Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/753981-Chapter-38-Danger-Zone-Sorrell
Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1864211
A series I wrote that is loosely based on Twilight about Wolf Shifters
#753981 added June 2, 2012 at 12:12am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 38: Danger Zone: Sorrell
It was just all too much for me to handle. Darrius was dead. There was some strange creature on the loose, and it may or may not have been my boyfriend. I wanted so desperately to believe him. So much it hurt.
What or whoever it was I saw in the gym was not the Kenyon I had come to love. He was kind, warm, and loving. I thought back to the stables at Satordi's ranch, and how gentle he was with Dexter, when he had taken me home from Darrius's I thought of that warm and embarrassed smile on his face when he told me that he was in love with the same girl since he was twelve. There was something beautiful in his eye, a glimmer that I had wished so badly that I had caused.
A wave of sadness came over me, but I still just couldn't see the 'monster'. He said that he was provoked, but even still what could provoke someone to shatter their leg? It didn't make sense. When he said that Darrius had said something about me, I began to feel sick to my stomach. It was as if it all was my fault. So he gets violent when he is provoked, that doesn't make him a monster or just a nice guy that didn’t know his own strength.
I then had a thought that gave me chills. What if he was angry at me? I have only seen him upset with me a couple of times, and both times he never even made an attempt to lay a finger on me, if anything, he was protective to anyone that tried to hurt me. So that's what it was, I thought, He was protective. Still it wasn't a good reason for him to flip out the way he did.
It was also more than that, he had superhuman strength, his eyes lit up when he was angry, and I have never seen him physically turn into anything. I passed back and forth thinking.
I thought about Benny, who was had the potential to be a great dog, if he only had someone to give him the love that he needed. I thought that way about Kenyon, he was a wonderful boyfriend, and he just needed a way to channel his anger. I then shook it off, I was comparing my boyfriend to a dog. If I am going to do that I might as well compare him to Rufus. It was is his nature to attack me, and yet he never so much as growled at me, after our first meeting and he is my best most trusted friend.
I could see myself petting him in my mind staring into his copper eyes, similar to Kenyon's. Suddenly my mouth dropped and I put my hand over it. Oh my gosh! But that would be crazy I thought. Crazier than having super human strength and eyes that lit up, and fangs? It was impossible. Crazier than being in love with the same person since the age of twelve? I had to think about this one, when I was around twelve when did someone go above and beyond to protect me. Immediately there was a little boy with a retainer, about Kenyon's complexion, and same copper, emerald tinged eyes.
"Holy Crap!" I said out loud. He was only trying to protect me, this whole time. I then bolted out the door. I had to find Kenyon. I hoped he had not gotten too far. It wasn't night yet do I had a little bit of time. I ran straight into the woods, knowing that was where Rufus would always come from. He loved the woods. I had not heard a car pull up so he had to have come to my house on foot.
I called Kenyon's name. I called for Rufus as well, but there was no sign. I then hurt rustling behind and I turned around to find a familiar face, but to my disappointment it wasn't Kenyon or Rufus.
"Sorrell, what are you doing out here alone?"
I wondered if I should tell him everything, but decided it was unnecessary. I wasn't sure if Kenyon would be upset with me for revealing his secret. I didn't know the stipulations for dating a wolf changer, I would have to ask Kenyon to explain the protocol to me when I saw him again.
"I'm looking for Kenyon, did you see him come through her."
"Kenyon?" He thought a moment. "I haven't seen anyone, but I heard someone walking back this way." He pointed behind him. "We could go check it out." He held his hand out.
Without thinking, I took his hand and we headed deeper into the woods, it wasn't until I realized that it was getting dark, and I had no idea where we were.
"Nick, I think we should go back. I'll just see him tomorrow at school."
"It's just a little further down."
I then stopped and dropped my hand from his.
"What's wrong, Sorrell?"
"I should get back home; there is a curfew, because of all the killings."
"It's fine, it is just a little further." He assured.
I wasn't convinced. I decided to just run. In what seemed like no time at all, he gained on me. I tried to push and run faster but he grabbed me and tackled me to the ground.
Chapter 38: Sorrell

I tried to fight him off, by kick, punching, and biting but it didn't seem to bother him at all. He hoisted me up on his shoulder and continued to walk deeper in the woods. I continued to fight, until I tired myself out.
"Where are you taking me?"
"Some place special." He said in a thin voice.
"Nick, you don't have to do this."
"Sorrell, I have had a crush on you since last year, when you stopped your creep of a boyfriend from bashing my head in. I have been trying to ask you out since you two broke up."
"Nick, I can see how you might think the caveman approach might be the way to go, but can you please put me down."
He set me down and I realized that it was now completely dark. Nick was hurled over in pain.
"Nick, are you okay?" I put a hand on his back and quickly pulled away because his back was scorching hot. He looked up at me and his eyes glowed red. I gasped. "You killed Darrius."
He began breathing heavily. "Don't worry Sorrell. I'm not going to kill you. Besides its werewolf mating season."
I took off running and again he ran after me. His voice getting deeper more menacing. He leaped high in the sky and landed right in front of me, and was twice his normal size. You can't outrun me Sorrell."
I change course and ran in the opposite direction. My chest began to burn, and he was still gaining. He was laughing evilly, like he enjoyed chasing me, like he could end me at any moment. Still I kept running. I heard him come up off the ground, and just as I heard it I saw a rock. Quickly I turned around, picked up the rock and threw it right at his eye and kept running. He howled in pain, and the ground resounded with his heavy stomps.
He then was able to clip me from the side and I ran into a tree. I heard my bone crush in my arm and screamed in agony. I held my arm and kept running until he ran low under me and clipped my off of my feet and I fell backward and hit my head hard on a rock. I felt the back of my head and I had a gash. I looked at my hand and it was covered in blood. I was staring up at the darkening sky and saw a single bird fly across the sky. Everything was getting blurry, and there I was fading thinking of all those unsaid words, whether he was going to change me or I was going to die. It was too late for me.
It wasn't until the euphoria kicked in and I felt the sensation of being lifted did I become positive that I was a goner.
© Copyright 2012 Misty Crade (UN: babydoll_y2g at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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