Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/752859-Make-a-Difference
by Amay
Rated: E · Book · Children's · #1866119
This is a collection of poetry that I'm working on for my grandson.
#752859 added May 14, 2012 at 3:25pm
Restrictions: None
Make a Difference

Make a Difference

A terrible storm washed ashore
Leaving starfish on the sea shore
Left in the sun, they’d be done for
There was no way to save them all.

A young child walked along the beach
Gathering starfish within reach
Of the child I had to beseech
“Son, there’s no way to save them all.”

But sir, without my assistance
To move them such a short distance
With each one I’ll make a difference.
I suddenly saw my shortfall

Each act of kindness is a gift
A smile, a hand to give a lift
I knew my attitude must shift
If I was to be changed at all.

I helped that child for hours, you see
A difference to those we’d set free
Lesson learned, the important key
Do something no matter how small.


Based on The Legend of the Starfish.

The Utendi is:
1. a narrative.
2. stanzaic, written in any number of quatrains.
3. syllabic, 8 syllable lines.
4. rhymed, rhyme aaab cccb dddb etc. The b rhyme is a linking rhyme between stanzas.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/752859-Make-a-Difference