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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/747117-This-ones-about-this-guy-his-stories-and-other-stuff
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#747117 added February 15, 2012 at 1:28am
Restrictions: None
This one's about this guy, his stories, and other stuff.
THE PROMPT: "Discuss Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Short Stories featuring Sherlock Holmes."

Wow. Well, at least I'm back online after having to replace our router. Got three solid years out of it, so I can't complain. But it is one of those unexpected little things that comes up from time to time that you need to do something about, and I'm lucky we were in a position to be able to do something right away. I'm also lucky there was a phone around so I could half-ass an entry.

Which is more than I can say about tonight's prompt, which seems destined to fail me in this month's "unofficial version" of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. Allow me not to get into specifics; all you really need to know is that if I ever read them, I have no recollection of them whatsoever. And that's not a reflection on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or his work. It's more than likely that it's been 25 years since I read anything about Sherlock Holmes. And I must've been really bored by it, because I haven't been bothered to want to brush up on it.

I may, in the past few years, bought a few volumes of Holmes stories when I worked at Borders. I went through a stage of collecting a few classics to have, maybe to one day reread, share with the boys, or see what the big deal was in the first place. And sometimes between my discount, their "rewards" program and some pretty generous sales, I'd stock up. Between all of my books, and the books Jess has, we've got quite a library now. That reminds me...I've got an album of pictures on Facebook I haven't updated since pretty much the day I took them. It's about our house, and I don't think I've put one up that features the entertainment system. It's a whole freakin' wall! Television on the left, electronics in the center, and books on the right, with pictures and decor going across the top. The bottom cabinets have our massive dvd collection (mostly Jess'), some picture albums, and some storage for blankets and accessories. It's massive, and 100% handmade by Jess' dad. It was too much to take to Florida with them, so they gave it to her. I don't think we had it fully stocked when I took the picture of it.

But anyway, yeah, Sherlock Holmes!! He's a sweet dude. They've made a few movies about him too, but I never watched 'em. I don't watch movies. I don't have the attention span. I fall asleep. It's really the only way to get me to fall asleep when I'm wide awake. I should try watching movies when I go to bed...of course, then I might really actually care more about the movie than the sleep itself. Sleep and I? We're not friends often, unless I can get a lot of it...wait...does that make me the bad friend to sleep? *Confused*

Oh. So yeah, I'm pretty sure on the bookshelf side of the entertainment center there's some Sherlock. No shit. (*Laugh* I had to work that lame-ass joke in there somewhere!) Hopefully one of the kids will have to study him at some point, and we'll have the book there in case the school doesn't supply one, or makes it a recommendation for summer reading. I can't believe the lists these schools put out now...suggesting some of these books! All the kids have to go by is the title, and they have to guess if they're gonna like it or not. And good luck trying to find one of those books in a library...especially if your community only has one library and the neighboring communities only have one or two. Now you're asking hundreds of students to fight over maybe five copies of one book in a county-wide library system. Yikes! And if you can actually get these kids to want to read some of the crap on those "summer reading" lists, hopefully they're not out of print so you can spend your hard-earned cash on some crap your kid might right, might not read, or never remember reading it 25 years later because it was so not his taste in literature at all.


Honestly couldn't think up of any good murder/mystery music, so I went the next best route and chose the most amazing cop show drama music video ever. It was too easy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5rRZdiu1UE&ob=av2e


*Heart* I could tell you all about it, but that would ruin my prompt for tomorrow. Yes, the one I wrote! So come back again and I'll have a good story for ya. *Wink*

*Cart* No, I do have a story for you. Boy, retail hell today. If you wait until 8pm on Valentine's Day to get your sweetheart some flowers, and you're getting them from a drug store (that, by the way, only carries flowers around special occasions), don't expect the pick of the litter. In fact, they're going to be gross. We got a shipment of flowers in on Wednesday, all at various price points. All were individually priced. The display was two-tiered, with buckets at the bottom for the nicer flowers, and a cardboard shelf with the cheap potted stuff on top.

Lance Romance comes in at 8pm and buys a bouquet of roses for $24.99. They're clearly labled $24.99. The signs on the shelf, which aren't even close to the buckets he got his flowers on, say $4.99. The description on those signs clearly do not match what he has in his grubby mitts. And instead of questioning the cashier why he's paying so much, he wants to talk to me. Fine, jackass.

He wants to know why they're so expensive. Then he wants to know why they look so bad. He doesn't ask for a refund, which I would've done for him. No, he just wants to complain. I tell him that we sold out of the $4.99 ones earlier today, and yeah, they've been sitting there since Wednesday. He continues to point out how crappy they look. Well, Lance, we're not florists, which is where you should've gone. And why didn't I take those signs down? Because we've been busy...you aren't the only last minute shopper. I had the good fortune of doing nearly twice our Tuesday night volume, while closing the store for the night with a third of the crew I usually have. "Yeah, but it'd probably take you 30 seconds to take those signs down," he argues. Listen up, Lance Romance. I don't go into Burger King and tell you how to make fries, so shut up and quit your bitchin'. Valentine's Day is the same day, every year. You know this. Plan ahead, and don't get yourself stuck with shitty flowers...that you could've returned anyway. You walked away letting me own you without saying anything mean, yet your girl gets shitty flowers that you waited until the last minute to get from a freakin' drug store.

Ladies, never date Lance Romance.

And with that little story, I'm gettin' out of here. It's late, I'm late, but what the hell. Save it for another day, right? Hope everyone got some love today. Love 'em all like it's Feb. 14th every day of the year, minus the chocolates and the flowers and the Hallmark crap, and we'll all do alright. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!


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