Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/752831-Chapter-2
Rated: 18+ · Book · Dark · #1867565
#752831 added May 14, 2012 at 3:45am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 2
Chapter 2

         “Anyone for a game?”

         A murmur echoed through the crowd, they turned and walked away. Only one person was left standing there. It looked like this person was just a child. What could she know about pool?

         “I’m up for it.”

         “Grab a cue.” Kyra set the rack and the newcomer broke.


         The girl looked about 14 and short, at about five foot, and skinny as a rail. Not very mature, Kyra assumed.

         She was surprised to see the girl played almost as good as Jeanette Lee. Though she was young fand unrefined, she was good and could easily be a pro with the right teacher.

         From the start, the girl took control of the table. Kyra was amazed that this girl was not playing the pros on the tour. “The Black Widow” seemed like an amateur next to her. She thought and soon found herself jealous of the girl’s skill.

         The racks came and went in a blur of envy. Kyra barely got a chance to come to the table and show her stuff. Now she knew how he felt when she played him. The second rack came and went faster than the first and before she could count the racks, the match was over. The girl said thank you and went on her way.

         From the corner behind Kyra, sweet laughter rang out. She turned around and leaned her rear-end on the table.

         “What are you laughing at?”

         “The look on your face.” He tried not to laugh instead a smile spread the corners of his mouth wide.

         “I never claimed to be a pro as that girl was.”

         “No. You didn’t give any hints as to your skill level.”

         “A mistake, I admit.”

         He laughed again and rose from the chair, walked to her, stood about an inch away from her, reached around her and picked up the cue. She stopped him by putting a hand on his arm.

         He looked deep into her eyes and saw something buried deep within her. It piqued his interest and without any thought, he kissed her.

         Before his lips met hers, she turned her back to him in a blushing gesture. She did not want him to see the lust reflected in her eyes. She couldn’t suppress the desire that had grown so quickly when he stood over her. She tried to deny that she was smitten but couldn‘t. It was not the impression she wanted to give. She had felt him brush up against her as he set the bottle on the table and she began to shake uncontrollably.

         He moved closer, so that his chest touched her back. He felt her shaking. He laid the cue down on the table and his hands fell down, out of sight. He put his hands on her thighs and slowly moved them up, pulling her skirt up as he did, and slightly circling around to the inside. His hand moved ever higher until he touched her pussy.

         She inhaled sharply, as a strange feeling came over her. It seemed to fill her up like water filling a pond and run through her in a river. Then, suddenly, she put her hand on his, stopping his exploration.

         She felt him fumbling with something behind her, then felt his hand on her bare skin. Circling around her hip to her lower abdomen, pulling her closer to him, while his hand went lower and lower until he had his hand between he legs.

         “… DON’T STOP!!” she thought, hoping he could read it in her body language.

         She pulled away from him and walked to the door. He did not try to stop her. Instead he stood there shaking his head, leaning on the pool table. He looked a bit frazzled and unsure. She stopped at the door, turned and looked at him where he stood muttering to himself. Then casually walked back to him, her hips swaying as if she were caught in an endless dance of seduction, took his hand and led him out to her car.

         She acted like she was a little tipsy, drunk with the many beers she had. They walked through the maze of cars, as she dug around in her purse for her keys. No looking she was going, she bumped into a car and fell but at the last minute he caught her. He cradled her in his arms until she regained her balance.

         She felt the air around her suddenly turn warm as if it burned with some unseen fire. It spilled through her, infecting her and making shiver with the delight. She wondered why she suddenly felt hot, like she was in the middle of a lit bonfire.

         She let go of his hand and walked in front of him, leading him through the maze of the parking lot. Her hips swaying enticingly, forcing his mind to think of his tongue slowly licking over each cheek in turn and up to the small of her back, then back down to her butt cheeks at which time he would begin biting them, lightly as squirmed under him.

         She stepped on something in the lot and fell. Her ankle twisted at a sharp painful angle. He rushed forward and caught her just before she hit the ground.

         The only injury she sustained was a twisted her ankle.          She was thankful he caught her. In doing so, it had put his face close to hers. His lips looked so succulent and sweet,  she could no longer resist. She leaned in closer to him as he put one arm behind her back and the other under her thighs and hoisted her up. She pressed her lips to his as he took a step forward. It surprised him and he stumbled over his own feet, almost dropping her and he broke the embrace.

         She laid her head upon his chest, heard his heart pounding. It sounded like thunder as it beat in time with hers. She closed her eyes for minute lulled into that place where her words came from, that place where poems began.

         She had swooned. That had never happened to her before. It was such an odd sensation to her being new to her and she felt dizzy. She was glad he was carrying her because she didn’t think her legs would support her.

                   The minute she pressed her lips to his and he accepted them almost greedily and tasted their sweetness, her temperature had risen to near scalding degrees. She felt like she was burning, as if someone had lit her on fire. All she wanted to do was get out of the blazing clothes and have someone douse the flames that leapt up off her skin. But there lies the problem, the heat was not from an external source. It was internal and made her stomach flutter with a thousand butterfly wings. Her desire had risen up, spilled over her causing her reactions to his touch.

         They had reached her car but she had not noticed. She reveled in his touch, being so close to him had sent her heart into chaotic rhythms which were by his own  heart. His touch had intoxicated her to the point of blindness.

         “Here we are.” he announced while shifting her weight around in his arms and adjusting his tiring arms.

         She rummaged around in her purse for a minute. Finally after rummaging in her purse for what seemed like forever, she pulled out her keys.

         He quickly grabbed them out of her hand and unlocked the passenger side door, set her down on the seat. She leaned over and unlocked the driver’s door for him as he rushed around to the driver’s side. He climbed in behind the wheel, turned to look at her, “Where to?” he asked.

         She was operating in a daze and barely heard his query. She turned and looked at him, her eyes glazed over. She saw him as if through a fog and her eyelids drooped as if she were drunk.        One thing was certain she did not want to go home alone tonight.

© Copyright 2012 Korath Mindsthrall (UN: vivienthompson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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