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Rated: 18+ · Book · Dark · #1867565
#752841 added May 14, 2012 at 4:00am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 12
Chapter 12

She went back to her room, after the concert, and showered. The hot water felt good… Relaxing and rather erotic.


         Down the hall he walked, nervous and a bit unsure of this bold move. As the golden room numbers increased in intervals of one on either side, his nerve began to falter and he nearly turned  around and left. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the numbers on the door to his left. The gold embossed numbers on the door read 2010. At last he found her room, stopped in front of the door, his heart pounding as he stood shaking, raised a hand and knocked. His mind wandered back to the band room when he walked in and found her otherwise engaged.

         The memory filled his visual field, making his eyes become glazed, distant… sort of like he was dreaming. His knock received no response. He noticed the door was ajar, slowly the memory receded and he knocked on the door again as he pushed it open. He got no response but heard water running in the bathroom. She must be in the shower. he thought wishing he could see her in the shower.

         Quickly and quietly, he walked to the door, opened it an inch and peeked in. Steam hung in the air, like a curtain obscuring the view from a window and he could see nothing. With his hope of seeing her in the shower being foiled, he turned and walked to the bed. Propped himself up on the headboard and waited for her to come out of the bathroom.

         The water ran cold and she jumped out of the shower quickly stubbing her toe. “Damn it!“ she said heatedly not knowing he was in her room.

         Kyra grabbed a towel near the sink. The towel sat, folded, upon a shelf above the towel bar where a hand towel was hung by housekeeping when they cleaned the room and wiped the steam fogged mirror with it. Stood in front of it, naked and dripping wet, staring at her reflection wondering, Why do I respond to him this way?

         She remembered when he touched her, in the band room… She felt alive, like he had awakened something in her. Something that had been dead for a long time or so she thought. Something deep inside her had changed that night… She now felt as if she knew the depth of her own soul and most of all she was comfortable with herself. It left her with an almost helpless feeling, as if she had never really known herself and only played the role of a “Pretender“...

         Without drying off, Kyra walked out of the bathroom. She went to the window, turned, looked at the clock on the nightstand……. It said, 3:00 A.M.  she finally saw him laying on the bed next to the nightstand, on the left side of the bed. Shocked, she jumped trying to cover herself. Quickly she put her hand up to cover her groin and with the other tried to cover her breasts but it was an impossible task. Oh well, what is the use! she thought, dropping her arms to hang by her side.          As she did, he felt something inside screaming for release but he had been held motionless by her…

         He kicked off his shoes, put his feet up and crossed his legs, hands behind his head as a smile spread the corners of his mouth wide. He was obviously enjoying this and she wanted him to.

         Kyra sensed something in the air, something that raised goose-bumps on her skin. She found herself teasing him with her body and enjoying the affect it had on him. She wanted him to touch her like he had just a few hour earlier.

         Suddenly he sat up and removed his shirt, held it out to her………… “Put this on.” he said with a note of authority in his voice.

         “Why?” Kyra asked, taking the garment from him. “Are you embarrassed by nudity?”

         He laughed…..”No. You are beautiful and………“ A lump had risen in his throat and made him swallow hard. “distracting.”  It was hard enough for him to hold himself back. He wanted to ravage her, make her his…

         He had a hard time keeping his desire in check and did not need this kind of temptation. He became silent, his eyes glazed over and she saw them become distant. It looked like he was somewhere else and dreaming of something that gave him pleasure. The look on his face was so peaceful…

         Kyra wanted it to envelope her. She wanted to feel it, to be changed by it but that feeling remained elusive…just a dream 

forever out of reach.

         “Why are you here?”

         He did not answer, just sat there watching her shrug into his shirt with half glazed eyes and a growing erection. There was no doubt in him now. She did arouse something in him and for some reason seeing her in his shirt was more than he could handle. The air around him seemed to burn with desire and he felt it infect him like a virus…

         He saw himself stand and close the distance between them. Standing in front of her, he raised a hand to her cheek and saw it tremble as through he were nervous because of the need growing inside him. Without warning, he seized her lips with his own, forcing his tongue into her mouth and exploring every inch of her with his hands. One minute, soft and sensual, the next he touched her with his rough and callused fingertips… playing her like he plays his guitar. Forcing sweet notes of ecstasy from her…

         She yawned, walked over to the right side of the bed and climbed in.

         “I mean why are you in my room?” Anger came out in her voice.

         “I knocked but there was no response and I noticed the door was open. I thought something was wrong and came in to check on you but no one was here and you were in the shower…” he replied without looking at her…

         She opened her mouth to question him further, lost the thought and closed it, giving a sort of snort, as if saying, “Yeah right!”

         “Jimmy mentioned you wrote a few songs, I am curious as to how you wrote them. It is no easy task and you being more of a poet and novelist it piqued my interest.” He continued, turning to look at her lying in the bed next to him.

         She sighed heavily, wanting to be alone and curled up beside him. She lay on her left side knees tucked up to her chin, hand under her cheek. She looked comfortable and quite relaxed. She is beautiful… he thought and couldn’t remember what he was saying and leaned over, kissed her cheek, whispered in her ear…“Good night.”

         As he whispered those words, a faint scent reached his nose, filled his nostrils with something sweet. It made him think of peach pie… Or maybe apple? Either way he wanted to taste her fruit and suddenly he leaned down and nibbled her neck without realizing what he was doing.

         She moaned sleepily as she rolled her upper body to face him and looked at him.

         His eyes held something dark… a deep seeded hunger. She found herself lost in them. For the first time felt her own hunger boiling inside, rising to the surface and taking control of her. It matched his. It was something she had not experienced for many decades. It was her incubus, or so she called it, and yet it was not. It was something more than that…

         Suddenly realizing his mistake, he pulled away, turned and stood. “I am sorry.” He mumbled while getting up off the bed. “Forgive me?“ He said in a clear voice with a slightly higher pitch as he looked at her.

         She caught his hand, “Stay?” she asked. “And Play.” she whispered under her breath. He thought he heard the last part correctly but wasn’t quite certain of it. His heart suddenly skipped several beats and lurched to a standstill as he sat back down on the bed. She cuddled against him like a cat.

         He had found himself comfortable and soon fell into dream. Deep, meaningful dreams played like movies in his mind, projected on the pitch black of his closed eyelids. Scenes that had several effects on him…

         First these dreams produced a smile then, second was a feeling of peace that could not be rivaled or even matched by anyone, and third he finally fell in love as his dream had told him he would.

         Although she was comfortable curled up beside him, sleep did not come to her this night. Instead she laid in bed until dawn unable to fall asleep. She got up went to the window overlooking the park behind the hotel, pulled the curtain back a little, looked out over the green grass…

         The bed’s movement woke him from a peaceful sleep. He watched her through heavy-lidded eyes. Seeing her bathed by the stirring dawn made something inside him clench tight. He thought it may be a heart attack but he felt it in every muscle and suddenly junior began to stir and then scream at him. He wondered why seeing her in this light made him feel so…

         She walked slowly to the window, trying to work out a few stiff muscles, sighed heavily and slipped into a fantasy.

         She imagined…..

         Being in the shower, the water running down over her breasts… Him climbing in with her, grabbing the soap from her hands, lathering up his own hands as he slathered the soap on her back. Over and over again running his hands up and down the length of her back, over her cheeks and thighs, then up to the small of her back. His hands slowly circled around her hips coming to rest on her stomach. He pulled her close to him so that he could feel her skin against his.

         She felt his sexual energy seep into her, exciting her and tilted her head back laying it against his shoulder. Arousal came in an instant and spread like wildfire through her aching body as his hands lingered on her upper thighs. 

         After he placed a kiss on her shoulder, his hands moved up her body, lightly touching her skin. He pressed his body to her from behind, as one hand slowly descended over her breasts, down slowly over her stomach. At first he seemed to just rest his hand there in the lower portion of her tummy… Distracted her with a kiss as he pulled her closer and his hand slipped down between her legs. He massaged her clit and kneaded her breast. At the same time, his kisses began to roam over her shoulders and neck, down her back over her butt as he knelt down on the cold slick tile.

         She turned to him, began to speak and was quickly silenced by his fingers upon her lips. “Shhhhhhh!” he admonished her and seized her lips, wantonly, exploring her with his tongue. She threw her head back, breathing heavily. She wanted more…

         Standing by the window in the first light of dawn, she absent mindedly began an expedition of self exploration as he lay in bed watching her every move, wondering what she was thinking about. Her hand came up to her cheek, caressed it like her lover would then slowly it dropped down tracing an imaginary line down her neck over her shoulder and chest, between her breasts… Suddenly she threw her head back in obvious delight.

         He lay on his side propped up on one elbow, watching her and growing harder with every movement her hand made.

         Her hand trailed slowly down the center of her body, over her stomach following that line of slightly darker hair and over her belly button to where the pubic hair began or would had she not shaved it. It did not stop there, as he thought it would, instead her hand traveled down farther and came to a standstill between her legs as she gasped in surprise at her own eagerness.

         He saw her hand make small movements and heard a sigh of pleasure escape her throat…

         He could stand no more of this and walked over to her, put his arms around her, pulling her to him, kissing her neck and shoulder where she had touched it.

         Startled from her dream, she jumped, turned, saw him and relaxed into his arms. He pulled her closer still, a hand sliding down between her legs…rubbing her clit, sneaking a finger up inside her.

         Surprised at his eagerness, she put her hand upon his, making no effort to stop him and began gasping as she pressed her butt against him. She felt him, already firm and hard with the desire to taste her. She reached around behind her and took hold of him, teasing him with her hand as she took a step forward and leaned over slightly rubbing the cheeks of her ass up and down the length of his erect penis.

         He put a hand on her back, forcing her to bend over further...

         She felt him position himself between her cheeks and push himself into her slowly and gently. She felt him fill her up until she felt she may burst open at the seams. Every muscle in her tightened and she threw her head back as a strangled sound escaped her lips.

         She rocked back and forth, desperately trying to quell the hunger burning inside her but it would not be sated and continued to rage inside her. It grew with every trust until she was breathless and her pussy was a raw fiery mess and still begged for more. It made her feel like a nymphomaniac.

© Copyright 2012 Korath Mindsthrall (UN: vivienthompson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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