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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/750894-This-ones-about-as-funny-as-a-fat-kid-crying
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#750894 added April 13, 2012 at 7:44pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about as funny as a fat kid crying.
THE PROMPT: "Describe your sense of humour. Give some examples of things you find funny!"

Happy Friday the 13th, everybody. While I'm not too overly superstitious, if time has proven me anything it's that (hold on...how do you pluralize "Friday the 13th"? Fridays the 13th, or Friday the 13th's? Or Friday the thirteenths?) Friday the thirteenths aren't usually good days for me. And today was no exception. Luckily, Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST has spiffed up the Friday prompt a little bit. And that's a good thing. Not all of my Fridays and Saturdays are exciting bunches of blogworthy mention. They're more like mundane overcoats on cadavers sometimes. That doesn't make for fun times on the laptop, and I'm all about the funny being the paint on these pale yellow walls. So let's see if my fortunes change a little bit this evening, shall we? Yes, we shall.

My sense of humour? I think people putting the letter U in words it doesn't belong in are funny. Just kidding...no disrespect to the dialects of others from different areas of the world. My sense of humor is kinda hard to describe. I'm one of those people who doesn't know it's funny until I'm laughing so hard I've got tears literaly jumping from my eye sockets. I really don't get offended by much, other than blatant racism and crude disrespect of women...it's ok to make a woman the butt of a joke, just don't do it because she's a woman. Other than that, pretty much anything goes with me. Not that I find everything funny, but, well, you feel me.

I've a bit of a sick sense of humor I suppose (probably because it takes so much to offend me). Those who've read me a little over time will know that. I'm the dude who comes in halfway through a conversation and runs with it, totally unnecessarily at times. I'm the one who tries to find the humor in most situations. I like to laugh and make others laugh...maybe it's a validation thing. Not that I try to measure my worth as a person by how many chuckles I get, but it is a bit rewarding to be able to relate a situation in a way that gets a few laughs.

I'm typically a good sport too, most of the time. You have to be when sometimes your brand of humor relies on you finding hilariousness at the expense of others (good-naturedly), because eventually it catches up to you. That whole "don't dish it out if you can't take it" thing, ya know? The first step toward making others laugh is to know how to laugh at yourself. And I'm ok with that.

What it all comes down to is that humor in this day and age is practicallly a necessity. If you don't like your job, you've gotta learn to laugh at it. If your family bugs you, find what's funny about it. 99% of everything in this world can be pretty fair game, and you need that in order to be happy.


This video is actually for a friend of mine. My boy Adam posted this morning on Facebook that today was "that kind of day" for this band. Stylistically, their sound can range from Eurotrash disco, to emo-pop, to German death metal. They're all over the place. They're not a "joke" band, but this is why they're one of the coolest concerts I've ever been to. They were the only band on the bill. They opened up as their Eurotrash disco outfit with a short set, played a nice, long set as themselves, and closed with a bizarre, short set as the death metal alter-ego complete with fake blood. Great songs, great friends, and a great time. Or, as the title of one of their songs goes..."Good Times, Good Tunes, Good Buds" (and if you ever hear that song, the dude at the end is just like my boy DMFM after a few too many defeated cans of Miller High Life, the champagne of beers).



*Smartphone* I don't talk on the phone very often, but it was nice to spend some time catching up with a old co-worker this evening. He's definitely one of the funnest and funniest dudes I've ever worked with. I'll relate one of his best stories (he's the kind of person that this type of shit only happens to...which is how a lot of his stories start): It's been awhile since I heard this story, so I'll do my best. He met a girl through friends of friends, and they were going out on a date. They went to a sporting event (maybe a Sabres game, but I'm not sure). The night had been going all right...no signs yet that there'd be a second date, but whatever. Well, they do this thing at sporting events that's called the "Kiss Cam", where they pan the crowd during breaks in the action and show couples on the big-ass Jumbotrons at the arena. Ideally, they pick a couple who's been together awhile, and they get excited and they kiss and it's cute and blah blah blah. Well, that night, they picked him and this girl. And he was like, "Uhhh, yes? No? Whaddya wanna do here?" And she was not about it. And if you've ever been to an event where they do the "Kiss Cam", you know how awkward the crowd gets when two people are on the Jumbotron and they don't kiss. I'm sure there's more to this story, but that's what I'll share. Gotta hang out with this guy soon though. His stories are fantastic.

*Cart* Random work thought: Apparently, a customer crept up on my boss and said, "Raspberry croutons?" like a creeper. She followed it up immediately with "Where's the raspberry croutons at?" Chew on that for a second...now, my first thought is that, lady, you're in a freakin' drug store that happens to sell a lot of normal shit also. But we're not a grocery store. We sell the basics...maybe enough to throw together a basic meal, but really? C'mon man, we sell pharmaceuticals and shit. Health and wellness supplies. Raspberry croutons? This ain't Wegmans. This ain't fine dining. If they're not next to the two different kinds of salad dressing we sell, then your raspberry croutons are not here. And sometimes, I have a hard time reading my boss' mood. I have trouble determining if she's in a good mood or she's pissed at me. So unless I'm sure, when we cross paths on the salesfloor I usually won't acknowledge her with more than a look, a nod, or general ignorance of her. But a few times after that, she'd veer into my direction as I'm walking past her, lean in a little closer than I'd normally appreciate, and whisper, "Raspberry croutons?" and walk away. And it's the little shit like that that I can find funny. Not hilarious, but funny.

And with that, I'm gonna kick the door off this room and scream GOODNIGHT NOW!! before any of you understands what just happened.


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