Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/756138-Skipless-Stevie
by Amay
Rated: ASR · Book · Other · #1872712
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#756138 added July 22, 2012 at 6:24pm
Restrictions: None
Skipless Stevie
“That’s not how you do it!”

Stevie tried once again. Step, hop, step hop, front foot, bring up the back foot, front foot bring up the back foot.

“Stevie, dag gum it, you’re galloping again. I give up. You’ll be the only kindergartener that can’t skip!” Sally stomped back into the house. “Mom, Stevie’s just being stupid. She stormed up to her bedroom, slunk down in her bean bag stuffing in her earbuds, tuning out the world’s problems…namely her brother Steve.

Stevie, sat on the porch sniffling. The stinging words hurt. He was stupid. Everybody in the whole world knew how to skip; even babies could skip, but not him.

Pop, the neighborhood grandpa waved at Stevie, “Hey kiddo!” Pop released the leash and let Grover bound up the sidewalk to the sad little boy. Grover bounced and licked Stevie. The consummate giggle maker worked his magic while Pop walked up the sidewalk.

“What’s wrong, kiddo?” Pop inquired.

Stevie felt ashamed.

“Hey,” Pop leaned over and pulled Stevie’s head up and gazed at him, “something’s wrong, kiddo, I can tell.”

Stevie wiped his nose on his sleeve. “Pop, can you teach me how to skip, please? I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important,” he pleaded.

Pop stood up and held his hand out to Steve. “Here we go, step hop, step hop.” The octogenarian slowly skipped with Steve to the end of the sidewalk. “That’s it,” They turned and headed back to the porch. “Whew, kiddo, you’ve got me all winded. Let me watch you.” Pop sat down on the stoop.

Steven skipped down the sidewalk, turned and skipped back. Round and round the youngster skipped. Grover bounded beside the happy little boy, while Pop laughed and clapped his approval.

“Thank you, Pop!” Stevie beamed as he bear-hugged Pop.
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