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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/753794-This-ones-about-the-unresistable
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#753794 added May 31, 2012 at 1:18am
Restrictions: None
This one's about the unresistable.
THE PROMPT: "Thanks I just can't resist it."

Hey y'all. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I'll bitch and whine when the prompts in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS start to become morose, morbid, and depressing. That's usually when I'm at my sarcastic best *Smirk*. Well, I'm flipping the script on this prompt today. Maybe it'll become a new segment in future months, next to The Files Of Retail Hell and the wildly popular MUSICAL BREAK!! Today we're going with...


Recently, a doctor by the name of James Corasanti, spent the night at a country club with his wife and some friends. They had a few drinks, and he had a few more, and then he popped a bottle of bubbly. His wife left, and shortly after, he hopped in his fancy ride, bumped some Clapton, and was heading home.

Down a dark stretch of highway, he felt his car hit something. He thought nothing of it until he got home. It was then that he noticed his car was badly dented. And there was human tissue and blood on the front of his vehicle. He panicked, alerted his wife, and took off. He had a couple of conversations with his neighbors, frantic ones, and eventually someone put him in touch with the authorities...five hours later, when he still had I believe a .10 blood alcohol content (or still .02 above the legal limit). Meanwhile, his wife fled to the scene of the accident, while ambulances were already on the scene, thanks to concerned neighbors and motorists.

Alix Rice, 18, was riding her longboard down the street on her way home from her job at a pizzeria. She never had a chance. Corasanti was speeding and texting, and never saw her. Reports say she flew as much as 40 feet, and who knows how long she skidded across the ground after that. Her death was ruled "internal decapitation of the neck".

Dr. Corasanti's trial has been going on for a few weeks now, and has captivated the WNY area (the accident being about twenty minutes from here). Tonight, his verdict came down. The charges:

*Bullet* Second-degree manslaughter

*Bullet* Second-degree vehicular manslaughter

*Bullet* Leaving the scene of an incident without reporting, resulting in death

*Bullet* Tampering with physical evidence (two counts)

*Bullet* Driving while intoxicated (common law misdemeanor)

Here's The Buffalo News' account of the verdict coming down: http://www.buffalonews.com/topics/dr-james-corasanti-trial/article879349.ece

Outrage doesn't even come close to what I feel about this subject. You may know me as a man who rarely holds ill will or contempt for people, but this man should rot in hell for the rest of his life and after. Not a single post I saw on Facebook related to this story showed any kind of support for Dr. Corasanti (and there have been more than plenty). Who would feel good about seeing that man's name cleared? The only remorse he showed was for his practice and his standing in the community. It was only after he turned himself in did he ask, "How's the girl? Is she dead?" Whoa...if you claim to not know what you hit, or thought that maybe it was a dog, how'd you know it was a girl? (Ok, maybe the cops would've told him...) But to ask it so callously, man, that's balls. For real? This guy's so drunk five hours after killing someone that that's the only thing he can say?

And think about it...if it were you or I or any of the regular folks out there, we'd have been in jail that night with no chance of seeing daylight. He's been free on bail since turning himself in. He's a doctor, he's got plenty of money, and he can afford top defense lawyers. They ripped this poor, deceased girl's character to shreds in the courtroom, in front of her family. I don't doubt corruption for one second in this case. The "good doctor" definitely greased a few palms along the way. His lawyer was a long-time friend! Don't tell me the hometown discount wasn't applied.

What does this teach us as a society? Get a designated driver, unless you've got money and connections. Now if you don't mind, there's a couple of annoying skateboarders across the street who tend to be noisy once in awhile. I'm gonna go have about 36 beers and see if I can take one or two out...either with the front bumper, or, if I'm skillful enough, maybe the driver's side door. But I'll act like I hit a dog and couldn't see them. I mean, after all, the precedent has been set, has it not?

Thanks folks. I just can't resist tearing into society.


Sorry to end the month on that kind of note...luckily I'll get a mulligan tomorrow for a do-over entry where we return to fun times with an open prompt (that doesn't mean much, but whatever; I'll have that).


*Bullet**Check* The finals for the most legendary trophy in all of sports, Lord Stanley's Cup, have started. Now seems like a good enough time to start the bandwagon back up for a hockey emoticon on WDC.

*Clock2* I love it when you have to be someplace for an appointment, only to rearrange plans to get there, and find out that the person you're meeting with isn't there for the day. Thanks for the heads-up. How about a "smack my damn head" emoticon too, WDC.

Alright, I'm checking out tonight. Out of here, at least. Gonna see if there's anymore info on the Corasanti trial. Thanks for putting up with me this month...it's been real. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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