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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/747829-This-ones-about-the-families-part-two
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#747829 added February 26, 2012 at 3:05pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the families (part two).
THE PROMPT: "WRITE ABOUT --- What happens between The Dirtbombs, The Floppositionists, and The Festoons."

Good evening, friends. Welcome to the second part of the "Blog Challenge"'s month-end wrap-up serial section. This untitled pride of joy I'm popping out is about to get interesting. At least, I hope it does. *Laugh*

The next day, Ed came home from work and tossed his keys disgustedly at the kitchen counter. This startled Grace, as she nearly fell on her ass trying to save the pork roast she was about to put in the oven.

"Nice save" he grumbled.

In her infinite wisdom, she held her thoughts enough just to let out a thanks, and asked, "What the hell is your problem?"

"Well," Ed huffed, "I met one Mrs. Fortuna Floppositionist. Why didn't you get gas last night when you went grocery shopping?" Ed's breathing started to get heavy.

Grace shrugged and said, "Well, I only had enough cash on me to get the roast for tonight. Remember, I gave you the bank card the other day so you could get money out for the bar? So it was either gas or the roast. Why?" She looked a little lost.

"Because I had to stop and get gas, and that's where I ran into Fortuna." Ed's eyes were growing wider. "Filling up her stupid hybrid even! Can you believe it??"

"Ed, relax." Grace's voice of reason was again about to talk Ed off of the proverbial ledge. " Those cars take gas too, ya know."

Ed rolled his eyes and raised his voice, as if he knew it all, and raved about "how these cars run on electricity first and switch to gas, and maybe they should charge their fancy car more often." Grace nodded and went back to mashing the potatoes, making sure they were extra-mashed. Ed continued on. "She told me they don't like to waste the electricity! Then why buy the damn thing??" Grace just shook her head.

After a wonderful dinner, Ed was settled into his evening when he was startled by the ringing doorbell. "Honey, would you get that?" She was already in the kitchen cleaning up, so he figured why not let her answer the door too? As Grace had made her way to the door, her foot made the rug slide a little underneath her, creating an almost skateboard-like effect as she rode the rug to the door. She steadied herself to see larger-than-life versions of the strangers across the street, Paolo and Fortuna Floppositionist. Grace couldn't believe her eyes...they looked so much different up close than they did from across the street.

"Hi!" She sung, hoping they didn't notice her ghetto-ballet act on the way to the screen door. "You must be The Floppositionists! Come on in! My name's Grace, and this is my husband, Ed."

Through the stoic expression on her face, Fortuna managed to say ,"No. Ve stay here-ah. Ve just come to say velcome to li-veen across zay ztreet in be-tween ussss." Paolo nodded and added, "Yell-o, nayyyy-bor peepul." Grace's face glossed over, and she could only manage to welcome them back.

Thinking it might be The Festoons, Ed set his beer down and sprung from his chair. He'd just remembered they were stopping by to discuss their vacation plans. Excited, he eclaimed, "Arch! Itsa! Come on in!" The Floppositionists just stared.

"Messer Ed, nyyyce to zee you again" replied a very unflappable Fortuna. Ed nodded and extended a hand while asking "And who're you?" to Paolo.

Paolo didn't flinch. He merely said, "Paolo. A-cross my ztreet." Or, in other words, gave Ed an invitation to snap.

"Sir," Ed howled, "where I'm from, which happens to be this street, gentlemen shake hands. Now you can-"

Ahhh, the voice of reason, showing up just in time. Grace interrupted Ed by saying, "Now boys, relax...what can we do for you?"

Paolo kinda sneered at Ed as Fortuna announced, "Veeee vood like for you to diiiiine vith us vone day." Just then, The Dirthbombs' youngest daughter, Titania, bounced into the kitchen.

"Momma? Daddy? Why is it so noisy? Is daddy mad?"

Grace said, "No, honey, daddy's fine. We're just talking to the neighbors!"

Titania seemed to understand. "Oh, ok. Hi neighbors!" And with that, she sped away to her room. The Floppositionists were not impressed. At least, no one would've thought they were, judging by the looks on their faces.

Just as Ed was about to say something he'd likely regret, his glare turned to the station wagon pulling into his yard. The Festoons had finally arrived.


Eh, after nearly boring myself to sleep writng a serial entry, here's the song that's stuck in my head: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p4RWBCEFRo


*Bullet**Check* It's all deuces late in the 3rd between the Sabres and the Rangers, in what's been an exciting game so far.

*Delight* Sloppy Joe Casserole for dinner! So easy to make, even Julie D - PUBLISHED! 's husband can make it! Here's the recipe... http://www.pillsbury.com/recipes/sloppy-joe-casserole/35b13486-3d38-4739-b61b-32... We also added shredded cheddar cheese on top before adding the biscuits.

That's it for tonight...gonna catch the overtime portion of the Sabres game and figure out what I might do for tomorrow's part of the serial. See ya then...peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!


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