puffy lips and Dekker’s ruffled hair. I glanced back in time to see Dekker run his fingers through his thick mane while he joked with Brandon. Little late for that buddy. If Brandon didn’t catch on before, he knew now. I smiled my sweetest smile when I walked past Max, and he nodded. That smile stayed on my lips all the way back to my room.  I collapsed onto the bed enjoying the peace and quiet. I thought about out our kiss for a long time.  How it felt so good, so perfect, and how I want to kiss him again. I awoke to a low rap rap rap on my bedroom window. I must have slept for hours because it was dark outside. I sat up and looked out the window. The faint light of the moon cast a shadow on the face of my inconspicuous visitor.
© Copyright 2011 Lana (UN: lana18 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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