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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/755483-This-ones-about-sunshine
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#755483 added June 23, 2012 at 9:00pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about sunshine.
THE PROMPT: "Everyone talks about the weather but nobody ever does anything about it. Discuss in detail how the weather affects you and what sort of things you do or have done to cope with the weather conditions."

Greetings from sunny Buffalo, yo. So, a few days after I laid down the ground rules about not talking about the weather in the box I type in, Thundersbeard 30DBC JULY HOST drops this jem of a prompt in my inbox this morning. Go figure. *Rolleyes*

So let me get this off my chest...nobody ever does anything about the weather because nobody can. Unless you're some sort of freakish superhero with the ability to create fire or ice (and please, don't get all DC Comics on me about this), that's not happening...unless an entire nation decides to go suicide bombing in the form of lighting fire with aerosol cans of hairspray and it fucks up the ozone layer, causing another tsunami in a foreign country that America will bail out, while the middle class rots from broken wallets.

Another thought...meteorologists have the greatest job in the world. If I was wrong 50% of the time at my job, I wouldn't have a job. You'd think the unemployment line would be filled with these people...but no, they'll take their fancy suits and well-coiffed 'do's and remake themselves into some kind of local-interest tv hero. Sweet gig, I guess. *Confused*

And to kill the prompt, I'm a summer baby. I love the sun, and I hate the cold. Living a Buffasnow winter sucks ass. Plain and simple. To quote the late mayor of Buffalo, James D. Griffin during the Blizzard Of '85, "Stay inside, grab a six-pack and watch a good football game.” http://www.forgottenbuffalo.com/forgottenbflofeatures/jimmygriffin19292008.html

I'm a mess when it comes to talking about weather. Gloomy clouds and rainy days suck. They drag down my mood. But show me a nice thunderstorm at night, or a sunshower during the day, and I'm mellow, relaxed, and awesome. And of course, a nice, sunny day like today is something I'm usually very upbeat about. It's promising, it's warm, it's breezy enough to kill the sweat, and all is well in the world. Hell, even on those five degree February days when you need sunglasses to kill the sun's reflection off the snowbanks, those are good days too (until you step outside and the snot freezes to the inside of your nose and your chest wants to secede from your body because it's so tight from the cold).

There. Obligatory weather talk done. Rules is rules up in here!


*Sun* Ok, I'm bending the rule about weather a little more, just because I'm goin' to see these masters of hip-hop tomorrow night, and this song fits the day somewhat. I don't even care that I've probably posted it 100 times before. *Pthb*


*No* So I'm not at a wedding I was invited to on a gorgeous fucking day. Not sipping on gin and tonics, my preferred summer celebration beverage. Not bustin' out crappy dance moves to the crappy music played at weddings. I've been pretty much de-everything'd from my social life due to some bullshit. Am I bitter? Yeah, which doesn't help. Does she hurt? I guess she does. Do I hurt? Yeah, but it doesn't matter. Are my arguments valid? Not if they're unheard or ignored. Makes me feel great for giving up three+ years of my life to end up with even less than I had going into it. Am I an asshole? Sometimes. But I have thoughts, feelings and emotions too. I'm not a bad person. I didn't actually fuck this up for once by doing something stupid, like my past suggests. And if I did, I was ignorant at best and faultily designed at worst when it comes to cohabitation.

And that's it for me tonight. No crazy work stories; just probably shutting my phone off to avoid text diarrhea from thinking too much, having to much to say, and not being able to verbalize it or defend myself properly after I drop bombs. I'll just do my thing and take the ticking time bomb to sleep in hopes that there's no need to detonate. Peace, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

When Letterman gives his approval, that's sweet for indie music. I dedicate that to all the single moms, the working people, and those just gettin' by doin' what they're doin' and trying to have some fun on their downtime. It's a tough world out there.

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