Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/753518-Going-to-college-Choosing--majors-How-to-decide
by brom21
Rated: E · Book · Philosophy · #1740118
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#753518 added May 25, 2012 at 9:59pm
Restrictions: None
Going to college. Choosing majors. How to decide.
Everybody in the world has thought about college. The thing that is of most importance, next to work itself, is choosing your major. Many people choose their major from a spur of interest. For instance: a person who likes to play games (and who doesn't) might just to decide to pick computer graphics. Two semesters or more down the road they find the math and art that's required becomes redundant. At this point they may be clueless about what to choose and may switch a couple times before fully deciding. This is the important thing to consider: What could you really see yourself doing for the rest of your life and what you should keep as a hobby. Then there's the big question that people ask: what is the pay. If that's the case, stick with the non-English Majors. Don't get the wrong is idea though. You can break into good paying jobs with an English degree such as creative writing. It also depends on what periodical or company you work for if you were to choose that field. If money is more or less the sole incentive, then stick with the sciences; both computer and physical. Remember though that the sciences require lots of math, physics, and chemistry. This can be a challenging for most people. Oh, and if you do find yourself switching majors a few times, that's Okay as long as its on a continuous, repetitive action. My brother changed his major approximately four times. That's excessive though. My suggestion is to experience different subjects as non-credit course and see how the work suits you and how much you truly enjoy it. One rather fun method deciding your major is to day dream and imagine yourself different careers. This was actually something that I found in a careers class in high school. Remember that whatever you decide it will require work and discipline. You will find yourself bothered or bored at one time or another. Don't worry though; This is typical even if the major you choose is right for you. My personal advice, however, is to choose a career you like rather than one that just pays well. For those of you who have succeeded in getting a degree you love, you're an inspiration.
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