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by Lana
Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1828648
Leila finds out who she really is. Will she survive and fulfill her destiny?
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#748894 added March 14, 2012 at 12:54am
Restrictions: None
Chapter Seven
“Hmm. Max’s car isn’t here.” Dekker said as we rounded the side of the house. I took my place by his side and shrugged. I see no trace of fresh tire tracks in the vacant space in front of the garage where max’s car usually is. The hot sun bounced off the gravel and traveled up in iridescent waves visible only at an awkward angle, the smell of flowers mingling through the humid air. 

“And this means something? Max comes and goes all the time right?” 

“Of course this means something. Two things as a matter of fact. Either Max left on an errand, or his car is in the garage. I do the gofer work around here. Max rarely goes into town. If his car is in the garage, he is going to ambush us with questions and unhappy facial expressions. Maybe some finger pointing too.”
Running his fingers through his thick hair, he notices my amused expression and pulls me in by the hips, securing me in his arms. Looking up into his dreamy eyes, I wrap one arm around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. He groans and pulls me closer, his need for me straining against his jeans. His tongue eases slowly inside my mouth for a long passionate kiss. Pulling back softly, he playfully nibbles my bottom lip and moves down my chin with soft kisses. Continuing his drawn out kisses down my neck, my breath falters when he stops to nuzzle the soft spot on my shoulder. When his hot lips make their way up to the sensitive part of my ear, I am ready to tear off his shirt.

“It’s not too late to go back to bed.” He whispers in my ear. His sensual invitation releasing lustful pulses through every nerve in my body.
“Mmmm, what a great idea babe. That is, if you don’t mind Brandon barging in on us. Trust me; you don’t want to see him pissed off.” I kiss his neck and breathe him in. 

“Did you forget about my broken ribs and busted head? I’ve seen him mad, but I think I’ll take the chance anyway.” He said, picking me up and wrapping my legs around him.
Starting back the way we came with playful kisses and nips to my lower my lower lip, I squirm and twist to get out of his hold. The idea of going back to bed is tempting but not happening. Not now, anyway.

“Dekker, please turn around. I prefer to keep you in one big, sexy piece.”

“You think I’m sexy?”

Giggling, I kiss him again. Teasing his lips with my tongue, I trace my fingers up and down the back of his neck triggering goose bumps and shivers.

“Do I really have to answer that?” I whisper into his ear then lick and nibble his earlobe.

  “I guess not, it’s pretty obvious how you feel when you’re ripping my clothes off.” He lets go and I slide down his body and onto the gravel. “Thanks for worrying about me baby, but I can handle Brandon.”

“Don’t get too cocky big boy. You have a lot of training ahead of you. You’re not ready to take on anyone yet.” I motioned for him to follow.

Walking past the connected garage, I peer through the crisscrossed paneled window into the large family room. Knowing what I am up against before I walk in is best.
It turns out Max is gone, but, of course, Brandon is patiently waiting for me. Now turned around and facing the door, the sofa supporting Brandon’s large body creaks as he stretches his interlocked fingers in front of him and then behind his head before settling into a comfortable slouch, propping his boots up on the coffee table. His light brown hair is messy no doubt from an all night game-a-thon, and he still had on the same black tee and black jeans I saw him in last. Not forgetting about Dekker, I motion for him to stay outside as I walk through the front door. I take a few more steps into the open space before I stop and watch Brandon shift from comfortable to upright. His arms crossing over his broad muscular chest, disapproving facial expression forming, and no intention to do anything but wait for me to explain, his eyes shift and glare past me as Dekker‘s t-shirt tickles my skin. I can feel his chest on my back and his fingers slipping into my back pockets. Acting on a panicked impulse, I take off toward my room without a backwards glance at Dekker hoping Brandon will follow me.

To my relief and Dekker’s luck, Brandon was behind me in a flash practically pushing me in the room. The light click of the lock indicating his mood. Keeping my back to him, I quickly pick out a random outfit from the drawer, which mostly consists of jeans and tank tops, and hurry into the shower. I welcome the hot water and relaxing sensual vanilla body wash. The scent of coconut shampoo and conditioner fused with the vanilla that still lingered in the air, calm me down. With nothing believable coming to mind, I decide the truth will be best. No point in hiding anything especially since I’ve come to terms with my feelings for Dekker. Brandon is no fool and he knows me better than anyone does. Turning off the water and stepping out, I wrap myself in a white towel and brush my hair before getting dressed. When I emerge from the bathroom, Brandon’s massive body is stretched out on the bed. As much as I love the guy, his physical girth is intimidating. Especially now that he’s wearing his cocky half smile.

“Explain, and don’t leave anything out.” He motions for me to start crossing his arms over his chest.
Starting with a deep breath, I begin. Leaving out all the intimate details Dekker and I shared last night, and then backtracked to the day at the demon house.
“It was easy, they were slow and dumb and I put them down quick. Same as always, but there was one demon who didn’t do anything. He stood there and watched me fight them all. He only fought me when I attacked him. He was the only one left. What else was I supposed to do?” I shrugged and continued, not giving him a chance to speak
“He was different though, he didn’t fight like the rest. He was faster, stronger, and he knew what I was going to do. He fought like,” I paused to think inadvertently staring at Brandon’s boots, “he fought like David.” My eyes met his. His expression puzzled, yet thoughtful.

“So he was a smart demon. So what Ley? Miracles do happen.” he chuckled.

  “No, he was different. He was human once. I saw it. He had a human life before the demons took him and made him into one of them. I … He …,” Brandon’s shocked        expression was too much. All I could do was nod.

“Shit, this is getting good. Keep going.” He sat up and scooted back against the headboard.

“He was forced to become a demon. He still remembers his human life, still has his humanity.”
“That’s bullshit. I’ve seen those mindless drones fight. All they want is the chance to get at you. That’s all they know, only thing rolling around in their empty heads.” He lifts his crossed arms and drops them back onto his broad chest. His big, burly body takes up most of the bed. I wait until his scowl softens and continue.

“Maybe those demons are that way, but he’s not like them. He saved my life. He pulled the claw out of me so the poison wouldn’t spread any further. He told me that I needed to live, because I am the Earth Keeper, whatever that is.” I ran my fingers through my hair. “I have a theory loosely based on the info I learned from Dekker this morning.” I feel my face turn red. I’ve never talked about other men with Brandon. I didn’t dare look at him. I’m not sure how he feels about me staying with Dekker.

Waiting for Brandon’s reply, I towel dried my hair and ran the brush through it again. Walking towards the little vanity against the wall, I located a black hair band and slipped it around my wrist while I pulled my hair back into a high ponytail. Not caring for the look, I decide to wear it down instead. Slipping the hair band off of my wrist and back into the round, ivory porcelain holder, I dig in there for a black clip to slip into my pocket incase I decide to put my hair up later. After making the necessary adjustments, I turn around to talk to Brandon. His smile is so wide I can’t help but giggle.


“You are bad ass Leila! You fucked up a house full of demons by yourself, and you have lived to tell about it. Damn.” He nods in approval.

I couldn’t help but laugh. Of course, out of all the things I told him, he would say something like that. It was so characteristically Brandon. Well at least I know he’s not mad at me for my late night rendezvous with Dekker. Whatever tension I harbored deflated, lifting off my shoulders and dissipating into the atmosphere. Holding out his arms, I walk over and plunk myself onto his lap and into his embrace.

“So what do you think?” I ask while he readjusts himself so I can lie next to him. Both of us staring at the white ceiling, I fold my hands on my stomach and Brandon positions his behind his head. Both our legs cross at the ankle. We’ve spent many hours like this in the past talking about things, and today is no different from any other. Why should it be?

“Well, I like Dekker, and it is obvious that you do too so that’s that. Don’t know how David’s going to feel about it, but he’s not here so no point in speculating.” he shifts his head to look at me. I meet his eyes. “Your right about being more prepared and we will be now, but I’m not sure you should tell David yet. He has a lot going on, and you should hear him out before you say anything or freak out. Okay?

“Ah, ok.” I say not quite sure of what he is getting at but knowing the subtext meant, big bomb dropping on you soon, don’t freak.

I smile. “Thanks for the heads up, B.” I roll off the bed and head towards the door.

“No prob. Hey, can I scare Dekker a little? He looked nervous and it will be fun to watch him beg for mercy. You’re just going to walk away? Ley?” I aim my dirtiest look at him before I reach the door. “Please?”

“Don’t even think about messing with him.” I warn him and walk out of the room leaving him alone with his devilish grin and evil plans for Dekker. I swear I hear an evil chuckle as I walk out of the front door. 

Dekker said he would take me shopping today.  The thought of spending time with him out of this place and alone is thrilling. My hear flutters when his truck pulls up in front. Jumping out, he makes his way to me.

“Everything ok?” he peaks around me towards the door. “Can you still go? “ His eyes shift back and forth from me to the house. I see Brandon’s reflection in the driver side window. His wide body fills up the doorway. His cocky grin and intimidating glare focused on Dekker. Rolling my eyes at the absurdity of it all, I make my way around the car.

“I don’t need permission from anyone.” Dekker rushes in front of me to open the door. It was only a few months ago that his truck hit me. I’m jolted back to the memory of the visions before the accident. Could Max be right that it was a side effect to the poison? I don’t think so. I wasn’t in control of my body. I felt someone else, something I did not mention to anyone.

“You okay? If you changed your mind ... uh, Brandon doesn’t look too happy.” He touches my arm and gets my attention.

“I’m fine. I still want to go, and Brandon‘s happiness is not my concern at the moment.” I shoot a dirty look towards the house.

Brandon crosses his arms and leans into the doorway, his disapproving look focusing on me. As the car pulls away and the dust kicks up behind us, I decide not to worry about anything today.

“You look beautiful. “ Dekker’s voice interrupts my thoughts. His head swivels back and forth from me to the road. His sweet smile lights up his dark eyes.

“Thanks, but I always wear stuff like this.” I didn’t think my usual tank top and jeans were a big deal.

“I love when you wear your hair down. You take my breath away.”

Noticing a stray piece of thread peaking out the bottom of my tank top, I pull at it until it comes loose and then roll it into a ball in between my thumb and middle finger. The heat radiating from my cheeks must have prompted Dekker to roll down his window. Taking his hand in mine, I enjoyed the cool breeze on my cheeks.

The tiny town of Crawford didn’t have much when it came to malls. In fact, their mall consisted of the super Wal-Mart, the payless next to it, and a Harold’s buffet across the lot from them both. A mile or so down the road, there was a drive in theater. A little further down, there were small mom and pop shops that sold clothing, shoes, and other home made trinkets. We were heading to the hip one, according to Dekker.

A young hip couple, according to Dekker, owns the shop, “Livin Loca,” Walking in and seeing the two in their outlandish clothing, I understood the meaning of the shops title. A tall lanky man with red hair, who sat behind the counter, wore a neon green cowboy hat and neon orange underwear. His ripped abs made up for the lack of muscle everywhere else and his baby face added to the silliness of the ensemble. The short blonde woman next to him wore a flimsy makeshift yellow and blue belly dancer get up. The yellow top too tight for her breasts looked as if about to burst at the seams if she made a wrong move or took too deep a breath.  Dekker took off to the left towards the men’s clothing display, and I made my way towards the women’s apparel.  Looking around, I silently thanked them for not selling their ugly outfits in this store. Relieved to see that this place is full of cute trendy clothes, I sift through a rack of barely there summer dresses see nothing I like. Filling up a basket with a pair of tight jeans, a few shirts for Brandon, (to replace the ones I cut up) a pair of black high-healed boots, a lip-gloss, and a cute bracelet, I walk over to the outlandish duo to purchase my items. I’ll do bra’s and panties another day. Dekker walks up next to me and pulls out his wallet.

“No way! I’m not letting you pay for my clothes. Put that away.” I push the leather wallet into his chest.

“I invited you out remember? I get to pay for everything.” He walks up to the belly dancer. “How much?” She says nothing, her eyes on me the entire time.

I slip the cowboy some cash, grab my bags, and walk towards the door.

“Keep the change Cowboy.” I pretend to tip my hat to him and push the wooden door open.

“Yes Ma’am, and thank ya!” he say’s in his thick, Irish accent. I give my hips an extra sway walking out the door.

I place my bags in the back seat and turn around to an amused Dekker. His arms brace against the car on both sides of me. Trapped, I have nowhere to go but into the back seat. His lips stretch into a sexy smirk, and my heart flip-flops as he leans in for a kiss but suddenly stops and hovers over mine, gently teasing my lips with his tongue. I catch a whiff of his cologne.

“I don’t know whether to be mad at you or extremely turned on.”

The sexual tension is on. His dark eyes ablaze as his lips make the short journey and connect with mine. Slowly he guides me onto the back seat, pushing the plastic bags aside. Lips still on mine, he presses me into the hot leather parting my thighs with his knees. His hand slides under my tank top slowly making its way up and over my breast. I tug at his shirt wishing the damn thing would rip apart.

“I want you right here, right now.” His hips sink into me.

With out a word, I yank my tank over my head. His jaw drops and a low guttural growl escapes him. Black lace has that effect on men. Before I get the chance to unclasp my bra, his mouth crashes down on my breast, and his teeth take hold of my nipple, giving it a good nip. I squeal and arch into him; both my hands gently pull his hair. His body shifts and hovers over me, his hair hanging over his eyes, his sexy shoulders so kissable. I notice a slight movement behind Dekker. I push myself up onto my elbows and lean to the side. The belly dancer chick is standing in front of the open car door watching us.

“What the hell do you think your doing?” I say, over Dekker’s shoulder.
Turning around and seeing the rigid girl, he searches for my tank top and places it on my chest before getting up. Knife in hand, I prepare for an attack.

“You forgot your bags.” she hands a bag to Dekker and drops the rest on the floor before running back into the shop, long blonde curls bouncing behind her.  Great, she’s not a demon. Overcome with relief, I reach for my bags on the car floor.
“I didn’t forget my bags. They are right here … they, they were … how did they?” My eyes dart back and forth from the sidewalk to the car floor.

“I don’t know babe, that’s freaking’ weird huh? Shit, let’s get out of here. The cowboy is headed this way.” He closes the door while I slip on my tank and hurries into the driver’s seat.

“Is everyone in this town like this? Did she reach in the car and take the bags? I know they were in the car. What the hell, I could have hurt her, or worse. I want to go home, right now please.”

I didn’t like that she snuck up on us. I should have sensed her coming. I should have been ready. I am off my game and I know why. I can’t let this thing we have continue. It’s too dangerous. If she were a demon, Dekker would have been dead. Putting him in danger is wrong and reckless. I am letting my selfish needs handicap my instincts.
“Relax Ley, Shirley is a little slow. She does weird stuff sometimes. Her brother Jimmy takes care of her. He was probably coming out to apologize. He talks for hours, and I barely understand what he says. I didn’t want to be stuck talking to him all day and miss our date. It’s ok; don’t worry. Nothing happened.” I see his eyes in the rear view mirror. He’s smiling. He thinks it’s funny.

“It’s not funny Dekker. She snuck up on us, and you could have been killed.”

“By Shirley?”

“No by a demon. If she were a demon, you would be dead. I didn’t hear her or notice her until …” I take a deep breath. “It could have been too late.”

We didn’t say anything the entire way back. I didn’t notice the beautiful scenery of lush trees and old mountains. I didn’t see anything except Roland and his family torn apart by the demons. I tried to imagine what they felt in those last moments. Tried to imagine what Roland felt when he woke up in a new body. When we finally arrived, I got out of the car and head straight for the door. Dekker is close behind me as a worried Max greets us.

“Hey, there you are. Not like you to leave like this. There has been a breakthrough in the lab. You must come at once.” He turns and walks towards the lab but not before staring down Dekker.

“Not today Max. I’ll catch up in the morning.” I head over to Brandon’s permanent spot and sink into the cushion next to him. Glancing over the TV, I notice Max’s puzzled expression before he shakes his head and leaves the room. I get Max’s confusion. I never pass on lab work. First for everything, I guess.

“Can I play?” I ask Brandon. His newest video game is of the racecar variety. I love cars and racing, so this is the perfect game for me. Pulling an extra controller out from behind him, he tosses it to me.

“X is acceleration, O is brakes, the toggle is direction, R and L are … you don’t need them. Pick a car.” The screen prompts me to choose from a variety of cars listing their special features and strengths.

“Count me in. I’ve beat this game twice.” Dekker chimes in from behind the refrigerator door.

“You can switch controllers with Ley. Not giving up first controller.” Brandon responds, eyes on screen. He turns to me, “Don’t worry, I’ll go easy on you. You’re probably tired from your date. Hope you didn’t have too much fun.” His low voice only heard by me.

“Really Brandon, I’m not in the mood for this. I thought you were ok with it.”

“You smell like him. His cologne is all over you. Are you fucking him?” His puts his remote down and looks me up and down, a hint of disgust in his eyes.

“That’s none of your business.”

“Everything you do is my business. And if you ever leave without telling me again, I’ll find you, drag you back, and chain you to the fucking wall.” He sits back and grabs the remote.

“Ready?” Dekker voice chimes in. He pulls up a chair from the kitchen and places it a good distance away from the both of us. Good call. The tension eases eventually and I immerse myself in virtual rubber and speed.

After playing for a few hours, I head off to bed leaving the two boys behind to battle it out. Both of them are going to try to beat my score. I predict late night attempts for the rest of the week. Slipping into a cotton nightshirt and performing my bedtime face washing and tooth brushing ritual; I slip under the covers and think of ways to end it with Dekker.

© Copyright 2012 Lana (UN: lana18 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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